
(657 KB) Pobierz
[ezine] ZFO 3#!/usr/bin/perl

print <<'EOART';

:::::::::::::  #######;;   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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:::::::::::        #+;        :::::   \   __ __   /  ,:
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                   "Your friendly internet superheroes"

          S y m a n t i c  T h r e a t C o n           
         |         Level 4: Extreme         |
         | (/////////////////////////////4) |


 1; say('Intro');
 2; own('Hackervoice');
 3; say('P64');
 4; own('Cypherxero');
 5; say('ZAP');
 6; own('Whitedust');
 7; say('Unmaskunmask');
 8; own('Clpwn');
 9; say('Interlude');
10; own('Mil');
11; say('Scene');
12; own('Bambenek');
13; say('CF0');
14; own('Hellboundhackers');
15; say('Contact_outro');

sub Intro { ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; my $self = shift; say($self, <<'EOINTRO'

We, the masked crusaders of ZF0, have again returned from the depths of
the hackcave to bring justice to some and hope to many. We do the work
that civil society is not prepared to do, and in doing so we transcend law
and social norms. We're here to keep the internet safe from cretins,
knaves, noobs and whitehats. 

Much has changed behind the production that is ZF0. Some of this has been
within our control and some has not. However, we feel that this edition
features a noticable increase in the quality of our material. We have
invested more time into our articles, as opposed to our previous pattern
of essentially dumping past hacks. Additionally we have compromised in
part with criticisms about what data we publish and how, while still
maintaining the originality and integrity of our zine.

We have arranged the articles in a way that the second half of them
generally complement the first. In this way your reading pleasure can be 
easily split into two events. As well, ZF03 is self-extracting. 

Some of the highlights include our owning of Whitedust et al. in response
to our own Call For 0wning, and our thorough owning of HellBound Hackers.
With HBH we owned any wankers worth laughing at and then we owned some
more. It is a massive article; for that reason alone we placed by the end.

This issue is dedicated to fallen comrades.


sub own {

	my $pain = "Give me write perms, HAL";
	my $dir = 'own';
	mkdir $dir, 0700 or die $pain if !-d $dir; 
	&{$_[0]} && return if !$_[1];
	open $OWN, '>', "$dir/$_[0].txt" or die $pain;
	print $OWN $_[1];
	close $OWN;


sub say { &own; }

sub Hackervoice { ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; my $self = shift; own($self, <<'EOHACKERVOICE'

I first looked up this site in the hunt for the ever media whoring 'psg'.
What I found pissed me off enough to take the decision to own it.
'Bringing new life to the UK scene'? The UK scene doesn't need fags like
you. You claim to be hackers, you even think you're the leetest things
since bread came sliced. Well here's a news flash, your site sucks, your
content sucks and receiving RSS feeds of milw0rm doesn't make you a
hacker. Your severe lack of respect, intelligence and arrogance has
brought you here, and will more than likely bring you here again. I have
no doubt you won't learn your lesson, after all, we're just the kiddies
who can't code and ./wget milw0rm aren't we? fags. As a side note: any
site allowing psg to spout his media whoring bullshit must be owned,
cDcnsf - Bite me.

##oh noes
forums are maintained by seasoned veteran hackers and we make sure all our
software is fully patched. No matter what exploit you have, we have
patched it and not only will you make a fool of yourself, your account
will immediately be closed and WE WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND MAKE YOUR LIFE
MISERABLE. Trust me, it is not worth it. 

Hacker Voice SSH/FTP
username: u38618710
password: kGKVCn2X

##changed since rm##

HV Blog:
Username: 10nix
Password: 12ab672

(forum) ##content lacking and full of noobs who dream of submitting an XSS to milw0rm##
$INFO['sql_driver']	       =    'mysql';
$INFO['sql_host']	     =	  'db114.oneandone.co.uk';
$INFO['sql_database']		 =    'db136424260';
$INFO['sql_user']	     =	  'dbo136424260';
$INFO['sql_pass']	     =	  'NSBpPtf7';

(admin panel)

Oh, and what the fuck is phishnet? It stops here and it stops now? What
exactly are you going to do? What is the point in your site?

