Esaesser cinema senses.pdf

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Film Theory
An introduction through the
Thomas Eisaesser and
Malte Hagener
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First published 20 I 0
by Routledge
270 Madison Ave. New York. NY 10016
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by Routledge
2 Park Square. Milton Park. Abingdon. Oxon OX 14 4RN
Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group. an informa business
© 20 I 0 Taylor & Francis
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
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ISBN I 0: 0-415-80 I 00-1 (hbk)
ISBN I 0: 0-415-80 I 0 I-X (pbk)
ISBN I 0: 0-203-87687-3 (ebk)
ISBN 13: 978-0-415-80 I 00-3 (hbk)
ISBN 13: 978-0-415-80 I 0 1-0 (pbk)
ISBN 13: 978-0-203-87687-9 (ebk)
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Introduction: ilm theory, cinema, the body and the
1 Cinema as window and frame
REAR WINDOW - Constructivism - Realism- Open and closedilmorms (Leo
Braudy) - Classical cinema-Centralperspective- RudofArnheim- Seraej
Eisenstein-Andre Bazin-David Bordwell- Cinema as shop-window and
2 Cinema as door -screen and threshold
THE SEARCHERS -Enty into theilm- EymoloY fscreen-Th reshols f
the cinema / movie theater - Beainninas: credits and credit sequences - Neo­
ormalism (Bordwell / