Customize Neuronyx.pdf

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Neuronyx 2
Version 2 - ©2005, Philippe Galmel and Thomas Robisson
Change the sounds!
You just have to drag and drop sound files into the Folder "Sons".
Make your own card game!
Create a sub-folder in the sub-folder "CardsGame" in the folder "Neuronyx" naming it your card game's name. If this file ends in "+", the
scores will be registered in the same score file as the other game of the same type, if not, this game will have its own score file.
In this folder, create a sub-folder named "Cartes". Take example on the game provided "Classic"!
You have to now create your 32 cards…
Your cards can be of 3 types: pictures (pict/jpeg), text or sound (aiff, mp3, wav).
The pictures must be 100x142 pixels. I advise you to save as 32 bit Pict under Mac and Bmp under Windows , faster to load than jpeg.
The text can be written for example with TextEdit, use UTF8 encoding . You can set the first line as control line writing ¬ for the first
character, followed by ch to center the text vertically and followed by a number indicating the text size. Example: ¬ch18 for text of size 18
centered vertically. See The CardsGame "Dictons+".
Be careful with sounds: all cards, whether they are visual or sound, are loaded in memory. Do not make your sounds too long, and
optimise sampling to save space.
You can also create the back of your cards and a background of 832x600 pixels to be placed in your game folder, beside the folder
named "Cartes".
The program locates the cards by their file name.
The file name must be "Name" + "-" + "1" or "2".
BE CAREFUL: The name must not contain the character "-".
For example: "Toto-1" and "Toto-2" are matching cards.
"Toto-2-1" is not an acceptable format.
You can also create matching cards to be revealed in order: For that, replace the "1" and the "2" by "A" and "B".
This allows you to create matching cards with, for example, a beginning and an end of a sentence. The player will have to reveal the
card "Toto-A" before the card "Toto-B".
You can also create only 16 cards. Name them simply, without "-1" and "-2". And drag and drop them on the script "Indicer Cartes". This
script create a copy (or an alias) of each file to make matching cards.
The new card game will be accessible in the "Load a game..." menu within the "File" menu.
If you are content with your creation and want to benefit other users of Neuronyx, contact-us.
Web site:
Thomas Robisson:
Philippe Galmel:
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