	// Database^M
	// Choose the database to be used^M
	define('XOOPS_DB_TYPE', 'mysql');^M

	// Table Prefix^M
	// This prefix will be added to all new tables created to avoid
name conflict in the database. If you are unsure, just use the default
	define('XOOPS_DB_PREFIX', 'xoops');^M
	// Database Hostname^M
	// Hostname of the database server. If you are unsure, 'localhost'
works in most cases.^M
	define('XOOPS_DB_HOST', 'db590.oneandone.co.uk');^M
	// Database Username^M
	// Your database user account on the host^M
	define('XOOPS_DB_USER', 'dbo161539608');^M
	// Database Password^M
	// Password for your database user account^M
	define('XOOPS_DB_PASS', 'DcQveZrA');^M

Now where to start with these fags. The admins here don't know their arse
from their elbow and want to share that with the world. First up, Belial.
Belial has been owned far too many times and doesn't even know about it.
Your forum has been backdoored for months and you haven't known, and guess
what, no one gives a fuck. Infact the only reason to release this shit is
because of your arrogance. 

<@Blue_Chimp> best way to win a battle is to deny the arsehole seeking a
battle, a fight ##wrong, there was no fight, just me lulzing at your

<@Be|ia|> yeah h0no started shit they had no just reason to
<@Be|ia|> May 12 10:48:41 [camel] they're lame as fuck ##camel lulz##

<@Be|ia|> I'd find it really funny if someone pwned my email
belial@hackervoice.co.uk / coder69matrix
##that quote is almost too good, heres to the lulz Belial :]

And his forum passwords range from anything to do with cheeses really,
mind you, the constant waft of cheese he must get everytime he goes for a
piss must put cheese on the brain quite a lot.

Anyone: ./john -wordlist=cheese.dic

Who's next on the list, oh, TeaC :) I bet you where worried you'd be
missing out on your chance of f4m3.

Teac / Teacish@gmail.com - purplebins1

Name: Daniel Maine
37 Eastry Road
Kent ##shit hole

Tel: 01322 448851  Mob: 07725970371

Account Username: digitalsec.co.uk   ##ROFL
Account Password: purplebins1

DigitalSec is a small company dedicated to providing
security assessments at a low cost so that you can
feel safer when you're online. ##moment please..L0Lz

FTP Settings
ftp hostname: ftp.streamline.net
(Once domain is transferred/registered ftp Hostname: ftp.digitalsec.co.uk)
ftp Username: digitalsec.co.uk
ftp Password: purplebins1
host directory: htdocs

StreamlineDial Settings
For best FTP connectivity we would suggest using our local rate (0844)
internet dial up service. Here are the settings:
Number: 0844 535 2062
Username: FREE
Password: FREE
Please note that 0844 dialup is cheaper than normal 0845 services.

Catch all E-mail Settings:
E-mail address: anything@digitalsec.co.uk
(This means literally anything@digitalsec.co.uk, ie sales@ info@ dave@
E-mail Username: root@digitalsec.co.uk
E-mail Password: purplebins1
POP3 (incoming) Hostname: mail.digitalsec.co.uk
SMTP (outgoing) Hostname: Provided by your ISP

Account Control Panel Settings
Account Control Panel Username: digitalsec.co.uk
Account Control Panel Password: purplebins1
You can login to your control panel via our website at:

 Account Number:  13372392
 Contract Number: 12047670
 E-mail address: teacish@gmail.com
Password: bluebins1  <-- what is your fascination with bins?

Username: TeaC
Password: purplebins

hackervoice blog
Username: teac
Password: e0ed645


10nix, your up next :)

And was dat hoe i was cybering with really your bitch? her ass is no
longer 0day my friend.

Nick: 10nix
Name: Joshua DiMarco
email:hyjnx01@gmail.com/ martini1337
email:joshua.a.simons@gmail.com / martini1337

Login to the Web interface@:
Customer ID: 10262299
Password: Martini1337

password: martini1337

Your VoipBuster registration details are:
Username : hackervoiceradio
Password : martini1337

Username : 10nix
Password : fvxxc3sy
E-mail : 10nix@hackervoice.co.uk

Thank you for signing up.  Your IPKall phone nu...
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