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Audio Title: Training 4 Recording


Seduction Roadmap – Week 4



Okay, guys. That marks the 6-minute West Coast Time mark. So I want to welcome you to the fourth week of the Seduction Roadmap Boot Camp. Thanks for being with me. I see a lot of callers on the line.


Today I have a couple of things, the first thing is, I got a really awesome success story from a guy name Jimmy in the Seduction Roadmap Program, so I want to read that to you guys. Jimmy wrote saying:


Hey, Jon. I have to say this. The Seduction Roadmap is blowing my mind. I went on a first-date last Thursday, and by the time I used the eighth frame you talked about last week she was begging me to go back to my place, and telling me I turned her on too much. I knew it was true because when I stuck my hand down her jeans it was soaking. I can't wait to see what's going to be taught next and what will happen when I come to the boot camp and you customize—shit. You're the man. Jimmy from Illinois.


So that's really awesome, I know there are more guys out there who are having success with this stuff as I've got a couple other emails as well. If you're having success with the Seduction Roadmap Boot Camp please send me any success story, I love to read those, it makes me feel like you guys are using the stuff and appreciating it, so send those to, also send your questions at – I've gotten a decent amount of questions so far. The questions will be answered in three weeks on the Q&A call, so send your questions in, I won't answer them right away, but in three weeks when we have the Q&A call we're going to read every single question sent in by you, and I will answer all of those. So send those questions in at


I also want to let you guys know we do still have a couple spots in the Seduction Roadmap boot camp which is taking place May 28 through May 30. So what that means is until May 6, we can still give you guys a discount on it. The Seduction Roadmap boot camp is going to be really awesome because in it we are going to customize each piece of the roadmap to your specific life stories. So we're going to come up with sexual attraction stories from your real life. We are going to come up with, you know, sexual frames that match your real life and match things that you are looking for in girls and real experiences you've had. We're going to match your sexual body language, we're going to match everything up to your real life so that you no longer have to tell my stories or use my routines and you can still get the same amazing results.


There's also going to be personalized instruction which is the real make or break on a lot of the stuff because a lot of problems, you know, things like I don’t know what to do to attract a girl. It can be fixed over the phone, but a lot of stuff like body language, facial expressions, tonality—that stuff has to be seen by an expert in field, and the way you approach—your approach angles, whether or not you escalate, there are a lot of stuff that seeing (inaudible 0:18:26) in field can fix really quickly, and personalized instruction will be happening at that Seduction Boot Camp, about two nights in field with a Sinn's of Attraction instructor. And also, I'm going to be revealing my Seduction Roadmap, so I'll be sharing with you guys like the word-for-word routines, stories, everything that I use. These are things that I don’t even teach in this program, just because I don’t want everyone in the world using them.


So as I've said, there were ten spots initially, we've only got six left. We are going to be emailing our full list about it, so that's about 20,000 guys that we are going to send out this offer to and try to get them to sign up, but the price is going to go up too on May 6th. But right now you can get a spot for three payments of $600--$1,800, but that price is going up next Thursday. So not this Thursday, but a week from Thursday, and then we'll probably email about it the week after that. So we still have a deal for you guys for taking the plunge and joining the Seduction Roadmap boot camp, and then taking the further initiative to be on the call four spots later. So if there's something you're interested in, you're looking for a boot camp, I highly recommend that you guys come to this because it's going to be a one-time only thing. I don’t think it's going to be part of a product or anything because it's going to be customized entirely to the ten guys who show up. So, six spots left, if you want to go sign up go to:


I think that's all the housekeeping news so without further ado here I want to start talking to you guys aboutUnleashing a Woman's Sexual Side. Unleashing a Woman's Sexual Side—what does it mean? What is this audio module going to be about?


Let's start off by thinking about what a woman's sexual side is. So every guy who is listening has had an experience with a woman that was sexual, unless you're a virgin, in which case you've just kissed a girl or done other things, but you've had an experience with a side of that woman personality that she doesn’t let everyone see. Female sexuality is all about that part of her personality that she brings out behind closed doors. That she brings out when we're passed the point of attraction, and we're passed the point of comfort, and she now wants to have sex. That primitive part of her brain has kicked in that says I want to have sex right now.


