BACK TO THE FUTURE - Jade and Sandy.doc

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Title: Back to the Future -- part 1
Authors: Jade and Sandy
Disclaimers: Don't own, don't sue, don't ask, don't tell

* * * * * * * * * * *

Severus Snape didn't care about much anymore. His obscure administrative position at the Ministry kept him from outright poverty, but only just barely. Despite the fact that he'd been cleared of all wrongdoing after the war was over, he was still a pariah in the wizarding world. So he kept to himself, and did his job with little enthusiasm.

The only bright spot in his otherwise wretched existence was the occasional interaction with Harry. Although he would never tell the young man, the fact that Harry even deigned to speak to him, let alone offer his own brand of irritatingly optimistic friendship, was the only thing he had to look forward to. But then, there was no fool like an old fool, after all.

Harry, on the other hand, was thoroughly enjoying himself for the first time in his life. He was twenty-two years old, a full auror, and the war had been over for almost a year. He had a nice little flat near Diagon Alley, and for once he could do as he pleased. There was only one problem. He had no love life.

Not because he had no offers. He'd had plenty. But he had a secret. He'd had a crush, years ago, that had never really gone away. In fact, it was threatening to develop into a full-blown obsession if he didn't do something about it soon.

It wasn't as if he could discuss it with any of his friends. He could just imagine Ron's horror when he announced that he was in lust, possibly love, with Severus Snape.

It was a typical Ministry function, the kind Snape hated to attend. Of course he'd let himself be cajoled into it by the only person who might possibly wish to see him there, Harry Potter. Not that he intended to take up the popular young auror's time there. He stayed in the background, avoiding the bilious gazes of everyone else. He knew he was an embarrassment to the ministry. The deatheater they couldn't lock up. Luckily, the function was a short one, and he had every intention of going straight home afterwards.

But Harry had been looking forward to this for ages. Getting Snape out of his musty office, where maybe he could finally see him as a peer and not a student. He had people clamoring for his attention, but as often as he could he drifted near Snape, smiling and asking him how he was doing.

"I don't really see why you bother about it, Mr. Potter. I am fine. I shall be better still when the festivities," which he intoned with long-suffering disdain, "Have come to an end, and we may be released from yet another speech about the importance that carefully filed paperwork played in the defeat of... in the war," he amended.

Harry grabbed two more glasses of champagne off a passing tray and set one in front of Snape. "Just think of it as free booze," he grinned, seating himself next to Snape. He wondered how much alcohol it would take to get the older man to loosen up.

Severus smirked, but he accepted the glass and tossed most of it back in one. "The Ministry's liquor budget is insufficient to the task of entertaining me," he said sourly. "Why aren't you off 'networking' with the throngs of wizards and witches that want to kiss your heroic young arse?" He realised instantly that it was a mistake to mention Harry's arse. It only brought up inappropriate thoughts.

Harry snickered as he took a long drink of his glass, and winced. It really wasn't very good. "I got tired of that bullshit years ago," he explained. But sometimes he wished Snape liked him half as much as those people did.

"No taste for clawing your way up to Minister by the time you're 30?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow. He hated to admit to himself that he respected Harry, but the sad truth of the matter was, other than Minerva, and perhaps Lupin, Harry was the only wizard Severus did have respect for.

Harry snorted. "God no," he exclaimed. "That would be so bloody boring I'd go mad!" This was the first time Harry could remember having a conversation with Snape that it seemed they were equals in some way. It gave him hope for more.

Snape smirked. He thought, eventually, Harry would actually make a decent Minister of Magic, but he kept his thoughts to himself. "Well, I can see how you'd have no use for fawning sycophants, then. However, that doesn't explain why you insist on attempting to make conversation with me."

Harry smiled. "You're easily the most intelligent, interesting person in the room," he said sincerely. He finished his wine and wrinkled his nose. "And I'm not even drunk. Yet."

"Perhaps someone spiked the champagne with something stronger. You do realise you've long since passed your Potions NEWTs, and my ability to do anything for you is quite over. Not that flattery would have worked in any case." Severus was secretly gratified, though he had no idea why Harry felt that way.

Harry laughed. He felt giddy in a way that had nothing to do with alcohol. "So perhaps I'm actually sincere," he suggested. "Since I have nothing to gain."

"Of course that also tends to suggest that you are deluded and perhaps even not terribly perceptive, Mr. Potter. Assuming you were sincere." He finished off the cheap champagne with a look of distaste. "I believe it might be more enjoyable to drink elsewhere."

