Warp Rift 17.pdf

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Eleneriath’s Gift
Warp Rift
The Battlefleet Gothic netzine
Rogue Traders *** Patrol Fleets *** Magnetize *** Painting Guide *** Officer’s Mess ***
From the Nexus Publishing House
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Please include a note with your submission if you would like this
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Roy (Horizon) Amkreutz –
Void Stalker II
Iain (Cybershadow)
Watcher in the Dark
Ray Bell
Reg Steiner
Tyranid War Veteran
Send your submissions to:
Cover Picture – Mechmaster
Additional Graphics & Pictures – Giulio Taverna, Christian
Schwager, Mechmaster, Thanatos, Pablo Fiasco &
Abaroth, Yannic, Roy Amkreutz, Peter Greblord, Lord
Chronos, Unseelied
Warp Rift:
Issue Seventeen
March 2008
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+++ The Labyrinth +++
Back to Warp Rift: this issue sees an
expansion into to the realm of the Rogue
Traders. This list/article has grown steadily
at the forums of www.tacticalwargames.net
From Cypra Probatii we received an
article dealing with small fleets. A very nice
asset to play some small and fast games.
The Dry Dock is heavily filled with the
already mentioned Tyranid Painting Guide.
But it also features an article on how to
magnetize your Imperial Cruiser, very
useful for people who just cannot decide on
which cruiser class they like most.
In the Officer’s Mess we have a story
written by one of our younger readers. As it
is one of his first stories I bet he would
really like some constructive feedback on
how to improve his writing skill.
Chapters 5 - 6
First of all I would like to make an
apology to Giulio Taverna. I accidentally
mixed up his first name in the header of
the Tyranid Conversion Article in Warp
Rift 16. Hopefully this issue will see his
correct name heading the follow up article
to his conversion guide: The Tyranid
Painting Guide in the Dry Dock section.
This month the Tyranid War story
continues with chapters 5 & 6. This time
Pen and Lynx ran into the Old Warrior and
Orks. Download it at from the same page
as Warp Rift.
Chapters 1 – 4 can be directly
downloaded here:
In the world of Battlefleet Gothic people
are still waiting to see some escorts re-
appear in the online store of Games
Workshop. Including among the missing
escort vessels are the following: Space
Marine Gladius, Nova and Hunter vessels.
The Tau Defender, Orca and Dhow. The
Necron Jackal and Dirge.
Hopefully, and this has been posted at
www.portmaw.com , ithe escorts are just
being repackaged into blisters and that
they are not removed permanently.
(note: this is the unzipped variant)
Issue Seventeen – Contents:
Encyclopedia Gothica
Rogue Traders
Tactical Command
Patrol Fleet Rules [Cypra]
As better news I can personally
mention that the missing Bridge part,
Dorsal Lance Turret and Nova Cannon of
the Adeptus Mechanicus Battleship have
been added to the package. In the
beginning no one received the metal strip
containing these three pieces. Luckily I
received an Adeptus Mechanicus
Battleship containing this strip! I already
read one other person received the bridge
as well. Good news.
Happy Battlefleet Gothic,
Eldritch Path
Visit the following websites from two of our
art /CG/Photoshop suppliers here:
Officer’s Mess
Battle of Kyshar
Christian Schwager:
Dry Dock
Magnetize your Imperial Cruiser
Tyranid Painting Guide
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Encyclopaedia Gothica
Fleets of the Galaxy
Additional rules
Rogue Traders
By Yuber Okami, Yannic and Horizon
Thanks to all the other participants in the discussions at www.tacticalwargames.net!
The 40th millennium is a dark and grim
age. A time in which most people meet
outsiders with suspicion if not outright
paranoia, and where travelling and trading
have become a dangerous business.
Nonetheless trade still is vital for the
survival of the Imperium of Man, whose
merchants fleets are stretched to their
limits just trying to provide the military and
civilized planets their needs. But even the
mighty fleets of the Imperium cannot cope
with such a Herculean task.