One thing to remember is that all women have a sexual side. A lot of guys write me emails, or they meet me on workshops, whatever, and they say, well I don’t like club girls, or I don’t like party girls or I don’t like this type of girl or that type of girl. And the girls that I like, they don’t really have a sexual side, they're like more demure, and like they're more elegant—and I'm like—you're ridiculous. Like every woman has a sexual side. Now what we need to think about is what stops her from showing this sexual side off—right. We have to accept the basic idea that women want sex basically as much as men. Women are just as sexual, in fact their sex drive increases as they get older, peaking around 32, whereas men decrease from 18.


So understanding that women want sex; the myth that women don’t want sex, or that women are giving something up, or you're taking something when you're having sex is just a myth. But what happens is that this side is only going to come out based on certain parameters, and every woman is going to have a different parameter, for some girls it's someone who has a lot of girls around him. For a club girl who really cares about the club social scene, if you're with a lot of girls that's going to trigger parts of her sexuality. For other girls it might be—maybe the girl has been burned by players before and now she's like a little more guarded and that just turns her off. So there are these different filters that stop a woman from letting loose and letting that sexual side out. Now we already talked a lot about how to bypass those filters. Building sexual attraction starts to bypass those filters and get the woman interested sexually. We talked about building sexual frames which allow women a safe, comfortable space to kind of let loose that sexual side of her personality. We talked about setting interactions so that you, her, and the two of you together are operating in a place that's comfortable sexually.


But now we want to talk about how to turn that woman on and bring out that sexual side and get her comfortable with a sexually escalating interaction, and get her even more to lead the sexual interaction. Because ultimately we want to build enough compliance and enough momentum that the girl is actually escalating on us. In that she's agreeing to all escalations that we're coming up with. And that happens by unleashing this woman's sexual side. So the way we're going to classify a woman's sexual side is we're going to break it down in terms of psychology—right. So what we're trying to do, is we are trying to bring out a specific sub-personality and a sub-personality is in transpersonal psychology is a personality mode that kicks in to allow a person to cope with certain type of psychosocial situations. That's basically a lot of scientists talk in different situations, different parts of a woman comes out. The mode may include thoughts, feelings, actions, physiology and other elements of human behavior to self-present a particular mode that works to negate particular psychosocial situations.


The average person has about a dozen sub-personalities. So this mode may include thoughts, feelings, actions, physiology and other elements of human behavior to self-present a particular mode that works to negate psychosocial situations. So basically when the sub-personality kicks in it takes over the thoughts, feelings, actions, physiology and all other elements of human behaviors. Self-present, meaning that it presents not only to the person that you're interacting with but to itself; it actually feeds back upon itself. So as you can see, it would be really, really helpful to bring out that part of a woman's personality if you're trying to get sexual with her, because it's going to change her thoughts, feelings, actions, physiology and other elements that make her self-present that she wants to get sexual, and the longer a woman wants to wait to get sexual the more turned on she gets. Anticipation is a huge builder of arousal and a huge builder of sexual tension. One of the things that I like to think about in terms of a metaphor is that men and women are both on a train headed to towards sex. It's just women are on the train about 15 minutes behind. I think that came from (inaudible 0:26:39) Steve or something like that.


But it's a really good idea because women are usually ready to have sex about 15 minutes later, physically and emotionally and stuff, so hitting that sub-personality to come out and then waiting and not taking advantage of it, the more you wait the more that personality really will start to crave sex, and that's when she's start to do things to escalate the interaction and take control of it herself.


So when we're dealing with a sub-personality and getting it to kind of self-present, we're dealing with what I like to think of as sexualized self-images. So, let's talk about self-images before we get into the idea of sexualized self-image.  A person's self-image is the mental picture, generally, of a kind that is quite resistant to change. It depicts not only the details that are potentially available to objective investigation by others, but also items that have been learned by that person about him or herself either from personal experiences, or by internalizing the judgments of others. A simple definition of a person's self-image is their answer to the question—what do you believe people think about you? So our self-image is just the way we think about ourselves. It's the type of person you consider yourself to be, and we make these definitions and judgments about ourselves and our place in society all the time. We think of ourselves as a person who's optimistic, or a person who knows what he wants, or a person who procrastinates, or a person who is lazy, or a person who is stupid, or a person who is unattractive to women, or a person who is attractive to women—but we all have images of ourselves, and generally we have images of ourselves that are sorted by categories.


