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Irradiated Fur
A 24-hour RPG by Shanya Almafeta
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Imagine human civilization at its peak. Ten billion people well fed,
educated, given equal representation and universally equal rights. They can
visit any state in the world for a half week's salary, choose any of a thousand
artists our a thousand television stations, read books on any subject
imaginible, pay for classes for any skill they want to pick up, and still be
able to spend time with their children. People like you -- the altered ones --
were at that time created for vanity, for pleasure, for fashion, occasionally
even for medical or theraputic reasons. However, it was not common -- why spend
a year's worth of income when the newest Star Wars remake was about to come out?
Imagine this paradise, without need or want, dead in a day.
Four generations ago, the early 21st century, your ancestors were in the
middle of a holy war. Technology being what it was, there was no other real
reason to go to war. All of the great weapons were brought out to clean out the
heretics. First, they used nukes. When they ran out of nukes, they used
diseases. When they ran out of diseases, they used napalm and gas. When they
ran out of gas, they sent their soldiers in. And about by this time, they had
more nukes and napalm and mustard gas ready to go.
When the nukes rained down, it was hell. While patriotic messages blared
out how we were winning (as no doubt the other sides were all doing), people
looted, raped, and killed. The Federal Government was reduced to a few manned
satellites and a NPR station operating out of Barrow, Alaska within a matter of
Nobody was prepared (or at least, prepared enough) for the reality of what
was about to happen. Nobody was prepared for actual anarchy. And that's when
the utility of being half-human, half-animal became apparent. Fur kept the
retrocodes warm on cold nights. Instincts showed them tactics for survival
unmodified humans did not think of or could not stomach doing. And claws were
better than fingernails in a fight...
It's now sometime in the early 22nd century. Survival of the fittest has
had four generations to work, and humanity's long sunset is being overtaken by
the rising moon of the furry race. There's a new world awaiting people like you
-- go take a chance!
Elements Of A Good Irradiated Fur Game
Irradiated Fur is a furry post-apocalypse game; any game of Irradiated Fur
should have elements of both in about equal quantaties. With that in mind,
here's a pile of spare parts that should give GMs ideas to work with.
Ancient catacombs that turn out to be sewers/military bases/an amusement
park, bar brawls, coming to terms with one's partial humanity, discovering
ancient caches of technology, fighting for the pack, "Doesn't anyone here speak
English?", highwaymen threatening the town, howling for the hell of it, "It's
gonna blow!", lonely artificial intelligences, lost love, near-death
experiences, overcoming one's biases, radiation-poisoned children, ray guns --
on the other side of the battlefield, rescuing ancient tomes from dilapidated
libraries, robots with emotional problems, quips and puns to go with thrusts and
ripostes, racial languages, religion instead of bread, searching for home,
seccessionist survivalist groups, secessionist survivalist groups who think the
war is still going on, self-appointed guardians of history and technology with
shitloads of cool tech, social maneuvering, spiritual self-searching, stealthy
escapes by the light of the full moon, subtle discrimination on multiple levels,
vaults that just opened up and released hundreds of people blinking into the
sunlight, warlords who are threatening everything in their path, water that
glows in the dark, "You're outta bullets," your-species-here supremacist
Character Creation
There are five stats:
Agility (AG): Reflexes and coordination.
Charm (CH): How charismatic and tactful you are.
Health (HT): Fortitude and constitution.
Intelligence (IN): Brains; your 'civil' mind.
Strength (ST): Bodily strength and physical toughness.
Secondary Areas:
Equipment: How much stuff you can buy.
Race: Your 'feral' mind; just how animal are you?
Skills: How talented you are.
You have one d4, two d6s, two d8s, two d10s, and one d12 to assign among
the eight areas. NPCs have two d4s, three d6s, two d8s, and one d10. Don't you
feel special?
Derived Stats
Healing Rate: Equal to half your Health die minus 1. You heal this much
Stun every hour, and this many Wounds every day.
Initiative: Your Initiative is equal to your Agility die, plus your Race
die, plus your Intelligence die size, plus half your Charm die size. (So if you
had Agility d6, Fox d12, Intelligence d10, and Charm d8, you would have an
initiative of 1d6+1d12+14: Agility dice, Race die, your Intelligence of 10,
plus half your Charm of 8.)
Movement: How fast you move in meters in six seconds. It is equal to
(Agility Die + Health Die + Strength Die) / 2. (So if you had Agility d4,
Health d6, and Strength d12, you would have a Movement of 11m.)
Soak: Your ability to resist non-lethal damage. It is equal to your
Strength Die / 2. (So if you had a Strength of d8, you would have a Soak of 4.)
Stun: How much stun damage you can take. It is equal to (Health Die +
Health Die + Strength Die). (So with d6 Health and d8 Strength, you have 20
Wounds: How much lethal damage you can take. It is equal to your
Strength die plus half your Health die. (So with d6 Health and d8 Strength, you
have 11 Wounds.) If you lose all of these... well, it was nice knowing you!