First of all, Rogue Traders can provide
civilians with transport capacity, as they
don't need a military escort, thus not
diverting the Imperial Navy from its other
tasks. Second, being (to a certain degree)
independent from the administratum, they
can commerce with alien races,
independent human worlds and other
heretics, bringing some of their exotic and
much sought products to the Imperium,
which is something the Imperial fleet is
banned from.
Last, but not least, some Rogue Traders
end up becoming corsairs and even
conquerors. That way, the Imperium can
wage war without declaring war. If the
conquest goes as planned, the rogue trader
will claim bounty or even conquer worlds
for the Imperium, if it goes badly the
Imperium can always say the rogue trader
was a criminal acting on his own. So for the
Imperium it's all benefits. The Rogue
Trader, on the other hand, can even carve
an empire for himself and his descendents,
or can blow up in a last glorious bid, as
many of them finish their career.
This is the reasoning which paved the
way for the Rogue Traders: independent
merchants, explorers, and even sometimes
conquerors. Rogue Traders are sponsored
by the Imperium but are not under their
direct control, a situation which benefits
both sides, as Rogue Traders who succeed
add new resources to the Imperium, while
the ones who die in the darkness of space
cost very little to the Imperium of Man.
But human ambition tends to surpass
common sense, so there are always people
trying to become Rogue Traders.
+++ To Bring Forth Ye Light +++
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Ship Characteristics
Trade Galleons
helping Imperial forces to retake the
system, Rogue Trader Emil Bosquera was
awarded the vessel, which was finished to
his own tastes as a Trade Galleon.
Trade Galleons are the largest vessels
used by Rogue Traders. A Trade Galleon
rivals an Imperial Cruiser in size and
firepower. Since Rogue Traders constantly
upgrade and change their personal Trade
Galleon, these vessels may become quite
eccentric. Therefore it is impossible to
designate a standard class of Trade
Galleons, and the term Trade Galleon is
usually applied to any large vessel in
service of a Rogue Trader.
A large percentage of Trade Galleons are
based on the Gothic or Lunar class cruiser
frame. A famous example of this is the
Archis Nova: originally intended to be a
Lunar class cruiser, it's building was
abandoned when traitors seized power in
the system where it was being built. After
The infamous Rogue Trader Nicius
Ravenclaw actually managed to buy an
unfinished hull from the planetary governor
of Corinth. This hull, only know as Hull 354,
was thought to be cursed by local
dockworkers and was never finished.
Ravenclaw towed Hull 354 out of the
system with his two Lorcha’s Vexator and
Sabazius. After three decades, Hull 354
returned to Corinth Fleet base as the
Domitor Astra. Most of the local
dockworkers still think that the ship is
cursed, but so far she has performed
outstandingly and has enabled Ravenclaw
to claim several big prizes, including the
renegade grand cruiser Doomhammer.
Captain von Grefenhofen’s report of an
encounter with the Fra’al in system
They [the Fra’al battlecruisers] came out of
the dust cloud like a pair of hawks
swooping down upon the Domitor Astra. At
the moment the enemy fired their Ether
Cannons, the Domitor Astra simply
translated sideways to avoid their deadly
beams. Stunned by this manoeuvre, the
alien ships where unable to respond to the
battery fire from the Domitor Astra. One
took a hit in the engine cluster, making her
spin out of control; the other had her
shields collapsed and was easy prey for our
On the other hand there are many Trade
Galleons of unique or obscure origins, such
as the Blessed Voyager, a cruiser from the
Dark Age of Technology luckily discovered
by Rogue Trader Julius Kaeron when he was
sent off-course by a warp storm. Other
famous ships of this type include the
Helion's Talon, an infamous pirate vessel
witnessed several times cooperating with
Ork pirates, and the Andromeda, a ship
noted for dealing with forbidden tech in the
Gulf of Damocles.
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