Have you've ever heard the term situational confidence? It relates to the taking upon of different sub-personality and self-images as a relation of that sub-personality, so a great example of that is a guy who is really good with women and his job. Maybe he's a bartender or a promoter or something like that, and he's used to just getting the hottest girls that come in there, and in that situation he'll talk to anyone, he knows everyone, he's very comfortable. Then you put him in a situation where he goes to maybe another bar where he doesn’t know anybody, or a club, you know, and now all of a sudden he's not comfortable approaching people and he's taking on a self-image that is, may be even 180-degrees, the opposite of what he believed about himself two minutes ago. And the reason is that we as humans sort through our self-images again, and based on our surroundings, based on the external clues from other people we're interacting with—social proof—we decide what we feel about ourselves in this situation. Facts, emotions, logic—they don’t really come into it as much as the cycling through these various self-images until one fits and feels comfortable. And so what we're looking to do with the girls is as they're cycling through the self-images that happen anyway, we want to shape this and push this towards having a sexualized image of themselves in the situation that we're in.


So what is the situation that we're in? She's attracted to us, we have a decent amount of comfort and now we want to shape that she's the kind of person that when she's attracted to someone, and she has a good amount of comfort, is sexually aggressive and comfortable getting naughty and maybe even comfortable being really, really dirty, and doing all sorts of fantasy stuff that she's thought about but hasn’t really ever had the chance to do. So that's kind of the process that we're looking to do when we're unleashing a woman's sexual side; in fact getting her to bring out that sub-personality and the sexualized self-image, and we're going to have some tools to do that which I will be talking about very shortly.


So let's talk about the three tools for unleashing a woman's sexual side, and these are what we're going to be using once we've built sexual attraction, once we've set our sexual frames – as we are setting our sexual frames. In fact, a lot of the times, you can bounce between the sexual frames and your grounding stories. You're talking about yourself. You're talking about how you grew up, where you grew up, how your personality shaped your views which shaped the frames that we're setting. So we talked about grounding a little bit on the sexual attraction thing, if you guys want to review.


Now the three tools for unleashing a woman's sexual side are—number one cold reads. Cold reads are amazing for shaping a woman's sexual side because they allow you to get her to accept various self-images through your intuition. Because you present any sort of evidence or even just no evidence but you are able to ground yourself as a person who is good at reading people, or you're able to ground her as someone who reminds you of a friend who was like this or that. Anything that you can do to empower these cold reads to make her accept them with real evidence is going to make them better.


We're also going to talk about sexual qualifiers. Now we're going to use the qualification process, we're going to use the compliance ladder process that we've been working on, and we're going to use that to sexualize our qualifiers and get the girls complying to sexual things. And lastly, we're going to talk about sex talk. And sex talk, to me, is the combination of being able to talk about sex in the normal subject and talk about sex in a way that's arousing, use dirty talk, things of that nature. So those are the tools we're going to be breaking down on this call.


Let's jump right in to the first tool, maybe the best tool, for bringing out that woman's sexual side—cold reads. I've read a lot of books about cold reads, one of the ones I recommend is a book called "Completely Cold" by Kenton Knepper. Another one that's really good is "The Complete Book of Cold Reading" by Ian Roland. Cold reading is an amazing technique for almost every area of picking up women, from attracting them to building comfort, to getting them to go sexual, to getting them to show up for dates. It's a really, really powerful technique and it's something that I recommend you spend a little more time on, than you spend on the rest of the techniques that you learn overall—all of the skills. If you spend a little more time on getting your cold reading and warm reading abilities up, then you will be much better with women. So what is cold reading, cold reading is a series of techniques used by mentalists, (delusionists ?), psychics to determine or express details about another person, often in order to convince them that the reader knows much more about a subject than they actually do. That last line is really important, to convince the subject that they know much more about them than they actually do.