Choose one of these to be your race. Your die in Race is added to rolls
in any of the related skills.
Badger: Feral, Melee, Willpower. Radiation Resistance d4.
Bat: Climbing, Hunting, Intimidation, Stealth. Sonar. Subtract 3 from
your Wounds. May not have a Strength of d12.
Bear: Hunting, Weight Lifting. Also add Bear/2 to your Soak, Bear to
your Stun, and Bear/2 to your Wounds. May not have a Strength of d4.
Bird, Raptor: Acrobatics, Hunting, Perception, Sniping, Tracking.
(Eagle, Falcon, Hawk, Owl.)
Bird, Songbird: Acrobatics, Performance, Seduction, Stealth, Perception.
(Blue Jay, Sparrow.)
Bird, Waterfowl: Hunting, Performance, Swimming. Add Waterfowl to Stun
and Waterfowl/2 to Soak. (Duck, Pelican.)
Cheetah: Hunting, Melee, Stealth. Also add Cheetah to your Move. May
not have a Health of d12.
Chimpanzee: Martial Arts, Science, Weightlifting. Also add Chimpanzee to
your Stun and Chimpanzee/2 to your Soak.
Dog, Guard: Endurance, Melee, Perception. Also add Guard Dog to Stun and
Guard Dog/2 to Soak. (Bulldog, Dalmations, German Shepard, Rottwilers.)
Dog, Hunting: Endurance, Hunting, Perception, Swimming, Tracking.
(Bloodhounds, Collies.)
Dog, Mutt: Diplomacy, Endurance, Domestic, Survival.
Dog, Toy: Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Domestic, Seduction. Also add Toy Dog/2
to Move. (Chihuahuas, Poodles.)
Dog, Work: Endurance, Leadership, Melee, Weight Lifting. Also add Work
Dog to Stun. (Huskies, Malamutes.)
Dolphin: Diplomacy, Swimming, Tactics. Sonar.
Dragon: Intimidation, Seduction, Survival. Also add Dragon/2 to your
Soak. May not have a Charm of d4. No, you cannot breathe fire.
Dwarf: Itimidation, Rope Use, Willpower. Subtract 4 from your Movement.
Also add Dwarf/2 to your Soak, Dwarf to your Stun, and Dwarf/2 to your Wounds.
(Explains why they're so common.) May not have a Strength of d4.
Elf: Perception, Sciences, Seduction, Stealth. Also add Elf/2 to your
Initiative. May not have a Grace of d4 or a Strength of d12. We don't know how
they survived either.
Ferret: Acrobatics, Seduction, Tracking. Also add Ferret to your
Fox: Perception, Performance, Stealth, Seduction. Also add Fox/2 to your
Gorilla: Diplomacy, Tactics, Weight Lifting. Also add Gorilla to your
Horse, Draft: Diplomacy, Endurance, Weight Lifting. Also add Draft Horse
to your Stun and Draft Horse/2 to your Wounds.
Horse, Pace: Diplomacy, Perception, Seduction. Also add Pace Horse to
your Movement.
Housecat: Domestics, Diplomacy, Seduction, Stealth. Also add Housecat/2
to your Move.
Human: Diplomacy, Perception, Science. Poor Scent. Yes, humans aren't
as powerful as retrocodes. Why do you think there are so many retrocodes out
there compared to humans?
Hyena: Endurance, Feral, Melee, Survival. Also add Hyena to your Stun.
Kangaroo: Acrobatics, Martial Arts. Radiation Resistance d4. Also add
your Kangaroo to your leap distance.
Koala: Stealth, Survial. Radiation Resistance d4.
Lion: Hunting, Perception, Stealth, Tactics. Also add Lion/2 to Stun.
Lizard: Perception, Performance, Stealth. Regeneration. May not have a
Health of d4.
Mink: Acrobatics, Melee, Survival. Also add Mink/2 to your Initiative.
Monkey: Acrobatics, Climbing, Hunting, Performance, Tactics.
Mouse: Acrobatics, Domestics, Science, Stealth. Also add Mouse/2 to your
Orc: Domestic, Endurance, Feral, Intimidation, Melee. May not have a
Health or an Intelligence of d12.
Otter: Acrobatics, Hunting, Performance, Swimming, Tracking.
Panda: Stealth, Survival. Add Panda to Stun and Panda/2 to Soak.
Pig: Domestic, Endurance, Melee. Radiation Resistance d4.
Platypus: Domestic, Endurance, Hunting, Intimidation, Swimming.
Puma: Acrobatics, Hunting, Perception, Stealth. Also add Puma/2 to your
Rabbit: Domestic, Perception, Stealth. Also add Rabbit/2 to your
Initiative and Rabbit/2 to your Move.
Raccoon: Acrobatics, Fixit, Hunting, Melee, Rope Use. May not have an
Agility of d4.
Rat: Domestics, Lockpicking, Melee, Science, Stealth.
