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Stuff My Stocking
M/M Romance Stories that are Nice and… Naughty
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Stuff My Stocking: M/M Romance Stories that are
Nice and Naughty
An M/M Romance Group Publication
copyright 2010
With stories by:
M.J. O'Shea
Brian Jackson
Deanna Wadsworth
Missy Welsh
Jade Archer
Michael S.
Xara X. Xanakas
Mark Alders
Em Woods
Rachel Haimowitz
SJD Peterson
Kari Gregg
Kim Dare
A.J. Llewellyn
Serena Yates
Jessica Freely
Heinrich Xin
William Cooper
Wren Boudreau
Selah March
Sarah Madison
Stephani Hecht
Amy Lane
Angela Benedetti
edited by:
Jason B.
Kathy H.
StuffMyStocking:M/MRomanceStoriesthatareNiceand… Naughty
The stories you are about to read are the product of a very special project sponsored by the
Goodreads M/M Romance group the online community for readers who love to read about men in
love (Male/Male).
The group moderators issued an invitation for members to choose a photo and pen a Letter to
Santa asking for a short M/M romance story inspired by the image; authors from the group were
encouraged to select a letter and write an original tale.
The result was an outpouring of creativity that shined a spotlight on the special bond between
M/M romance writers and the people who love what they do. This book is an anthology of those
letters and stories.
Whether you are an avid M/M romance reader or new to the genre, you are in for a delicious
treat. So sit back, relax and enjoy StuffMyStockingM/MRomanceStoriesthatareNiceand
Naughty .
The best things in life, including this ebook, are free . It is distributed as a gift to M/M Romance
readers and should not be offered for sale. Each story appears courtesy of its respective author and
should not be reproduced without express written consent from the authorIfyou’dliketowrite
the authors for consent (or any other reason, we’renotjudging)contact information can be found
at the end of each story.
The cover photo has been licensed for this ebook, but the original photos that inspired the
real deal, please feel free to join the Goodreads M/M Romance group (
and visit the discussion section: *HOLIDAY STORIES* NSFW.
This ebook is published by the M/M Romance Group and is not directly endorsed by or affiliated
with Goodreads Inc.
The stories in this collection are sexually explicit and intended for adult readers; so
StuffMyStocking:M/MRomanceStoriesthatareNiceand… Naughty
First and foremost, this anthology is dedicated to Lori B., better known as Moderatrix Lori , the
devoted leader of the Goodreads M/M Romance group. In 2009, Lori stumbled upon a niche genre
reading group with less than a dozen participants and turned it into the epicenter for M/M
Romance readers with nearly 2,000 members. Her vision transformed a simple book club into a
thriving online community, where people from all walks of life and all over the world, can come
together to exchange ideas, make friends and indulge in their love of books. This book is dedicated
to Lori because she is dedicated to us.
Of course Lori would have had a nervous breakdownlongagoifitwasn’tforher equally devoted
co-moderators Jen McJ and Jason B. Each and every day they selflessly volunteer their time, talent,
patience and wit to make the Goodreads M/M Romance group hum. This book is dedicated to Jen
and Jason just because they rock.
Finally, this book is dedicated to all the authors who put pen to paper (or more accurately
fingers to keys) and created the wonderful original stories you are about to read. Thank you.
StuffMyStocking:M/MRomanceStoriesthatareNiceand… Naughty
Table of Contents
JUNIPER’S CHRISTMAS STOCKING by A J Llewellyn .......................................................................................... 154
THE GUTTERSNIPE’S GIFT by Selah March............................................................................................................. 232
COCKLEBUR’S CHRISTMAS by Amy Lane ................................................................................................................ 259
Quick tip: You can navigate this ebook both through links in the Table of Contents and you can get
backtotheTOCbyclicking“DearSanta”atthebeginningor“TheEnd”attheconclusion of each story.
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