That's what we want to do with cold reading. When we're using cold reads to unleash a woman's sexual side, we want to convince her that we know her better than she knows herself, and that she wants to get sexual because we know her better and we can tell that she wants to get sexual because that sexual side is aching to get out, which, for the most part, is true about most women. Like the thing about this stuff is; it's techniques to let women get around society's judgments and stupid things to get in the way of them having more sex which they want to do. So I don’t really ever think it's that bad or manipulative, but cold reading exists with warm readings as well.


Warm reading is when you know a little bit more about girls. So warm reading is the stuff we want to mix in with our cold reading and so, for example, let's say I just nailed a cold read and a girl is really reeling, now I want to use something that I already know about her to kind of tie it down. So let's say I'm talking to a girl and I just cold read her about something, about thinking too much, and earlier she told me that she's an interior designer, right I might now say, you know—I bet that when you're doing interior design, you totally spend like 30 minutes figuring out where to put a lamp. I can tell that you're totally the kind of person who micro-analyses everything and wants everything to be beautiful and perfect. Because what do interior designers want, their job is to make everything perfect and beautiful and make you feel good about the fact that you spend a lot of money to have someone decorate your house for you.


So don’t be afraid to mix in the warm reads and feed her back things that she told you about herself. That sounds like it wouldn’t work, but you'd be amazed. Girls never seem to realize that you're just telling them things they already told you. And people don’t because there are things that generally do tend to be true about them as well. So that's another thing to keep in mind with cold reads.


Now an important part of cold reading is the process of setting cold reads by pacing and leading. So in NLP the process of pacing and leading refers to making statements about the current reality of an individual, and then directing their attention somewhere else. So what we're trying to do when we're pacing, is we are trying to get their mind to subconsciously agree with what we're saying. Because the more someone subconsciously agrees with you, the more authority the things you're saying are given. So, for example, if you're trying to land a really big cold read, like I gave a cold example in one of the calls leading up to this about fractured sexual identities. I talked about that like a large cold read, you want to build up some momentum with that, and I got an email from a guy saying he didn’t know when to use it and he creep the girl out. If you don’t pace, if you don’t get the girl to accept you as an authority first, she's never going to accept your critique of her sexuality. So by the time you're trying to land a big cold read about her sexuality you want to already establish a lot of pacing. And we establish the pacing early on with things that she can easily agree on.


So let's say we are at this club, Crest, in L.A. and I say something like—You know, it's crazy, like we're here at Crest and I can tell that it's going to be a great night, I'm really excited. You know, it's Friday night, it's getting late, all of these are statements that are pacing and that I can use—before cold reads—to get the girl's mind agreeing with me before I start trying to direct it. So if you just bust out cold reads out of nowhere without a little bit of pacing first, getting a little bit of stuff that she can agree to; and later on it can be different, you know, later on it can be something like—You know, I'm so glad we met. I came out and I was not expecting to meet someone, I'm sure you weren’t expecting to meet someone really cool either. Her mind is going to agree to that—right. And thenIt's crazy, we've been talking all night. I feel like, you know, I know you so much more. All of these little statements are going to make your cold reads land harder, and when you're cold reading you want to arrange all of your cold reads in the order of pacing and leading. So I might say something like—You know, it's crazy, like we are at Crest on a Friday night, like I can tell it's going to be a good night, but you seem a little nervous. Or—I can tell you're an intuitive person. It's getting late, I can tell you are an intuitive person, and I know that like most guys would be asking for your number now, but I don’t want to let you leave, so come back with me. All of those things and you're going to have a much better chance of landing them.


So be aware when I'm going through the word-by-word cold reads that I'm going to start busting out for your guys pretty soon, that you want to use that—leading and pacing—and try to think about where the paces are, where the leads are in each cold read because the better you understand this concept, the better you're going to get at cold reading, and you'll get there much faster as well.


The next concept I want to talk about when it comes to cold reading is the idea of building a cold read ladder. Like I talked about before, we are trying to build what's known in the persuasion circles as an authority frame. Like I talked about before, the more a person believes you, the more you pace, the more you do things that agree with what the girl believes, and the more you can start leading. So when you're starting out with cold reads, you want to start out with innocuous ones, we want to start out with ones that aren’t the ones I'm about to give you for unleashing a woman's sexual side. By the time you get to the ones for sexuality, you should've used three to five cold reads already. The thing is, cold reading builds momentum because every time you're right, the person wants you to be right more and more, because it's really cool that you seem to know more about them than they know about themselves.


So we want to think about cold reading in a process has a ladder, like each cold read is building upon itself. We use innocuous ones like—Oh, my God, you seem nervous, I bet you that when you get nervous you get really clumsy. Or, you know—I can tell that when most people meet you they think you're kind of shy. Or—I can tell like you definitely like to be the center of attention, but sometimes you just don’t want the pressure of it. Things that early on we can use to build sexual attraction, or just use to build comfort, we want to build those up before we start to use the cold reads I'm about to give you which are all about unleashing a woman's sexual side and getting her to accept a sexualized identity.


Alright, so I know I've strung you guys along for long enough, I want to now break out the cold reads. So don’t worry you will get written accompaniments with these, where these are written down for you in order. But for now try to keep along. So I might say something like—You know, (inaudible 0:42:18) you, that people see a totally different side to you than what your close friends might see. Like I bet if someone asked you like what I just asked you, where you worked—like what's the craziest thing you've ever done, you would probably hold back, but with someone that’s like really close to you they would never ask that because they were probably there when you did it. I mean, I can just tell from talking to you, you're probably one of those people that likes the kind of darker side of things, but it's only really with people you really you're really comfortable with. So there we've got a couple of different things, right?


What we're doing we are separating the girl into parts, when you're trying to bring out sub-personalities it's really important that you break the girl into parts, because when you name a part it starts to become real. So like—I bet with you, I bet that people really see a different side to you than what your close friends might see. Obviously that's a pacing statement. Obviously everyone's friends see a different side than everyone else. SoI bet if someone asked you, at work, what the craziest thing you've ever done was, you probably would hold back. Again, a pacing statement; most people aren’t going to be talking about the craziest thing they've ever done at work. But with someone that's really close to you, they would never ask that because they were probably there when you did it, more pacing. Again, we're talking about crazy things. She's thinking about all the stuff she's done, what does it mean, it's slightly sexual. I mean I can just tell from talking to you that you're probably one of those people that like the darker side of things, but only really, with people you're really comfortable with.


There, our leading statements—I can tell just from talking to you that you're probably one of those people that like the darker side of things. If you just say that to a girl, she's going to reject it. So if you put the pacing in front of it, she's going to accept it, and now you're building momentum; and then, again, you go back to the pacing—Only with people you're really comfortable with. While she's getting really comfortable with us right now, we're having this conversation, we're building comfort, we're doing all the other things that build sexual comfort, and we are also (turning 0:44:48) out that sexual side – image – and showing her that she can do that, she can be sexual and we don’t judge.


Alright, next cold read, okay, this one starts—Have you ever been in one of those relationships that's totally selfish? Actually, you know what, forget I said that. I bet you can be someone who totally takes and takes and takes. Men are probably afraid to break up with you, so they do a bunch of stupid shit that gets them dumped anyway. You know, my ex-girlfriend really was someone who never had a problem with maintaining attraction. I was always attracted to her, but with you, I can tell that you can actually push men away. That's just like my gut opinion, you know—sorry, in the field I work in I'm paid for my gut opinion.


Okay so let's look at that one broken down—have you ever been in one of those relationships that's totally selfish? We're just using that question to frame our cold read, it doesn’t matter if she answers it or doesn’t answer it. Ideally, if she's like hesitating, then you can go— Actually, forget I said that. I bet you can be someone who totally takes and takes and takes. Like, men are probably afraid to break up with you so they do a bunch of stupid shit so they get dumped. Every girl in the world has had that experience where a guy was afraid to break up with her so they did a bunch a stupid stuff to get them dumped. You know, and again, it's flattering and it's leading. Now we've led her and now we need to pace—My ex-girlfriend really was someone who never had a problem with maintaining attraction, like I was always attracted to her. Now we are tying it down, we're framing this a little bit to let her know why we understand that, and then now we're going to go for one more lead. With you, I can tell that you can actually push men away, you know, that's just my gut opinion. And then...

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