
(46 KB) Pobierz
{4721}{4780}My story begins|in London...
{4784}{4849}not so very long ago.
{4853}{4978}Yet so much has happened since then,|that it seems like an eternity.
{4982}{5051}At that time,|I lived with my pet...
{5055}{5149}in a bachelor flat|just off Regents Park.
{5153}{5210}It was a|beautiful spring day,
{5214}{5270}a tedious time of the year|for bachelors.
{5274}{5372}Oh... that's my pet,|Roger Radcliff,
{5376}{5445}a musician of sorts.
{5449}{5497}I'm the one|with the spots.
{5501}{5553}My name's Pongo.
{5557}{5621}As far as I could see,
{5624}{5700}the old notion that|a bachelor's life was so...
{5704}{5769}glamorous and carefree|was all nonsense.
{5773}{5861}It was downright dull.
{6087}{6182}It was plain to see that|my old pet needed someone.
{6186}{6282}But if it were left up to Roger,|we'd be bachelors forever.
{6286}{6357}He was married to his work,|writing songs.
{6361}{6407}Songs about romance...|of all things,
{6411}{6487}something he knew|absolutely nothing about.
{6552}{6636}Oh, he's intelligent enough,|as humans go.
{6640}{6741}And I think you could say, Roger is|a rather handsome animal in his way.
{6745}{6809}I could see no reason|why my pet...
{6813}{6869}didn't deserve|an attractive mate.
{6873}{6961}At least I was determined|to do my best.
{7001}{7094}Of course, dogs are a pretty|poor judge of human beauty.
{7167}{7245}But I had|a rough idea...
{7249}{7313}of what|to look for.
{7316}{7403}Hmm!|Unusual breed.
{7427}{7520}Very unusual.
{7561}{7625}Hmm!|Oh, surely not.
{7659}{7731}Well now,|what have we here?
{7795}{7878}Well, a little...|too short coupled.
{7931}{8035}I say!|Well, I do say!
{8039}{8122}Now there's|a fancy breed.
{8126}{8237}Hmm.|Perhaps a little too fancy.
{8241}{8320}Yes, much too fancy.
{8357}{8441}Too old.|Too young.
{8486}{8614}It was a problem,|a realproblem.
{8617}{8697}Well, now that's|a bit more like it!
{8701}{8779}The most beautiful creature|on four legs!
{8804}{8873}Now if only the girl...
{8877}{8953}Well!|She's very lovely too.
{8957}{9001}It was almost too good|to be true.
{9005}{9089}I'd never find another pair|like that,
{9093}{9162}not if I looked|for 100 years.
{9166}{9231}Ah, they're heading|for the park.
{9235}{9303}A perfect meeting place...|if I can only arrange it.
{9307}{9413}Uh-oh... but Roger never|stopped work 'til after 5:00.
{9417}{9463}That would be|too late.
{9883}{9941}After 5:00 already.
{9980}{10027}Fancy that.
{10090}{10165}All right, Pongo.|All right, boy.
{10761}{10805}Pongo, boy,|take it easy!
{10809}{10871}What's all|the hurry?
{11073}{11131}Pongo, boy,|slow down.
{11459}{11556}I was afraid we'd missed them.|Perhaps they passed on by the park.
{11560}{11609}Then suddenly...|I spotted them.
{11613}{11693}It was a perfect situation|if I plannedit right.
{11697}{11769}I couldn't depend on Roger.|I knew what he'd do.
{11773}{11865}He'd settle on the grass, puff|his pipe and that would be it.
{11869}{11962}No, it was all|up to me.
{12535}{12603}At first I had|no particular plan,
{12607}{12659}just anything|to attract attention.
{12663}{12730}You know,|stir things up a bit.
{12787}{12839}Pongo,|you silly old thing!
{12843}{12907}C'm on!|C'm on, let's have it, boy.
{13267}{13337}For a while,|it seemed to work.
{13341}{13409}At least they|had seen one another.
{13413}{13478}Things were going along|first-rate.
{13482}{13559}But for some strange reason|they left!
{13640}{13723}C'mon, you old renegade.|We're going home.
{13727}{13791}But I wasn't giving up.
{13794}{13903}I was determined that somehow|they just had to meet.
{13958}{14003}- Oh!|- Ohhh!
{14007}{14073}I beg your pardon.|Please excuse me.
{14077}{14139}I must say,|what on earth!
{14143}{14188}- Oh, really. Good heavens.|- Oh, dear.
{14192}{14257}- Ohh!|- Ahh, ahh!
{14349}{14401}Oh, oh.
{14470}{14577}Oh, my new spring suit|and my new hat!
{14581}{14672}Ah, ah...|I'm terribly sorry.
{14676}{14725}Please let me|help you.
{14729}{14789}I'm so sorry.
{14793}{14855}I don't know|what's come over him.
{14859}{14959}I'm so sorry. He's never|acted this way before.
{14963}{15041}Please, just go away.|You've done enough.
{15093}{15157}Oh, I say.|Here, take mine.
{15683}{15753}Wilt thou love her,|comfort her,
{15757}{15838}honour and keep her|in sickness and in health;
{15842}{15896}and forsaking|all others,
{15900}{16012}keep thee only unto her|so long as ye both shall live?
{16016}{16068}I will.
{16101}{16148}For the first|six months or so...
{16152}{16214}we lived in a small house|near the park,
{16218}{16265}a modest little place...
{16269}{16385}but just right for two couples|who were just starting out.
{16516}{16580}Perdita, darling,|are you all right?
{16583}{16652}Oh, of course, dear.
{16696}{16805}After all, dogs were having|puppies long before our time.
{16901}{16992}Oh, that's Nanny,|a wonderful cook and housekeeper.
