The Love Dare, Chapter 1.pdf

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The Love Dare
Copyright © 2009 by Stephen Kendrick & Alex Kendrick
All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 978-0-8054-4865-8
B & H Publishing Group
Nashville, Tennessee
Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are taken
from the New American Standard Bible ® , Copyright ©
1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995
by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Other
versions used include:
Dewey Decimal Classiication: 242.64
Love \ Marriage \ Devotional Literature
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1 2 3 4 5 13 12 11 10 09
This forty day journey cannot be taken
lightly. It is a challenging and often
dificult process, but an incredibly
fulilling one. To take this dare requires
a resolute mind and a steadfast
determination. It is not meant to be
sampled or briely tested, and those who
quit early will forfeit the greatest beneits.
If you will commit to a day at a time
for forty days, the results could change
your life, and your marriage.
Consider it a dare, from others who
have done it before you.
The Love Dare
The Scriptures say that God designed
and created marriage as a good thing. It is a beautiful, priceless
gift. He uses marriage to help us eliminate loneliness, multi-
ply our effectiveness, establish families, raise children, enjoy
life, and bless us with relational intimacy. But beyond this,
marriage also shows us our need to grow and deal with our
own issues and self-centeredness through the help of a life-
long partner. If we are teachable, we will learn to do the one
thing that is most important in marriage—to love. This power-
ful union provides the path for you to learn how to love an-
other imperfect person unconditionally. It is wonderful. It is
dificult. It is life changing.
This book is about love. It’s about learning and daring to
live a life illed with loving relationships. And this journey be-
gins with the person that is closest to you: your spouse. May
God bless you as you begin this adventure.
But be sure of this: it will take courage. If you accept this
dare, you must take the view that instead of following your
heart, you are choosing to lead it. The world says to follow your
heart, but if you are not leading it, then someone or something
else is. The Bible says that “the heart is deceitful above all things,”
and it will pursue that which feels right at the moment.
We dare you to think differently, and to choose to lead
your heart toward that which is best in the long run. This is a
key to lasting, fulilling relationships.
This journey is not a process of trying to change your
spouse to be the person you want them to be. You’ve no doubt
already discovered that efforts to change your husband or wife
have ended in failure and frustration. Rather, this is a journey
of exploring and demonstrating genuine love, even when your
desire is dry and your motives are low. The truth is, love is a
decision and not just a feeling. It is selless, sacriicial, and
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