1924_The Great Pyramid - Its Scientific Features (by John and Morton Edgar).pdf

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I The Great Pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt - - - -
A Scriptural Declaration : and Historical Notice -
The Great Pyramid the First Stone Building - -
11 The Discovery of the Scientific Nature of the Pyramid -
I11 Earth's Standard Unit of Length - - - - -
Earth's Grand Reference-Standard for Length -
The Precise Length of the Pyramid Inch - -
IV The Solar Tropical year-Length, Monumentalised in
the Great Pyramid -
The King's Chamber Shows the Year-Length
The Pyramid's Interior and Exterior Dimensions
agree by a Recognised Proportion - -
The Pyramid's Passage-angle shows the Day-value
of the Solar Tropical Year - - -
V The King's Chamber and the Grand Gallery are
Related Proportionately - - - -
The Vertical Height of the Grand Gallery -
The Horizontal Length of the Grand Gallery - -
VI The Synodic Month Duration Monumentalised in
the Great Pyramid - - - .
The First Ascending Passage and the Synodic Month
The Horizontal Passage Leading to the Queen's
Chamber, and the Synodic Month - - -
VII The Four Foundation Corner "Sockets" of the
Great Pyramid - - -
The Levels of the Four Corner Socket-Foundations -
VIIl Important Levels in the Great Pyramid - -
IX The Precessional Cycle of the Equinoxes - - -
X The Earth's Distance from the Sun, shown by the
Great Pyramid's Dimensions - -.-
XI The Great Pyramid's Orientation - -.-
XI1 The Great Pyramid's Geographical Position - - -
XI11 The Great Pyramid's Connection with Bethlehem in
the Holy Land -
The Scriptures Connect Bethlehem with Egypt -
The Great Pyramid-to-Bethlehem Distance and the
Period of 2138 Years - - - -
The Great Pyramid-to-Bethlehem Distanceand the
- -
Period of 1915 Years -
- - -
XIV The Capacity of the King's Chamber - - - .
The Coffer's Indication of the Precessional Cycle -
The Coffer's Exterior Dimensions are Proportifinate
to its Interior Capacity - - - - -
The Granite Walls of the King's Chamber - -
The Lunar-Year Duration Indicated by the King's
Chamber -
The Ratio .x in the King's Chamber -
The Precessional Cycle Duration Indicated by
th'e King's Chamber -
The Second Height of the King's Chamber, and
the Grand Gallery's Floor-Length -
Another Indication of the Solar-Year Duration -
Another Indication of the Lunar-Year Duration -
XV The Harmonious Proportions of the Great Pyramid -
The King's Chamber and its Dimensions Govern the
Whole Pyramid -
The Floor-Level of the King's Chamber - -
The Top-Surface Level of the Step -
The Subterranean Chamber Indicates the Dates
1874 and 1914 A.D.
Another Method of Measuring to the Pit -
The Duration of the "World that Was" and the Date
of the Flood
The Geometric Harmony of the Vertical ' ' Flood-Line ' '
XVI The Coffer in the King's Chamber -
The Coffer is the Standard Capacity Measure for
All Nations -
The Coffer Pre~ents a Standard for Mean Density
and Weight - -
The Pyramid Pint-Measure, Scientifically Accurate.,
the Origin of the Ancient Saxon Pint -
The Pyramid's System of Weights and Measures Better
than the French Metric System -
The Pyramid Capacity Measure Contrasted with the
Present Imperial British One - -
XVII The Proportions bf the Coffer (together with a list of
Scientific Features as presented by Professor C.
Piazzi Smyth) -
XVIII Proportionate Features Connected with the Coffer based
upon the Set of Standard Measures - -
The Area of the Socket-Level Base of the Great
Pyramid Indicated by the Coffer -
The Grand Gallery,Floor-Length -
The First Ascending Passage Floor-Length -
Another Grand-Gallery Length Indication -
Still Another Grand-Gallery Length Indication -
The Exterior Dimensions of the Coffer Ag~eewith
the King's Chamber's Dimensions - -
The Socket-Level Base Side Length - - -
The Socket-to-Apex Vertical Height - - -
The Descending Passage Floor-Length - - -
The Complete Straight-lined Length of the Descendin4
Passage - - - - -
The Horizon*al Passage Floor-Length - - -
XIX The Coffer's Standard for Weight
Earth's Mean Density - -
The Pyramid Ton and its Subdivisions Indicated
by the Coffer's Capacity - - . -
Professor C. Piazzi Smyth's Table of Weight Measures
The Pyramid System of Specific Gravities - -
XX The Cubical Bulk, and Weight, of the Earth agree with
the Dimensions of the Great Pyramid - -
The "Earth Pyramid" - - - - -
The "Earth-Pyramid" Calculations - - -
The "Earth-Pyramid" Indication of Earth's Bulk
Compared with the Deductions of Science
The Symmetry of the Mass-Comparison - - -
The "Earth-Pyramid'' Indication of Earth's Surface
Area Compared with the Deductions of Science -
The Rcmarkable Harmony Between the Surface-Area
of Earth, and the Great Pyramid's Dimensions -
XXI Further Corrcspondcncies Connected with the Coffer
in the King's Chamber - - - -
The Coffer's Bulk is Proportionate to the Cubic
D~agonalof the King's Chamber through the
medium of a Sphere - -
Another Indicatlon of the Sphere's Bulk
The Mass of the Great Pyramid Compared with
the Mass of the Earth -
- -
The Day-Duration of the Solar Tropical Year
Indicated by the Dimensions of the Coffer -
Another Indicatlon of the Solar Year Connected
with the Coffer's Dimensions - - -
The Bulk of the Granlto Leaf in thc Ante-Chamber
and the Intcrior Capacity of the Coffer -
l'hc Coller, and tlie Days in 1000 Solar Tropical Years
1"urthcr Corrosponclcncics botween the Dimensions
of thc Coffer aiid tlie King's Chamber - -
'I'lic CoMcr 1s "Blintl Sarcophagus" - - -
Thc Widtli of the Queen's Chamber - - -
- - - -
- - -
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