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Audio Title: Training Session 2
Transcribed: April 14, 2010 | Audio Length: 02:15:00 (billable: 85 mins)
Hey, What's up guys? It's Jon Sinn here. We're going to get started in just a minute
or so. Before we even get started, I want to just tell you guys, I'm really excited,
because I'm going to be filming the video accompaniments to this product. As you
guys know you're going to get every one of these calls in product form, and also
remember we're going to be recording a ton of these videos with real girls, we'll
have live demonstrations. Live kind of footage of the Seduction Roadmap in action,
and some really insightful interviews with the girls about why the Seduction
Roadmap works, their take on pick up and stuff like that.
So it's going to be really, really, really cool. Like this product is going to be
expanding in a lot of cool ways. We've got three different girls coming in next week,
so you're going to get a lot of different perspectives and the product is going to be
really big, actually, by the time we're done with it. So that's exciting stuff. You guys
are going to be getting a lot of content throughout the seven weeks, and then we'll
give you the full product. Afterwards there's going to be a ton of really, really,
interesting new information that you guys haven’t seen anywhere else. And you'll
also get an idea of how to apply the stuff in the real world, which is a very, very
important part of this.
So that's just coming up. We'll be in contact with all of you members through email
about how we're going to be sending you those videos, and audios and all that stuff
that's coming up in the next little bit. The module should be up in the next 24 hours,
so look for that in your email in the next little bit. As always, we'll be sending you
the transcript of this call in the next four days or so, and you'll be getting the audio
download, and the PDF within 24 and 48 hours.
So with that said, I want to get started today talking about Sexual Attraction. Sexual
attraction is a topic that is pretty near and dear to my heart, because it was
something that I kind of came up with over the last two years basically since I
started Sinns of Attraction and formed my own company, and really broke away
from other methodologies. Because one of the things I noticed was that attraction
is not this one-sided thing, not all attraction is created equal, not all attraction works
to the same end. Not all attraction actually leads to sex, because there are different
kinds of attraction. That was something that would really frustrate me because I
would see, you know, girls out with guys who were really boring, had bad
personalities, but were rich. Or. I'd see girls out with guys who were really
interesting, but they always ended up not going with them. I've seen students get
attraction that other gurus would say was going to lead to sex and then I've seen it
fail time and time again.
So it really, a couple years ago, got me thinking about the idea of attraction and
what kind of attraction exists and how to trigger and how to kind of quantify this
concept, because we all accept that in order to get from meeting a girl to having a
sexual relationship, you need attraction somewhere. I would say, in my own
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teaching it's not the first step. Social comfort is the first step, but you do need to
build that attraction, and you need to build different types of attraction based on the
situation. So the first thing I want to do here on this call, is I want to explain to you
what the different types of attraction are. What sexual attraction is and then start
teaching you how to trigger it and why it's different from any other kinds of
So let's start with the first kind of typical community dating stuff, attraction; which I
like to call value-based attraction. This attraction is based on whatever value you
have intrinsically or provide evidence of to the girl. This is where things like, being
rich, having a table, having social status and connections, having names you can
drop, having a lot of interesting stories; having a lot of pre-selection. All that stuff
comes down to the value that you can demonstrate to a girl, be it non-verbally, be it
verbally, be it from her finding out from a friend. Whatever it is, however you
demonstrate your value, that's value-based attraction. And value-based attraction
can take you really, really far, but it's not inherently sexual, because the basis of
the attraction has nothing to do with sex it has to do with you possessing
something that the girl is either jealous of, wants herself, or sees immediate benefit
to being around. So that's value-based attraction.
We're not going to talk at all about value-based attraction in this call, there is plenty
of other material out there. In fact, I venture to say that all the other dating material
that other gurus teach is 90 percent value-based attraction. Ninety percent on how
to show a girl that you're cool or that you have cool stuff and access to cool things.
The second form of attraction is emotional attraction—and emotional attraction is
something you'll see a lot. I think you've probably heard it referred to as buying
temperature, you've probably seen it when there's a spike in energy and the girls,
or dancing around, or you say something funny and the girls laugh and hit you, or
you tell a story and the girl is really into it, and it's really, really emotionally intense.
