Thinking in Tkinter (2005).pdf

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Thinking in Tkinter
Thinking in Tkinter
by Stephen Ferg (steve@
revised: 2005-07-17
This file contains the source code for all of the files in the Thinking in Tkinter
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Subject: "Thinking in Tkinter"
Author : Stephen Ferg (
About " Thinking In Tkinter "
I've been trying to teach myself Tkinter out of various books, and I'm finding it more difficult than I
think it should be.
The problem is that the authors of the books want to rush into telling me about all of the widgets in the
Tkinter toolbox, but never really pause to explain basic concepts. They don't explain how to "think in
Here are a few short programs that begin to explain how to think in Tkinter. In them, I don't attempt to
catalog all of the types of widgets, attributes, and methods that are available in Tkinter. and I certainly
don't try to provide a comprehensive introduction to Tkinter. I just try to get you started down the road
of understanding some basic Tkinter concepts.
Note that the discussion is devoted exclusively to the Tkinter pack (or "packer") geometry manager.
There is no discussion of the grid or place geometry managers.
The Four Basic Gui-programming Tasks
When you develop a user interface (UI) there is a standard set of tasks that you must accomplish.
1) You must specify how you want the UI to *look*. That is, you must write code that determines what
the user will see on the computer screen.
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Thinking in Tkinter
2) You must decide what you want the UI to *do*. That is, you must write routines that accomplish the
tasks of the program.
3) You must associate the "looking" with the "doing". That is, you must write code that associates the
things that the user sees on the screen with the routines that you have written to perform the
program's tasks.
4) finally, you must write code that sits and waits for input from the user.
Some Gui-programming Jargon
GUI (graphical user interface) programming has some special jargon associated with these basic tasks.
1) We specify how we want a GUI to look by describing the "widgets" that we want it to display, and
their spatial relationships (i.e. whether one widget is above or below, or to the right or left, of other
widgets). The word "widget" is a nonsense word that has become the common term for "graphical user
interface component". Widgets include things such as windows, buttons, menus and menu items, icons,
drop-down lists, scroll bars, and so on.
2) The routines that actually do the work of the GUI are called "callback handlers" or "event handlers".
"Events" are input events such as mouse clicks or presses of a key on the keyboard. These routines are
called "handlers" because they "handle" (that is, respond to) such events.
3) Associating an event handler with a widget is called "binding". Roughly, the process of binding
involves associating three different things:
(a) a type of event (e.g. a click of the left mouse button,
or a press of the ENTER key on the keyboard),
(b) a widget (e.g. a button), and
(c) an event-handler routine.
For example, we might bind (a) a single-click of the left mouse button on (b) the "CLOSE" button/widget
on the screen to (c) the "closeProgram" routine, which closes the window and shuts down the program.
4) The code that sits and waits for input is called the "event loop".
About The Event Loop
If you believe the movies, every small town has a little old lady who spends all of her time at her front
window, just WATCHING. She sees everything that goes on in the neighborhood. A lot of what she sees
is uninteresting of course -- just people going to and fro in the street. But some of it is interesting -- like
a big fight between the newly-wed couple in the house across the street. When interesting events
happen, the watchdog lady immediately is on the phone with the news to the police or to her neighbors.
The event loop is a lot like this watchdog lady. The event loop spends all of its time watching events go
by, and it sees all of them. Most of the events are uninteresting, and when it sees them, it does
nothing. But when it sees something interesting -- an event that it knows is interesting, because an
event handler has been bound to the event -- then it immediately calls up the event handler and lets it
know that the event has happened.
Program Behavior
This program eases you into user-interace programming by showing how these basic concepts are
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Thinking in Tkinter
implemented in a very simple program. This program doesn't use Tkinter or any form of GUI
programming. It just puts up a menu on the console, and gets simple keyboard input. Even so, as you
can see, it does the four basic tasks of user-interface programming.
[revised: 2003-02-23]
Program Source Code
#----- task 2: define the event handler routines ---------------------
def handle_A():
print "Wrong! Try again!"
def handle_B():
print "Absolutely right! Trillium is a kind of flower!"
def handle_C():
print "Wrong! Try again!"
