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January-February 2010
The Crocodile Games Webzine
From The Editor
Coming in January.
Happy New Year Croc Fans!
Coming in January 2010, to our store
and stores worldwide.
Well its 2010, a New Year and here at
the Croc we intend to start the year off
on the right foot! This year brings some
new exciting releases for the Croc,
starting with this month’s release of the
Wendigo Ice Warriors and Snowbeast.
Now available to buy from our online
store and retail stores worldwide.
In this issue of Croc Tales we bring you
a ive part themed edition for the Heru
and City Dwellers of Hierakonpolis –
The most honorable and disciplined of
the races of Ægyptus. These followers
of Horus live and breathe the art of war
and combat, a proud race of warriors
and battle-hardened heroes.
Several of these articles were
published previously in Harbinger
magazine, and have been out of print
for some time. We’re happy to make
this material available again.
The irst of our articles, the Daughter
of the Phoenix, tells of a priestess reborn
out of the ire of the fallen phoenix, this
article outlines the background and
the rules for using the Daughter of the
Phoenix in Famous warbands.
The Warhawks, an elite troop of Asar
followers, strived to prove themselves
to Horus, and to be seen as equals
beside their Heru brethren. This article
outlines the special rules for including
the formidable Warhawks in your
Horus warband.
Next is a strategy guide for playing
the Heru, by Peter Baxter followed by
the scenario Sacrilege at the Temple of
Dusk by Corey Somavia.
Finally, the City-Dwellers of
Hierakonpolis article, written by Brian
S. Roe, shows you how to convert and
paint your own City-Dwellers for your
Heru warband.
In upcoming months, we’ll be taking
a closer look as some of the other
factions of Ægyptus, with rules for new
troop types and Specialists, as well as
more sneak previews of some of the
awesome new characters and troops in
WGH-103 Ice Warrior 1 $14.95
WGH-104 Ice Warrior 2 $14.95
WGH-105 Ice Warrior 3 $14.95
WGH-106 Ice Warrior 4 $14.95
Mythic Creatures
WGH-701 The Abominable Snow-
beast & Summoner
The Lore of
“In this month’s release we have the dreaded
Abominable Snowbeast, as well as the mighty
Wendigo Ice Warriors! The Abominable
Snowbeast is a massive model, standing
4.25 inches tall and weighing over a pound
of metal! The effect of this miniature on the
battleield is awesome to to see, as it towers
over all other models. The Ice Warriors are
Wendigo Tribal Heroes, armed with deadly
Frostbite Blades -- swords chiseled from pure
ice! All of these miniatures were sculpted by
the master of monsters -- Ben Siens, and are
available NOW in the Croc Online Store.”
(Miniature Painted by Marike Reimer)
Retail Information
If you are a retail store and would
like further information about our
products, please drop us an email
Graphic Design
Brian S. Roe
Ryan Markle
Deborah FitzPatrick
Des Hanley
Chris FitzPatrick
Brian S. Roe
Peter Baxter
Corey Somavia
Thanks to Ronda Pattison
for Imaging Assistance
Be sure to include your store’s loca-
tion and contact details, and we’ll get
in touch with news about our latest
offers, products and price listings.
© Content and Imagery Copyright Crocodile Games 2009
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Before we kick things off, here is a preview of this year’s
Event Miniature, To-tanem Artifex at Work ! This
miniature was sculpted Chris FitzPatrick, and based on
an idea by Alex Bates (thanks Alex!) It represents all the
hard work the Croc Crew have been doing lately -- per-
haps you have noticed all the new releases getting out the
last few months? We have plenty more in store!
The new Event Mini has just been sent to our moldmaker,
and should be ready for events starting in February.
Remember, he’s not for sale -- he’s a FREE prize for par-
ticipating in approved Crocodile Games events through-
out the 2010 year, such as the GenCon WarGods World
Campaign inale, CanCon and MoaB in Australia, and
the UK’s Canterbury WarGods Tournament in November.
We’ll be listing oficial events on our website as they are
scheduled, so be sure to check back throughout the year.
Great news for our UK players: The irst opportunity to
get this year’s Event Mini will be in the UK at the “One
Day WarGods of Ægyptus Newcomers Knock-out Tour-
nament” at the WMMS West Midlands Military Show,
Sunday 21st March, 2010, in Wolverhampton
(near Birminingham). Check out the Crocodile
Games Forum for details and to sign up for the
Here are some photos of the new green:
© Content and Imagery Copyright Crocodile Games 2009
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By Chris FitzPatrick
In ancient times, during the early days when the Gods
ruled over the land of Ægyptus, there was a Priestess of
Ra of the utmost faith and purity. Though she was of the
lowest order with little power or inluence, this initiate
was especially beloved of Ra. It was in this time that the
Age of Darkness fell upon Ægyptus, for the demon serpent
Apophis arose in the heavens and threatened to devour the
sun. When great Ra went forth into the sky to battle
the serpent, the Priestess climbed to the highest
tower in the city of Pharos to offer Ra her prayers.