You generally are going to see this more in situations where girls have been
drinking; more in situations that allow outlandish behavior like bars and night
clubs—less during the day. But the emotional attraction refers specifically to the
emotional temperature of the interaction. How much she likes you emotionally in
that instant. Now the problem with emotional attraction is that it's transient.
Emotions are feelings; which means that just because a girl has emotional
attraction for you at 9:15 on a Saturday night, doesn’t mean she's going to have an
emotional attraction towards you at 9:25 or the next day.
Emotional attraction is transient, it's good for certain situations. Emotional attraction
is great for greasing the wheels, as I like to call it. Let's say you're trying to get a girl
to move with you, if you can pump her emotions up, and really emotionally
stimulate her right before you suggest a move, or right before you suggest going
back to your place, or if there's any obstacles or distractions. If other guys come in,
emotional attraction is really good for getting the girl's attention back. It's really
good for kind of blowing guys out, it's really good for dealing with obstacles or
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objections, but it's not the whole basis of what you want to use to attract and pick
up women.
Lastly, that brings us to sexual attraction, and sexual attraction is an unconscious
and physical process that cannot be stopped. Sexual attraction is the most
powerful of these attractions, because there is an actual unconscious physical
process that occurs every time a woman becomes sexually attracted. In layman's
terms, they start to get flushed, they get wet and there's actually nothing that a girl
can do to stop the attraction from happening if you do the right things to trigger it.
The reason for that is something called "triune brain theory". And triune brain
theory basically states that we don’t have one brain but our brain is put together of
three separate functioning brains. And it's a really interesting theory because it
holds that these three brains are all responsible for different parts of our actions.
So you have the rational brain which is your neo cortex. And your rational brain
handles intellectual tasks, it handles facts, figures, you know, experiences but the
things that require a high level of cognition. This is where you do math and physics,
and figure things out. Accounting and balancing your book sheet and all of that,
and figuring out how many miles per gallon you're getting. All of that stuff comes
from the rational brain, the neo cortex. When people say, like your right brain,
you're talking about the rational brain, the neo cortex. And that's it from the top of
the brain, that's the newest, most freshly evolved part of this brain.
Then you have the intermediate brain, which basically controls limbic system which
is our complex emotions. These are things like anger, jealousy, emotions that have
more than just a primitive jolt. Right, these are things like how you feel about
someone, whether or not you like someone is an emotion. Whether or not you're
sexually attracted to someone comes down to the last version of the brain, the
primitive grain which has to do with self-preservation, aggression, mating. All of
these unconscious processes, regulating body function, regulating breathing,
regulating pulse, regulating all of that stuff, and the primitive brain is where sexual
attraction takes place, which is why sexual attraction is the most powerful because
it's a primitive urge. It's not something that has had to evolve, it's something that
human beings have been doing since the dawn of time. It's how the species
propagate. So there are a lot of things that we can do to actually trigger that
primitive brain; that part of her brain that the woman doesn’t have any control over
and that says— I need to mate now , and that actually starts that physical,
unconscious sexualizing process to where, eventually, the girl can't think of
anything but sex because the primitive brain is by far the most powerful. It by far
has the strongest urges. It controls things like hunger, you know, aggression,
anger, murderous rage, all that stuff that is really what makes us more animal than
human; whereas the other two parts of the brain work to make you more human.
So that's really why I got interested in sexual attraction, was that I learned about
the triune brain theory and I learned that sexual attraction, the urge for sexuality,
the urge to mate, so to speak, is a function of the primitive brain. Which made me
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think, okay, well we're doing things that are emotional or value-based, and
emotions, right, emotions go with the intermediate brain, and value-based
attraction works with the rational brain. There's a list of reasons why you should be
with that person, or you should be with because my ex-girlfriend was really hot, and
I am a man of value, and I'm a protector of loved ones and yada-yada-yada. But
that's intellectual, that's the least powerful, most new part of our brain that we're
accessing. And then you have your buying temperature, you're teasing, and stuff
like that, which hits the emotions and hits your grounding sequence and all that
stuff. It hits the emotion which is the second part of the brain, but it ignores that
primitive brain.
So the stuff that we're going to be talking about today, is stuff that's designed to hit
that primitive brain, that urge to mate, that sexual part of a woman that needs to
kick in, in order for her to be sexually attracted to you and be attracted in a manner
that makes her want to get sexual very, very quickly.