# ------------ task 1: define the appearance of the screen ------------
print "\n"*100 # clear the screen
print "========================================================"
print "Press the letter of your answer, then the ENTER key."
print " A. Animal"
print " B. Vegetable"
print " C. Mineral"
print " X. Exit from this program"
print "========================================================"
print "What kind of thing is 'Trillium'?"
# ---- task 4: the event loop. We loop forever, observing events. ---
while 1:
# We observe the next event
answer = raw_input().upper()
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Task 3: Associate interesting keyboard events with their
# event handlers. A simple form of binding.
# -------------------------------------------------------
if answer == "A": handle_A()
if answer == "B": handle_B()
if answer == "C": handle_C()
if answer == "X":
# clear the screen and exit the event loop
print "\n"*100
# Note that any other events are uninteresting, and are ignored
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Thinking in Tkinter
The Simplest Possible Tkinter Program -- Three Statements!
Of the four basic GUI tasks that we discussed in the last program, this program does only one -- it runs
the event loop.
(1) The first statement imports Tkinter, so that it is available for use. Note that the form of the import
("from Tkinter import *") means that we will not have to qualify anything that we get from Tkinter with
a "Tkinter." prefix.
(2) The second statement creates a "toplevel" window. Technically, what the the second statement is
doing, is creating an instance of the class "Tkinter.Tk".
This toplevel window is the highest-level GUI component in any Tkinter application. By convention, the
toplevel window is usually named "root".
(3) The third statement executes the "mainloop" (that is, the event loop) method of the "root" object.
As the mainloop runs, it waits for events to happen in root. If an event occurs, then it is handled and
the loop continues running, waiting for the next evernt. The loop continues to execute until a "destroy"
event happens to the root window. A "destroy" event is one that closes a window. When the root is
destroyed, the window is closed and the event loop is exited.
Program Behavior
When you run this program, you will see that (thanks to Tk) the toplevel window automatically comes
furnished with widgets to minimize, maximize, and close the window. Try them -- you'll see that they
really do work.
Clicking on the "close" widget (the "x" in a box, at the right of the title bar) generates a "destroy"
event. The destroy event terminates the main event loop. And since there are no statements after
"root.mainloop()", the program has nothing more to do, and ends.
[revised: 2003-02-23]
Program Source Code
from Tkinter import * ### (1)
root = Tk() ### (2)
root.mainloop() ### (3)
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Thinking in Tkinter
Now we tackle another of the four main GUI tasks -- specifying how the GUI should look.
In this program, we introduce three major concepts of Tkinter programming:
* creating a GUI object and associating it with its parent
* packing
* containers vs. widgets
From now on, I'm going to distinguish between a container component and a widget. As I will be using
the terms, a "widget" is a GUI component that (usually) is visible and does things. A "container" in
contrast is simply a container -- a basket, as it were -- into which we can put widgets.
Tkinter provides a number of containers. "Canvas" is a container for drawing applications. The most
frequently used container is a "frame".
Frames are provided by Tkinter in a class called "Frame". An expression like:
creates an instance of the Frame class (that is, it creates a frame), and associates the frame instance
with its parent, myParent. Or another way of looking at it is: such an expression adds a child frame to
the myParent component.
So in this program, statement (1):
myContainer1 = Frame(myParent)
creates a frame whose parent is myParent (that is, root), and gives it the name "myContainer1". In
short, it creates a container into which we can put widgets. (We won't put any widgets into in this
program. We'll do that in later programs.)
Note that the parent/child relationship here is a LOGICAL one, not a visual one. This relationship exists
to support such things as the destroy event -- so that when a parent component (such as the root) is
destroyed, the parent knows who its children are, and can destroy them before destroying itself.
(2) The next statement "packs" myContainer1.
Simply put, "packing" is a process of setting up a VISUAL relationship between a GUI component and its
parent. If you don't pack a component, you will never see it.
"Pack" invokes the Tkinter "pack" geometry manager. A geometry manager is essentially an API -- a
way of talking to Tkinter -- for telling Tkinter how you want containers and widgets to be visually
presented. Tkinter supports three geometry managers: pack, grid, and place. Pack (and to a lesser
extent) grid are the most widely used, because they are the easiest to use. All of the examples in
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