There she held a long, lonely vigil, watch-
ing the night sky. She
ing lames and feathers, the Phoenix fell like a dying star,
to crash miles below on a dark mountaintop, his lames
p r a y e d
But the sacriice of the Phoenix was enough to turn tide
of the battle – Ra seized this opportunity, and with his spear
he transixed the black serpent. With the sword in his other
hand, he hewed the head from its writhing neck. The
light of the sun burst forth, and Apophis was ban-
ished from the night sky. And so was darkness
d e f e a t e d … for a day. For in the cold
d a r k - ness beyond the edge of
the world, the demon
serpent grew whole
a g a i n ,
and at
the end of
the day he
arose once more,
and the world fell
into a second darkness. The
battle was rejoined, and this time
the power of Ra alone could not defeat
the serpent.
throughout that longest
of nights, awaiting
the irst
l i g h t
that would
herald the
victory of Ra
and the defeat of
As the battle raged in the sky, the
Priestess beheld the Phoenix rise
from his distant aerie and ly into the
night sky, hurtling toward the hori-
zon. Although others could not see,
her eyes pierced the vast distance and
darkness. Divine Ra stood astride
his celestial boat, sword and spear in
hand, locked in combat with the end-
less ebon coils of the demon serpent
Apophis. The coils slowly encircled
the sun as the demon serpent sought
to devour the golden orb. In this
darkest hour, as Ra weakened and
the dying light of the sun began to
dim, the Phoenix arrived, it’s
burning light driving back
the darkness of Apophis.
Golden talons tore at the
black scales of the serpent, and iery wings scorched the
serpent’s eyes. The Phoenix fought valiantly, but no mat-
ter how strong the great iery eagle, he was not match for
a god – Apophis released the sun from his ebon grip and
lashed out at the Phoenix, striking him from the sky. Trail-
At the top of the highest tower of
Pharos, the priestess of Ra witnessed
all this. Her prayers died on her lips
as she watched the Phoenix fall to
earth. Although others of the priest-
hood rejoiced in the victory of Ra, she
new that it would be only temporary,
for it was said that Apophis could
never be killed. Alone, she led across
the city to the towering Lighthouse of
Pharos stood, its lame, called the
Eye of Ra, now the only light in
the night sky. Up the stairs
she ran to the where the sa-
cred ire burned. From this
ire she stole a single lame,
lickering at the end of a taper. Out of the city and into
the western desert she carried the lame, and it lit her way
throughout the long journey to the great mountain where
the Phoenix fell. She climbed the mountain in darkness
along narrow pathways and impossibly steep inclines,
Mv Wnd
Def Mis Arc Disc
Daughter of the Phoenix
Damage Modiier: 0
Special: Phoenix Wing (Protection, Healing, Immunity To Fire, Flight)
Armor: Phoenix Wings (AR 6 Hard)
Base Size: 20 x 20 mm
© Content and Imagery Copyright Crocodile Games 2009
to heights that no man had climbed before, always carrying
the single, lickering lame cupped against the wind. As
the darkness deepened, and as Ra’s strength began once
again to wane, the lame lickered and sputtered, but never
did it die. And so she climbed, until at last she reached the
summit, where the golden body of the Phoenix lay broken
and cold.
immune to ire, and if they are passed over the body of the
wounded they can heal even the most grievous of injuries.
She dwells in the highest tower of the Great Temple of Ra
in Heliopolis, but sometimes travels on strange quests to
distant places, occasionally in the warband of some power-
ful Harbinger of great renown – for though her missions
are often of great danger, no Harbinger has ever refused her
demand of service, for her mission is always in the name of
Ra, Father of the Gods.