Okay, so when does sexual attraction happen? As everyone who knows my
teaching, knows social comfort comes first. And social comfort basically means
three to five minutes of a normal conversation where you make the person
comfortable and they have a superficial – superfluous level of rapport with you.
That means, basically, if I came in after three to five minutes, they go, yeah, he
seems like a nice guy . That's what you have to do first. That comes before sexual
attraction. Sexual attraction can only occur when there is already some social
comfort present. So once you build social comfort you're going to break rapport to
start the attraction process and specifically the sexual attraction process. Luckily
for us, demonstration sexuality is a way to break rapport. Because generally when
two people are interacting it's not polite or necessarily the most socially comfortable
thing to start talking about sex. However, it does start that attraction process. So
there's teasing, back turns, push pulls, takeaways, any various way that you're
going to break rapport.
But the point is, you don’t start the sexual attraction process right after the opener,
you get into a normal conversation first, and then as soon as you can tell that
woman or group of women is comfortable with you, that's when you start to break
rapport and build sexual attraction. If you try to attract women sexually too early,
you will end up getting blown out, because you're going to demonstrate sexual
neediness. And sexual neediness is the biggest turnoff women have. You have to
think about it from the terms of an attractive woman. Attractive women can have
sex whenever they want, wherever they want, usually with whoever they want. So
for them the idea of sexual neediness or being sexually desperate, or really, really
wanting some particular sexual opportunity, it’s like trying to understand a
supermarket if you're an Ethiopian. It's just not – it's outside of your reality. It
doesn’t make any sense. Women's lives are literally a driveway window of cock
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So if you start trying to get sexual too soon, or if you get sexual in the wrong way,
you demonstrate that you're looking for sex, or that you're trying to get sexual with
her because you don’t have very many sexual opportunities, you're not a man who
is sexually satisfied, and you see the fact that she's attractive as an opportunity,
you're going to blow yourself out 100 percent of the time. So be aware of that.
Sexual neediness a huge, huge turnoff for women; you never want to be sexually
pushy, you have to learn the line between aggressive sexually, and being pushy
and needy. And you will have to mess that up a few times to understand it, but
once you get it, you'll understand how to be properly sexual in any situation.
Now I want to move on and talk a little theory here before we get into the meat and
the tactics. I want to talk to you guys about the five triggers of sexual attraction
from doing thousands of hours of research and reading every book under the sun
on attraction, from Sexual Selection Strategies , which is an out of print book I found
in a used bookstore to Sperm Wars , to Why Women Have Sex , to Queen Bees and
Wannabees , to The Female Brain , to various female submission books, and books
on fetish culture. I figured out there are five triggers of sexual attraction that are
proven and that actually hit the primitive part of a woman's brain. So the five
triggers of sexual attraction are:
1) Social dominance. Being socially dominant, we're going to talk about each
one of these triggers in depth in a few minutes. So for now social
2) Sexualized stereotypes. And I don’t just mean your clothing. What I mean by
sexual stereotype, I mean you fit into a style of a seducer. You seem like a
guy who she would go to for sex, who knows what he's doing sexually, who
she's going to have a good sexual experience with.
3) Social proof/status. Social proof, social status, demonstrating those things
trigger that primitive part of a woman's brain because human beings are
hierarchy-based creatures.
4) Sexual confidence. Being able to demonstrate sexual confidence is a huge
trigger of sexual attraction. A sexually confident man triggers that part of a
woman's brain. We'll talk about why that happens.
5) And lastly arousal—actual sexual arousal, which can happen verbally or
So let's dive into these a little bit more. Number one, social dominance—so what
does it mean to be socially dominant. When we talk about sexual attraction,
remember we're talking about primitive brains. So human beings as creatures
evolved in terms of social hierarchies. If you look at any sort of mating with any sort
of creature, be it baboons, be it wolves, anything—the social dominance and the
social hierarchy determines the sexuality. If you look at our society as a whole, who
gets the hot girls—your people at the top of the food chain, your famous actors,
your rich guys, your athletes. The ones who are more socially dominant trigger
more sexual attraction. You can see it when you look at the MySpace or FaceBook
of famous people. You'll see girls like throwing themselves at them, like blatantly
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