Christmas Ornaments.pdf

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Nothing adds to the beauty
and wonder of the family
Christmas tree quite like
homemade ornaments. These
eye-catching figurines can be
made easily from 1/2" wood on a
bandsaw or jigsaw. Your children
are sure to want them all: the bear
(A), dove (B), hobbyhorse (C), and
train (D).
1. Make a template of the figu
rines using the patterns provided.
2. Cut out the shapes on a band
saw or jigsaw, then use a disc sand
er or belt sander to sand all of the
outside surfaces.
3. Finish the figurines as desired,
or leave them unfinished for a
more rustic look. Add ribbon as
shown for a final touch.
Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
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Copyright 2004 Martian Auctions
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