Harry's grin widened. "Is that an invitation, Professor?" He asked in a slightly teasing tone. Perhaps if he got Snape drunk he'd loosen up a bit.

"As I will most likely be going to a public establishment, I doubt I could stop you from joining me." He needed to stop torturing himself like this. But getting good and soused was something to pass the time, and Potter's company was marginally preferable to his own.

"I suppose that's as close to an invitation as I'm likely to get," Harry said, setting his glass down. "In fact, it's probably the most action I'll have in months," he joked.

Severus rolled his eyes and stood. "Come along then, Mr. Potter. Perhaps actually spending some time with your old nemesis will remind you just how little you actually want to."

They managed to sneak out without causing too much of a fuss, and soon found themselves in a mildly disreputable pub, a thoroughly Muggle place.

Severus steered them to a table in a dark corner. A waitress came over and he had to stop himself from ordering a firewhiskey. "Scotch, please." He turned his gaze to Harry.

Harry ordered a beer, and smiled charmingly at the waitress. She seemed flustered, and he turned the smile to Snape as she went off to get their drinks. "Alone at last," he said happily.

Severus was tempted to ask if Harry had done something to the waitress, but if he hadn't the boy would be even more smug than he already was. "How do your little friends, Weasley and Granger, fare these days?" he asked off-handedly.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Don't ask. They're engaged to be married and its all Hermione can talk about." He was happy for his friends, but when you were alone it was hard to watch.

Snape smirked. "I always wondered if you'd beat out Weasley for the fair Miss Granger's affections," he quipped. "Certainly she could do better."

Harry's eyes widened. "You thought... Oh no, she and I were only friends."

Severus raised an eyebrow. "Not you type, Mr. Potter?" he asked. He realised he was taking an unusual amount of interest in the boy. He needed to stop, but he wasn't sure what normal people conversed about.

Harry shook his head, not sure if he should admit that for some time, his 'type' had been tall, dark, snarky, and completely unattainable.

Harry's lack of verbal response had Snape wondering. "Sore subject?" he asked. "You should have realised you were putting yourself in harm's way having a drink with me." As he mentioned the drinks, the thankfully arrived and Snape raised his glass.

"To putting the past behind us where it belongs," Harry toasted pointedly, holding his glass up. He wanted to look forward, not behind.

Severus veered perilously close to smiling at the younger man's facile redirection. He clinked their glasses, and muttered, "Tell that to the rest of the world."

Harry sighed. "I wish I could," he said softly. "The past holds too much sorrow." He knew Snape, of all people, would agree with that.

Severus took a deep drink of scotch. "Which is why we drink. To think of other things. Or preferably of nothing at all," he said, hoping to lighten the mood that he himself helped darken.

Harry nodded, sighing a little. He looked up at Snape and said, "Shall we try to discuss something a little more... Upbeat?" He signaled the waitress to bring another round.

"Once again I feel compelled to point out you've chosen unwisely if you were seeking upbeat discourse." He smirked a little, though.

Harry shrugged. "Perhaps not upbeat," he conceded. "But I would certainly rather listen to your voice." The alcohol was loosening his tongue.

Severus was vaguely irritated at Harry's ability to flatter him, even now. He drained his glass just as the second arrived. "My sole natural resource. Shall I tell you a story, then? Perhaps I should be employed in recording Muggle books on tape." In younger days... But thinking of that was foolishness.

Harry leaned closer, conspiratorially. "Shall I tell you a secret? Something I've never told anyone else?" He was feeling quite reckless. But he also felt as if this was the only time he'd ever have Snape alone and inebriated.

Severus found Harry's tone of voice captivating. He licked his lips. "By all means, I shall keep your confidence, Mr. Potter. What is this secret?" he asked.

Harry leaned closer. "When I was in your class," he said, "Sometimes... When I listened to your voice..." He blushed a little and looked down. "I got aroused," he said, barely above a whisper.

Severus felt like the wind had been knocked out of him suddenly. The vision of Harry Potter, sitting in his class, hard for him... "From listening to my voice?" he asked weakly.

Harry looked up shyly. "Yes. It felt like warm hands all over me," he breathed. He didn't know how to describe it better. "*All* over me," he added, in case he hadn't been clear enough.

