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Created in 24 hours
By Jeffrey Schecter
Special Thanks to
the crew at the Forge
“No one can play God, Doctor. Not even you.”
S e c t i o n O n e
Sunrise is a role-playing game. In role-
playing games, the players control fictional
characters, and describe how their characters
react to a fictional setting provided by the
Game Master (GM). Some role-playing games
are completely freeform, and others are acted
out. However, many games (including Sunrise)
are played around the table, and the success or
failure of a character’s actions is determined by
the roll of the dice or some other random
Sunrise is a 24 hour game. That means that
every idea and piece of text here was scrounged
together in a single day. I began work on
Sunrise at 5:15 PM on April 12, 2003, and
finished at 5:15 PM on April 13, 2003.
received a heavy fine and long jail sentence. He
died while imprisoned.
However, he left behind a frightening
legacy: not all of his ‘mistakes’ had died. Many
were sterile, but others married and had
children normally--and the Risen were the
result. The Risen are the children of Dr. Licht’s
failures, the enduring proof that men in fact can
play God.
But what were the risks? The powers of
Risen children started manifesting around the
age of puberty, an age of raging hormones and
strong emotions. Most Risen could control
themselves, and others had nondestructive
powers, but some were not so mild.
When the first Risen were spotted in 2025,
they were wonders. By 2026, they were
freaks. And in the year 2027, they became
animals fit for nothing but hunting. The most
dangerous beast has always made the most
valuable prize.
The Setting
In 1996, a little-known scientist named
Doctor Julian Bergfischer Licht began to
experiment in genetics. At the time, the science
of genetics was far from perfect, so many
mistakes were made along the way. Although
his intentions of curing genetic diseases were
admirable, the suffering caused was sometimes
In the year 2003, the Doctor was
prosecuted by a family who had lost a son to
Licht’s attempts at saving the boy from a
genetic disorder. Licht lost the case, and
The Risen
Now, in the year 2045, there are estimated
to be approximately ten thousand Risen,
mostly in Europe and North America, the
oldest of which is Sean Crawford, 29. Sean was
the first known Risen, discovered at the age of
nine in 2025. Most Risen are between the ages
sixteen and twenty five.
For five years, the Risen were hunted like
beasts. However, feral beasts have a way of
killing their hunters, especially feral beasts that
can run through solid walls or transmit a
powerful electric jolt via touch.
Now, the Risen are entering back into
society. They are coming out of hiding, making
themselves known. Many have been offered
prominent military and police positions. But
there are always those who don’t want to come
home . . .
S e c t i o n T w o
Characters in Sunrise will be the Risen,
those genetically engineered men and women
whose parents’ genes served as the playground
of Dr. Licht. They are not the same as ‘normal’
people: they are more powerful. But for what
will they use this might?
Character Concept
Before you start assigning numerical values
to a character, you need to know a few basic
things about them. What do they do in life?
Are they on the streets, do they work for a
government agency, or what? When did their
powers first manifest? What are they able to
do with their powers?
You will also want to know a few more
specific details about your character. Decide
how they look, if they have any close friends
or relatives, and what they have been doing up
until now.
may spend on their character’s Attributes,
Skills, and Powers.
Characters have three sets of statistics:
Attributes, Skills, and Powers. Risen may
divide six Priority Points between these areas.
(Normal humans receive only four Priority
Points, since they do not have Powers.)
Players must put at least one point into each
Power Level
Power Level (or PL) is the general overall
strength of a character. Normal humans have a
PL of four, although beginning characters will
have a PL of six. In long lasting games, the PL
of the characters may reach ten or higher.
PL, in conjunction with Priority, is used to
determine the number of points that a player
Characters are defined by three basic
Attributes: Brawn, Reflexes, and Mind. Brawn
is how strong, tough, and endurable a character
is. Reflexes determines how agile, fast, and
coordinated a character is. Mind shows a
character’s willpower, intelligence, and strength
of personality.
Characters have a number of points to
spend on Brawn, Reflexes, and Mind equal to
the number of Priority Points put into
Attributes plus the character’s Power Level.
The rating of no Attribute may exceed the
character’s Power Level, and each Attribute
must have at least one point.
A rating of one in an Attribute is considered
below average, while a two is average. A three
is above average, a four is excellent, and ratings
of five and above are almost superhuman.
Note that Skills and Attributes are not
added together when determining how well a
character performs an action. Rather, the
player chooses either a Skill or Attribute that
relates to the situation. So, it is unwise to put
fewer points in a Skill than you have in a
related Attribute.
A rating of three or four in a skill means
that the character possessing the skill has been
trained well. Ratings of five and six indicate
expertise. Ratings of seven or higher are
extremely uncommon.
Skills are knacks and talents that a character
has picked up in life. Skills range from the
ability to drive well, to knowing about the
history of Russia.
Players may divide a number of points
equal to triple the number of Priority Points
put into Skills, plus their character’s PL,
among their characters Skills. No skill may
have a rating higher than the character’s PL
plus two.
There are a large number of Skills. They
include Animal Handling, Alertness, Athletics,
Close Combat, Deception, Dodge, Driving,
Info, Persuade, Professional Skill, Ranged
Combat, Socialize, Stealth, Toughness, and
Willpower. Many other Skills are possible, but
players should ask before selecting them for
their character.
The Skills Info and Professional Skill are
really a multitude of more narrow Skills, each
of which must be taken individually. For
instance, a character might have I/History,
I/Business, or any other Info skill.
Powers are the rare or unique abilities
possessed by Risen that set them apart from
base line men. Powers come in many forms,
from the ability to walk on air, to an uncannily
accurate sixth sense.
Powers are detailed and explained in Section
Four: Powers. However, you should decide
upon a Portfolio, or common trait shared by all
of your Powers, now.
The Balance
Characters have two more statistics:
Strength and Restraint. The sum of these two
ratings must always equal a character’s PL.
Aside from that limitation, a player may set
their character’s Power and Restraint however
they so will.
Strength signifies how effective the Powers
of a character are. The higher a character’s
Strength rating, the longer their Powers will
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