Skunk: Firefight, Intimidation, Seduction. Subtract 4 from your
Movement. May not have a Health of d12. They may also spray: treat it like
any stun attack, except the roll to hit is Intelligence+Agility+Skunk, not
Strength+Agilty+(Melee/Martial Arts). If hit, the target cannot act for (roll
of Skunk+Strength dice) - Soak rounds; if a 'wound' is done, the target is also
blinded for (roll of Skunk die) minutes.
Squirrel: Acrobatics, Climbing, Perception. Also add Squirrel/2 to
Initiative and Move.
Tiger: Hunting, Stealth, Swimming. Also add Tiger/2 to your Wounds and
Tiger/2 to your Move.
Wolf: Diplomacy, Endurance, Tactics, Tracking. Also add Wolf to your
Zebra: Diplomacy, Perception, Seduction, Tactics. Also add Zebra/2 to
your Movement.
You start with Skills Die x 5 plus Intelligence die in skill points. (So
if you had put d4 into Skills but had a d12 Intelligence, you'd have 32 skill
A skill is ranked from d4 to d12, and costs Die/2 skill points to
purchase. (So a d4 costs 2 points, a d6 3 points, a d12 6 points, and so on.)
Acrobatics (AG): Dodging, ducking, weaving, leaping, and tumbling.
Body Hardening (ST): Being very fucking tough. Add half your Body
Hardening die (2 for d4, and so on) to your Soak.
Climbing (AG): Going arboreal. Your climbing speed is (Climbing/2)
meters per round with this skill, 1m per round without.
Computers (IN): How to work with computers and other such electronics.
Diplomacy (CH): Convincing others to not kill you.
Domestic (CH): Running a home, bar, brothel, hotel, or what have you.
Drive (AG): The ability to operate a vehicle. Unlike in the movies,
there are few 'running gun battles' done with people behind the wheel; most cars
can't work well at all, much less well enough to work like they do in the
Endurance (HT): Being able to resist tiring.
Feral (Special): Being able to rely on your animal instincts. Unlike
most skills, Feral is based on your Race die.
Firefight (AG): Shooting at short range.
Fixit (IN): How to repair something.
Hunting (IN): Getting prey, whether by trapping or by stalking.
Intimidation (CH): Scaring the crap out of someone.
Language (IN): The ability to speak another language besides your native
language. The more langauges you know, the better you are at languages.
Leadership (CH): Bullshitting with a straight face and organizing people
under your command.
Lockpicking (AG): Opening mechanical locks.
Martial Arts (AG): The practiced art of fighting. Not significantly
different from Melee in practice, except that it's hard to defend against and
doesn't teach you much about defending from actual attacks: the two are at -2
to defend against each other.
Medicine (IN): Healing someone using what you have at hand. Since there
are so many techniques to learn, from diagnosis to pharmaceuticals to surgery to
post-surgical care, Medicine costs double (4 for a d4 and so on).
Melee (AG): Brawling and using non-ranged weapons.
Occult (IN): Knowing what rituals do what, and most importantly, what not
to touch.
Perception (IN): Noticing something.
Performance (CH): Showing off for dramatic purposes, or playing music.
Rope Use (IN): From binding people to creating shelters and buildings.
Science (IN): All that liberal arts stuff that isn't going to do you much
good in the post-nuclear wastelands.
Seduction (CH): Getting what you want. Also the skill on your character
sheet most likely to get you teased.
Sniping (AG): Shooting at long range.
Stealth (AG): Being very very quiet.
Style (CH): It's not about being good -- it's about looking good.
Survival (IN): The ability to live off the land. Since you have to be
careful not to eat fallout-tainted or dangerously mutated food, where you did
not in the 20th century, Survival costs double (4 for a d4 and so on).
Swimming (ST): Being able to move in the water. Your swimming score is
1m/round if you don't have Swimming, Swimming/2 if you do.
Tactics (IN): Your ability to fight with others. Also add your bare
Tactics die to your Initiative (that is, you roll your Tactics Die with your
Agility Dice).
Weight Lifting (ST): The amount of weight you can bench is (Strength Die
+ Weight Lifting / 2), squared, in kilograms. You can carry one-third of this
on your back.
Willpower (Special): Stubbornness, bullheadedness, and the like.
Willpower, like Feral, is based on your Race die.
Specializations: You can buy a specialization in any skill at 1/3rd the
normal price for the skill. If you wanted to add Willpower/Resist Torture d8 to
your normal Willpower of d6, you would pay 1.33 points: the normal cost of
Willpower d8 is 4, and divided by 3 is 1.33.
You may take Perks by taking an equal value of Flaws. You may only have
12 points of Perks.
Armor (2-10): You have actual armor. Every rank of Armor gives you one
point of Lethal Absorb and one point of Soak, up to 5 points.
Claws (1-8): You have dangerous Claws -- or a bite or a goring horn, if
you like. These do from Strength+d4 (1 point) to Strength+d12 (5 points)
damage. Add 3 to the cost if they can do Lethal damage.
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