{16996}{17064}She's such a kind,|understanding soul.
{17116}{17157}You know,
{17161}{17220}at times she seems|almost canine.
{17224}{17266}Roger, dear,
{17270}{17330}tea time.
{17334}{17398}Tea time!
{17961}{18030}Melody first, my dear.
{18034}{18096}And then the lyrics,|hmm?
{18257}{18352}Oh, Pongo... it's her.|It's that devil woman.
{18500}{18607}Oh, must be Cruella, your|dearly devoted old schoolmate.
{18611}{18656}Cruella de Vil.
{18660}{18710}That's it!
{18934}{19006}- Oh, Roger.
{19222}{19277}Roger,|she'll hear you.
{19397}{19433}Let her in, Nanny.
{19437}{19530}- Anita, darling!|- How are you?
{19534}{19627}Miserable as usual.|Perfectly wretched!
{19664}{19746}Where are they?|Where are they?
{19838}{19911}For heaven sakes,|where are they?
{19915}{19980}- Who, Cruella?|- The puppies! The puppies.
{20032}{20092}No time for games.|Where are the little brutes?
{20160}{20236}It'll be at least three weeks.|No rushing these things.
{20240}{20337}Anita, you're such a wit.
{20341}{20384}Here, dog, here.
{20388}{20461}Here, dog.
{20465}{20538}Cruella, isn't that|a new fur coat?
{20542}{20609}My only true love,|darling.
{20613}{20705}I live for furs.|I worship furs!
{20745}{20847}Is there a woman in this|wretched worldw ho doesn't?
{20969}{21071}Oh, I'd like a nice fur,|but there are many other thing...
{21075}{21149}Sweet, simple Anita.
{21153}{21213}I know, I know!
{21217}{21299}This horrid little house|is your dream castle.
{21352}{21485}And poor Roger is your|bold and fearless Sir Galahad!
{21489}{21536}Oh, Cruella.
{21540}{21651}Then of course you have|your little spotted friends.
{21655}{21707}Oh yes,
{21711}{21808}I must say... such perfectly|beautiful coats.
{21812}{21888}- Won't you have some tea?|- I've got to run.
{21892}{21936}Let me know when|the puppies arrive.
{21940}{21993}- You will, won't you, dear?|- Yes, Cruella.
{21997}{22075}Don't forget, it's a promise.|See you in three weeks.
{22079}{22159}Cheerio, darling.
{22643}{22716}You're no help.
{23174}{23241}Roger,|you are an idiot!
{23308}{23395}- Perdy?|- That witch. That devil woman.
{23399}{23457}She wants our puppies.|That's all she's after.
{23461}{23517}Don't worry, Perdy.|They're on to her.
{23521}{23596}- Nothing's going to happen|to our puppies.|- What does she want with them?
{23600}{23661}She can't possibly|love them.
{23665}{23726}Oh, Pongo.
{23730}{23812}I was so happy at first,|but now I...
{23866}{23922}Oh, I...
{23926}{24015}I wish we weren't|having any.
{24267}{24350}Poor Perdita.|Of course, she had no choice.
{24354}{24399}The puppies arrived|right on schedule...
{24403}{24495}one wild and stormy night|in October.
{25386}{25450}Steady, boy.
{25454}{25511}The puppies are here!
{25515}{25568}Oh... the puppies|are here!
{25572}{25609}How many?
{25613}{25663}- Eight.|- Eight?
{25724}{25815}By George, Pongo!|Eight puppies.
{25876}{25929}- Eleven.|- Eleven.
{25933}{26041}Eleven?|Eleven puppies, Pongo.
{26045}{26119}Wait a minute now,|wait a minute... thirteen!
{26170}{26235}No, no, no.|Fourteen.
{26239}{26325}- Ohh... fifteen!|- Fifteen?
{26329}{26409}And the mother's|doing fine, love.
{26413}{26488}You ducky thing, you.
{26511}{26556}Fifteen puppies?
{26560}{26604}Why, Pongo,|that's marvellous!
{26608}{26661}It's fabulous!
{26665}{26733}Why, you old rascal!
{26833}{26899}Just fourteen.
{26903}{26977}We lost one.
{26981}{27059}Poor little thing.
{27142}{27219}Oh, Pongo, boy.
{27223}{27320}It's just one|of those things.
{27349}{27395}And yet?
{27399}{27459}And yet I wonder.
{27985}{28063}Look, Pongo.
{28288}{28333}We still have|fifteen!
{28337}{28421}Oh, Roger, he's all right!|Thank heaven.
{28425}{28489}See? He's just|as good as new.
{28492}{28571}Can you imagine, Roger,|fifteen puppies!
{28602}{28676}Fifteen.|Fifteen puppies!
{28680}{28729}How marvellous.
{28733}{28819}How marvellous,|how perfectly... ugh!
{28823}{28916}The devil take it.|They're mongrels... no spots!
{28920}{28991}No spots at all.|What a horrid little white rat.
{28995}{29040}They're not mongrels!
{29044}{29121}They'll get their spots.|Just wait and see.
{29125}{29204}That's right. They'll have|their spots in a few weeks.
{29208}{29293}Oh, well, in that case I'll|take them all. The whole litter.
{29297}{29346}Just name your price, dear.
{29350}{29433}I'm afraid|we can't give them up.
{29437}{29503}- Poor Perdita, she'd be heartbroken.|- Anita, don't be ridiculous.
{29507}{29602}You can't afford to keep them.|You can scarcely feed yourselves.
{29606}{29657}I'm sure|we'll get along.
{29661}{29733}Yes, I know. I know!
{29737}{29813}Roger's...|Roger's songs!
{29928}{30009}Enough of this nonsense. I'll pay you|twice what they'r...
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