Whispering a prayer to Ra, she knelt before the Phoenix,
and touched the tiny lame to the feathers of his wing. Just
then a mighty wind swelled, as if Amun had sent his bless-
ing, and the body of the great bird burst into lames that
burned so hot and so bright that they could be seen from
as far away as Elephantine. From the ire rose the Phoenix
reborn, and into the sky he soared to the aid of Ra, and
Apophis was again defeated. The Priestess too was caught
in the inferno of rebirth,
and as the lames subsided,
it was revealed that she too
had been reborn –though the
ire burned hot enough to
sear lesh and crack stone,
her body was unharmed –
she stood at the summit of
the mountain, naked and re-
newed, with the iery spirit
of the Phoenix living within
her. From the top of the ae-
rie, she gathered the glitter-
ing Phoenix feathers, and
these she fashioned into a
feathered cape. As the light
of the sun broke over the
horizon, the priestess leapt
from the mountaintop, and
soared on lashing wings of
golden Phoenix feathers into
the sky.
The Daughter of the Phoenix may be included in the
warband of a Famous Harbinger with a Ka Rating of at
least 5. She is considered a Specialist, and she counts as
a Character Option of one of the units of the Harbinger’s
own race. She is unique, and therefore only one warband
in a battle can include her. (In the case of 2 players wishing
to use her at the same time,
players should roll against
one another.) The Daugh-
ter of the Phoenix may not
be equipped with additional
weapons and armor.
The Daughter of the Phoenix
has the following powers:
Hard Armor Rating
The Phoenix Wings provide
a Hard Armor Rating of 6 to
the Daughter of the Phoe-
nix. The Daughter of the
Phoenix may not wear ad-
ditional armor, nor may she
be equipped with weapons or
protective amulets.
The wings of the Daughter
of the Phoenix offer protec-
tion to those they shelter.
Any single model that is in
base-to-base contact with the
Daughter of the Phoenix can
be under her protection, if the
player chooses. This model
can take no action during the entire Turn, as the model is
considered to be hiding behind her wings. While under her
protection, the model receives an additional Hard Armor
Save of 6, and also receives the beneits of her Immunity
to Fire power. The Daughter of the Phoenix may ight and
defend herself while using this power, but she must remain
stationary with the model and not move.
The Daughter of the Phoenix may call upon the power of
Ra to heal wounds and mend broken bones, by placing the
So the Daughter of the
Phoenix was born.
In the thousand years since
that morning, the daughter of
the Phoenix has been held in
reverence by all followers of
the Gods as the scion of the
Phoenix and the savior of Ra. Although her body is mortal
and has lived and died, as all mortals must, her spirit has
lived on, always reborn into the body of another Priestess
of Ra, pure of mind and untouched by man. Her purity
and power is great, for the spirit of the Phoenix infuses her,
making her stronger than other mortals. She wears nothing
but a gilded mask and the wings of the Phoenix feathers,
and it is said that her skin is impervious to arrows, that even
the spells of the greatest Master of Words cast against her
will be relected back against their master. Her wings are
The Daughter of the Phoenix stands atop a high tower and
prepares to take light.
Miniature sculpted by Todd Harris, painted by Marike Reimer.
© Content and Imagery Copyright Crocodile Games 2009
golden wings of the Phoenix over the victim. Once per
game, she is able to heal up to 2 wounds on a single mod-
el that she is in base-to-base contact with. The affected
model is restored 2 Wound Points, up to its maximum. She
can even restore a model to life that has been killed as a
casualty – if she arrives in time. The Healing power can
be used during the irst full Turn following the Turn that
the character was killed. The Healing power is used at the
end of the Daughter’s Activation Phase, and she must be in
base-to-base contact with the fallen model. The Healing
occurs immediately, but the model may take no action until
the next Turn, when it receives its Command Counter as
usual. This power may not be used on a model currently
engaged in melee combat, and may not be used on a Har-
binger during the Provocation.
would cause her harm, such as Burning Efigy, The Sun’s
Fiery Fist, Burning Brands, Wall of Flames, Fiery Aspect,
The Daughter of the Phoenix can ly with Move Value of
20 inches. The use of this power must be declared on the
Daughter’s Activation Phase. It cannot be used if she is
attached to a unit of warriors, but she may use the power
escape from melee combat. While in light, she can make
a Swooping Attack, or engage another lyer in melee com-
bat. She may not carry another model, or use any form of
equipment that requires the use of her hands, although she
could hold a small object such as an amulet. Other rules
for lying are detailed in Chapter Two of the WarGods of
Ægyptus rules.
Immunity to Fire
The Daughter of the Phoenix is unaffected by any natu-
ral lames, as well as any ire-based spells and powers that
The Daughter of the Phoenix confronts the heretic Priest of Aten, to reclaim the stolen Ark.
Miniatures sculpted by Chris FitzPatrick and Todd Harris, painted by Marike Reimer.
© Content and Imagery Copyright Crocodile Games 2009
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