Zespół cieśni nadgarstka.doc

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Typical Case Overview


·         Occupational repetitive wrist motion - microtrauma - from hammering, typing, sewing, or assembly line work.

·         No major, overt trauma to the wrist - no macrotrauma.

Warning Signs - Complaints by the Patient:

·         Pain in the arm, wrist and hand - location and intensity may vary.

·         Decreased sensation of the hand - may tingle or feel numb.

·         Weak grip - may fumble or drop objects.

·         Tenderness along the median nerve into the hand when the underside of the wrist is tapped sharply (Tinel's test)

[ Tinel's Test ]

Numbness or tingling of hands when wrists are bent downward at 90 degrees for more than 30 seconds (Phalen's test)

[ Phalen's test ]

Professional Examination:

·         Observe the hand for natural symmetry and color.

·         Check for muscle atrophy - wasting of the thumb muscle (th enar eminence).

·         Check active and passive ranges of motion of the neck, arm, wrist and hand.

·         Check sensation, especially the area supplied by the median nerve - index and middle finger.

·         Check deep tendon reflexes of the biceps, brachioradialis and triceps.

·         Check for myofascial adhesions and trigger points in the neck, back, shoulder, arm, forearm, and hand.

·         Check for pain with pressure on the side of the neck ("doorbell sign").

·         Perform tests for carpal tunnel: Phalen's and Tinel's tests.

·         Perform grip strength tests - manual or dynamometer.

·         Order appropriate blood chemistry tests if arthritis is suspected.

·         Order x-rays of neck and wrist if necessary.

·         Request nerve conduction velocity tests (sensory and motor latency) if case is severe.


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