Severus felt the temperature of the bar go up by several degrees. He was grateful for the slight buzz he was experiencing, and he took another sip of the cheap scotch. "You have an overactive imagination," he said, striving to sound dismissive but unable to stop the mellow purr in his voice from the liquor.

"Oh yeah, and I still do," Harry breathed, pressing his advantage. "I used to sit there and imagine what you wore under those robes. And how those elegant hands would feel on my body." He was almost panting now.

"Adolescent delusions aside, I'm sure you have more interesting things to occupy your dirty little mind now," he said softly. The conversation was making him uncomfortable, and unfortunately for him, not completely in a bad way. Fantasies like sharing the bed of the hero of the wizarding world were something he didn't indulge in unless unconscious. He signaled the waitress for another drink just before he tossed back the remainder of his glass.

Harry laughed softly. He'd always wanted to tell Snape this, and he was finally doing it. It felt amazing. "Oh, I think that old habits die hard," he said, staring at the older man levelly. He couldn't quite believe he was doing this.

Severus knew he had to find a way to discourage the younger man, but he was having difficulty summoning the will. "I doubt you've been pining for your old professor all these years. Am I to assume your preferences are why you weren't interested in Miss Granger?" he asked, trying to change the subject.

Harry frowned a little. Had he judged Snape wrong? "I have been with both men and women. But I have definite preference for older men," he added more softly.

"Fascinating though these revelations are, Mr. Potter, I don't see what they have to do with me. Clearly I'm an inappropriate object for your... whatever," he said, eloquence escaping him in his increasing intoxication.

"Inappropriate?" Harry said, disappointment clear on his face. "We're both adults now. There's no reason..." Unless of course Snape wasn't attracted to him. He didn't think that was the problem, though.

"Yes. Inappropriate. Old enough to be your father. Reviled by the entire wizarding world. No prospects. No future. I'm sure the famous and worshipped Harry Potter deserves someone at least remotely desirable in some way. Other than the voice," he amended. He sounded pathetic to his own ears, but he wanted there to be no misunderstanding. Anything beyond casual friendship was simply ludicrous.

Now Harry was feeling annoyed. He'd hated Snape, of course, until he'd found out the whole story. But he knew now all the sacrifices the older man had made, and he realised just how alike they were in many ways. "Do you think I care what the wizarding world thinks?" he said quietly.

"You should. I understand you're possibly still traumatised by the events of last year. But that's no reason to turn your back on the world. You are young and have everything to look forward to." He was adamant that Harry was not going to waste his time and his life on a lost cause. Not that the stubborn boy seemed inclined to hear him.

Snape had the innate ability to make him feel like he was still a child, and it infuriated him. He unclenched his fist deliberately and said, "My whole life has been traumatising. And for once I want to do what *I* want to do, rather than what the world expects of me," he said tightly. Snape was refusing him, even the suggestion of something between them.

Severus frowned. "How unfortunate for you, then, that what *you* want is at the whim of another person," he purred. Perhaps a little old fashioned scolding would cure the younger man of his ridiculous notions. "I see you're every bit as self-obsessed as you were at school. The sun does not rise and set on Harry Potter's arse, and what you want makes no difference to me."

Harry's mouth was hanging open now. Suddenly, Snape seemed like a different person. Cold, sarcastic and just plain mean. Like he had been in school. "I never said that it did," he said quietly, trying not to let the hurt show.

Severus looked down into his drink. He realised he'd been harsh. Perhaps Harry wouldn't wish to speak to him anymore. That hurt him more than he wanted to think about. "I'm sorry. But you really must realise that the current line of conversation was getting a little... Ridiculous. It almost seemed as if... You had a romantic interest in me. Perhaps I was assuming too much."

"Yeah, how ridiculous would that be, right?" Harry said a little bitterly. He was hurt more than he realised. He hadn't planned this completely; he'd just wanted to get Snape alone and see what happened. "I mean, why would *you* be interested in me, after all?"

Severus frowned. "Fishing for compliments is beneath you, Harry. It should be uncomfortably obvious that any grumpy old queer would be attracted to an athletically-inclined young man like yourself."

Snape could irritate him like no other. "I'm not fishing," he said defensively. He didn't understand. If Snape was indeed interested, what was the problem?

Snape downed the remainder of his third glass of scotch. "The fact of the matter is, I will not permit you to attempt to shackle yourself to someone who would be completely incapable of making you or anyone else ever remotely happy."

Harry could only stare at Snape. "How would you know what makes me happy?" he asked softly. At least the other man was discussing it with him.

Severus wanted to roll his eyes, but he felt like he was making real progress. He stared levelly across the table at the younger man. "I can't," he said flatly. "Please drop it."

"You can't what?" Harry asked. He wasn't going to give this up. He was reasonably sure Snape was attracted to him. He was attracted to Snape. What was the problem?

Severus gave Harry his best icy death glare. "I believe it's high time I went home to my own free liquor. It's been delightful, Mr. Potter. Good evening."

"Wait!" Harry said a little desperately. "Please, S- Severus." It felt odd to use his given name. "Don't go." He felt like he'd lost something he never even had.

It took all of Severus' substantial willpower not to apologise to Harry again. He couldn't help himself. A handsome young man who he had reason to care for in his own awkward manner was begging him to stay. He wanted to whimper. He wanted a lot of things, all psychologically ruinous. "Will you cease this bizarre subject?" he asked, summoning peevishness from long years of practice.

Harry hesitated. He didn't want to drop the subject, but he also didn't want Snape to leave. "Yes," he agreed. "Please stay." He wanted to break through Snape's defences, and find out what the man underneath was like.

Severus relaxed back in his seat. "Honestly, I don't see what difference it makes. I'm sure you've plenty of other friends to pass the time with." He wanted to believe he wasn't fishing for reassurances, either, though if he was perfectly honest with himself, he couldn't completely.

"I asked *you* to come with me," Harry pointed out. Getting close to Snape was not easy, he could see that. "Why can't you just accept that?" He was gratified that the man wasn't leaving yet, though.

Severus' lips twitched. "Actually, I said I was going and you invited yourself along." He came close to smirking. "Very well, enough of that. What's new in your life, then?" he asked, hoping it would be a fresh start to the conversation.

Harry licked his lips. "Well, not much. Working, you know? Enjoying not fearing for my life every day." Wishing he had someone special....

"I must agree that the tedium of peace has been quite easy to adjust to. No Quidditch teams trying to tempt you away from your secret agent status?" he asked, keeping the topic light.

Harry shrugged. "I thought about it. But I think I've had enough of the limelight to last a lifetime." He relaxed a little.

"Perhaps you should organise a Ministry league, or something like that. I'm sure a few Weasleys would be more than happy to join up." Severus had never played for his house team when he was at school, although only because he'd never tried out. He certainly had enough of a competitive streak.

Harry laughed a little. "That's not a bad idea, actually. Though we'd better be sure to have a healer standing by, what with the age of some of the wizards..."

"True. Though I'd expect your fellow aurors to be handy with a broom. Or one would hope, anyway." Another drink arrived and he considered it. No particular reason not to get completely pissed. He'd just brewed up some hangover potion the other day.

Harry was glad Snape wasn't bolting. "Maybe I'll bring it up at the next staff meeting," he said, watching the older man closely.

Severus nodded. "It would be something to keep them out of trouble, at least. Now that there's no war to fight, some of them are at little at loose ends, I expect," he said a little wistfully.

Harry nodded. He knew the feeling. He didn't know why Snape wouldn't even consider a relationship with him. It hurt. Snape seemed too damaged. He wished there was something he could do.

Severus *was* damaged. He couldn't conceive of participating in anything remotely like a normal relationship. No matter how much, deep down, he wanted it.

In a little while, they parted ways. The mood was a little somber, but there was no more talk of attraction.

* * * * * * * * * * *

It was a week later that Arthur Weasley was bustling down the corridors of the ministry, carrying a small velvet bag as if it contained the crown jewels.

Harry looked up from the scroll he was studying and fell into step beside Arthur. "What've you got there, then?" he asked curiously, peering over. The elder Weasley always had something interesting going on, and it would help to distract him from his thoughts of where he'd gone wrong with Snape.

Arthur paused in the doorway of Harry's office. He was always happy to talk to the young wizard, and especially when he had something interesting to share. "A confiscated object. Not dark, necessarily, but..." He stepped closer and took a seat. "It's a renegade time turner. As far as I can tell, it works something like a portkey, but instead of physical space, it transports you through time."

Harry's eyes widened. "I didn't know it was possible to go back in time more than a few hours," he said excitedly, sitting on the edge of his desk. "How does it work?"

Arthur spoke excitedly about the object. "It's a little unstable, but it's quite clever, actually. You can only go back as far as 50 years or so, but still, that's quite a lot." He started explaining how it was primed and how to use it to get back. "It's in the shape of one of those muggle music devices. A pod? A little white square. The electronic widget lets you scroll to the time you want."

Harry leaned in to get a look. "Wicked," he grinned. "Have you tested it?" He thought of what he would do if he had such an item. The possibilities were endless.

"Noooo! It's far too dangerous. If I bollocksed something up in the past, I would never hear the end of it at home." He grinned. "No, I'm bringing it to my office until I've a moment to study it further. We've already fined the wizard that enchanted it. Bloody brilliant, though."

Harry had a sudden idea. It was so perfect that it stunned him for a moment, and he shook his head as if to clear it. "Oh, yes, it's very valuable. I suppose you'll keep it under lock and key then," he said evenly.

Arthur looked a little confused. "Well, no one can get into our wing. And no one really knows about it. I wasn't going to lock it up. D'you think I should?" he asked.

Harry blinked. "No, I suppose you're right, it should be perfectly safe right here in the Ministry. In your desk?" he asked, trying to sound casual. "After all, no one would know how to use it, really."

Arthur nodded. "Yes, I think a simple charm on the desk drawer should be enough. I have loads of things in there and no one ever bothers them, really. Right, Harry, I must be off. Don't work too hard," he said, standing with his treasure.

Harry tore his gaze from the small bag, and smiled. "See you around, Arthur. Is Molly making dinner on Sunday?" It was a standing invitation that Harry sometimes took them up on.

"She's got a recipe for lasagna she's trying out. Your regular seat at table will be waiting for you, Harry," he said with a friendly wink. He bustled off towards his office.

Harry closed his door and went to sit behind his desk. He was deep in thought. Did he dare? He knew nothing about this device. So many things could go wrong. But when he thought back to Snape's injured face in the scene he'd witnessed in the pensieve, and the result of that and so many other incidents that had made the man so closed off... he knew he'd made up his mind the moment he'd heard about the device.

He waited until everyone had gone home, and snuck back down the hallway to Arthur's office. He felt vaguely guilty for abusing Arthur's trust, but his Gryffindor bravery was tempered by just enough Slytherin cunning that he was able to justify it in his own mind as being done for Snape's own good.

The enchantment on the desk was ridiculously easy to break, and he waited for a moment to be sure that there wasn't some silent alarm that would bring wizards running. When nothing untoward happened, he took the device to his own office, where he locked the door securely and began to examine the device.

After a few moments, he had it worked out, and without hesitation, he set it for Snape's sixth year at Hogwarts. He adjusted the dial, and pushed the button to activate it.

For a moment nothing happened, and Harry thought perhaps it didn't work after all, but suddenly there was a flash of light and then everything went dark.

It was a moment before Harry realised he hadn't passed out, but that it was truly dark. He pulled his wand out and whispered, "Lumos" to find that he was in a small, dark room. He suddenly realised he didn't know *where* he'd appear, just when.

He looked around; it seemed like a storage room. He looked around; it *felt* like Hogwarts. He listened at the door, and then peeked out quickly; it did look like Hogwarts. The third floor corridor, in fact. His heart started to pound and he grinned. He'd done it!

He quickly conjured a mirror. He looked like himself; that was to say, he still didn't look much older than he had in school. He could surely pass as a seventh year. Hopefully he didn't look enough like his father to raise suspicion. He intended to stay away from the Gryffindor tower as much as possible, anyway. He thought back to what the Slytherin robes had looked like in the pensieve, and transfigured his robes. Now all there was to do was see if he could fit in. He'd aimed for the first day of term, to avoid any problems as to why a new student had just appeared, but he hadn't thought much beyond that. He took a deep breath and stepped out of the room.

Severus was on his way back from the library when he heard footfalls in the corridor. He glanced around and saw another student. Someone he didn't recognise. He instantly tensed up. As the other boy drew closer he realised he was wearing Slytherin robes. That made him relax fractionally, but even among his housemates he wasn't well liked. He headed towards the dormitory, minding his own business, but not hurrying.

Harry couldn't believe his luck. He'd been heading for the Slytherin dorms with no clear idea of how he was going to get in, and there he was. His goal, the object of his desires. He'd know Snape anywhere, even from the back. He hurried up behind him, and called out, "Pardon me!"

Severus stiffened a little and turned to face the older boy. He was slightly shorter, but he just had an air of being older. "Can I help you?" he asked, tucking an errant strand of black hair behind his ear. He didn't recognise him, but he was... Extraordinarily handsome.

Harry paused, taken aback for a moment. This was Snape, no doubt about it. He'd recognise that stringy hair, dark eyes and big nose anywhere. But... The lines in his face were gone, of course, and the mouth was nowhere near as severe, and his whole demeanor was so less forbidding that he almost forgot what he was here for. Almost. He was attracted to Snape as an older man; but teen Snape, who was now *younger* than him, had an appeal all his own. He tried his most charming smile, and said, "I'm afraid I'm a bit lost, my first day here and all. I'm looking for the Slytherin dorms."

Severus had seen one or two transfer students in his time at Hogwarts. He assumed this must be another. "You're in luck. I'm headed there now. It's nearly curfew, anyway." He turned and started walking towards the dorms again. There was no point in gaping at the other boy. He wouldn't be interest in anything more than directions, anyway.

"Great," Harry enthused, grinning as he fell into step beside Snape. "I'm Harry, by the way," he said, figuring there was no harm in using his real given name, anyway. He kept stealing sidelong looks at Snape. He was sexy. The voice wasn't quite as deep, but it was well on its way.

Severus looked over at him, and was momentarily transfixed by the deep green of his eyes. "Oh, um... Severus. I'm a sixth year. Did you transfer from somewhere?" he asked.

"I'm a seventh year," Harry explained, staring back at Snape. He was almost sure the younger man was interested. "My parents travelled a lot, so they taught me at home. I took my OWLs on my own, and did really well, but they want me to take my NEWTs so I had to come here." There was no way he could bluff, as he didn't even know if there were any other wizarding schools than Durmstrang and beaubatons.

Severus arched an eyebrow. "Homeschooled as the muggles would say. Well. If you did well on your OWLs, I'm sure you'll do fine." They reached the door and Severus spoke the password, 'eviscerate'. The door swung open soundlessly, leading into the common room. "Do you know where your room is?" he asked. If this boy didn't know anyone yet, perhaps he wouldn't realise that fraternising with Snape was no way to win friends. He'd realise it soon enough, but for now, he was safe. He ventured a wisp of a smile.

Oh shit. Another problem. "I assume I'll be staying in the seventh year dorm," he said, hoping that the setup was similar to Gryffindor. There seemed to be few people around, though. He really hadn't thought this through. As Snape would say, that was nothing new. "Though I've never had to share with anyone before," he joked. Snape's smile was something to see, though, and he smiled back automatically.

"Sixth and seventh years all have private rooms. But don't spread that around. It's one of the most closely guarded secrets in Slytherin." He smirked a little. "But if you don't know which room is yours, that's a problem. It's rather late to knock on everyone's doors."

Harry frowned. "Bloody hell." He looked around the common room. "I suppose I can just sleep on one of these couches, then sort it all out in the morning." He really did need to plan things out better.

Severus bit his lip. "If... You don't mind sharing we could transfigure you a bed out of something in my room and you can sleep there for the night," he suggested. He knew it was a foolish suggestion, but it had just popped out of his mouth before he'd considered it.

Harry tried not to smile too triumphantly. It was perfect. A private room with Snape. "Are you certain?" he asked, trying to sound concerned. "I don't want to put you out..." All alone with a presumably horny, teenage Snape. It sounded perfect.

Severus was a little surprised that the handsome seventh year hadn't laughed at him. But he was new, after all. "You won't put me out. I'm sure you can ask the prefect in the morning which room is yours." He led the way to his own room and took out his wand, unlocking it. He changed the spell every day.

"I really am grateful," Harry repeated, following Snape into the room. He glanced around quickly, brimming with curiosity, but then refocused his attention on the other boy. He smiled his most charming smile, knowing full well that if the Snape of his time was attracted to Harry, this Snape should be too. He stepped a little closer, and said softly, "It's a nice room."

Severus swallowed hard. He was sure the other boy had no idea of the effect he was having, but that smile made his heart skip a beat. "Thank you. I'm sure you'll like your own just as well." His heart was pounding so hard he was sure Harry was going to hear it. "Mind your back," he said, drawing out his wand and aiming it at a bureau behind him. He transfigured it effortlessly into a bed identical to his own, then gazed into Harry's eyes. "Please, make yourself at home," he said hoarsely.

"Thank you, I shall," Harry said, slipping off his robes, leaving him only in a tight white tshirt and jeans. He laid the robes on the end of the bed, bending over deliberately in front of Snape. He felt a stirring of excitement at the thought of seducing Snape. Because wasn't that what he was here for? Suddenly he wasn't sure. How could seducing Snape in the past help the present? Maybe it would help to offset a little of the cruelty he would experience.

Severus sucked in a breath, and quickly averted his eyes, condemning himself as a pervert. "Good. I'll just... I'm..." He slipped off his own robes, beneath which was a regular school uniform. "I usually shower at night. Fewer people there. I... I can show you... Where they are." He realised his blunder too late, and prayed that Harry wouldn't wish to shower at the same time.

Harry almost snickered. It was too perfect. He turned to face Snape, and smiled. "A shower sounds lovely. Please. Lead on." Alone with Snape in the showers? This would be a piece of cake.

Severus took a deep shaky breath and pulled off his tie. His hair had grown longer over the summer, and it settled to just brushing his shoulders in a heavy black sheet. "Right," he said quietly, grabbing his pyjamas from his chest.

Harry tried not to ogle Snape too obviously. He loved slender men, though his own build was more muscular. He had no pyjamas to change into, but that was already part of his plan. He followed Snape down the dark corridors.

The showers weren't far. Severus led the way into a door that contained a number of stalls, open at one end. It wasn't particularly private, but then there weren't many boys at Hogwarts that fancied other boys. He put his pyjamas on a bench next to the towels and started to unbutton his shirt with trembling fingers.

Harry watched Snape closely. His heart was starting to pound and his body was reacting. He wondered if Snape was a virgin. He shed his own clothes quickly and unashamedly, hoping Snape would look.

Severus didn't want to look. He was trying not to look. He stripped slowly, wishing he had clothes on under his clothes. He couldn't help but peek at Harry, but just for a second. It was another mistake. The young man had a body like a greek god, or at least it seemed so to him. He pushed his trousers off quickly and slipped into a stall and under the water.

Harry hid a grin. The other boy had been looking. That made him even more aroused, and by the time he was fully naked he was also fully hard. He would have Severus tonight. He cast a silent locking spell on the door that no one but a professor could break, then stepped into the stall adjacent to Snape.

Severus showered quickly and perfunctorily, trying to touch himself as little as possible. He paid extra attention to cleaning his hair, not that it would make much difference. He turned off the water and grabbed a towel quickly, bundling it around himself.

Harry waited until Snape came out, and he stepped out as well, not bothering with a towel. He stepped close behind Snape and said, "Severus?"

Severus stiffened. "Yes?" he asked breathily. He glanced over his shoulder, his hair dripping water across his pale skin.

Harry wasn't taking a huge risk. He knew Snape was gay. He put his hand on the other boy's shoulder and said, "Do you need some help drying off?"

Severus' eyes grew as wide as saucers. "Um, no. I'm quite... C- capable, thanks," he choked out. He stepped away, grabbing his pajama bottoms and pulling them on under the towel.

Harry advanced on him slowly. "I'm sure you are," he said softly. "But maybe *I* need help." He was still naked, and very hard. Water dripped in rivulets down his chest.

Severus put his hand flat on Harry's chest, holding him back from advancing further. He stared at his face, willing himself not to look down. "There's... Something you ought to know," he said quietly. "You'll have an easier time being accepted here if... If you're not... If you... Don't associate very closely with... Me." It was said haltingly, but matter-of-factly, with no trace of self-pity.

Harry's heart ached a little for Severus, but he didn't react. "I don't care about being accepted," he said honestly. He hadn't intended on being here that long. He reached out again, brushing Snape's hair out of his face. "I want you," he said simply. It was the truth, now and in the future.

Severus blinked. He wanted to believe it, but it was simply too fantastic. His eyes narrowed. It had to be some sort of awful prank. He glanced around to see if there was anyone waiting to jump from behind a screen. Then he looked back at Harry. "As flattering as your offer is, I'm afraid I'm not *quite* that gullible." He let his hand drop and turned back to grab his pajama top, pulling it on and letting the towel fall to the floor.

Harry hadn't expected it to be easy. He stepped closer to Severus once again, and said, "Look. If you won't believe what I say, believe your eyes." He held his arms out to the side, his very hard cock nearly bobbing against his stomach. As far as he knew, there was no spell to simulate arousal.

Severus couldn't stop himself from looking at such an invitation. He looked away quickly again, face burning. "Look, I've got no reason to trust you, whatsoever. I'm not sure what your mo...

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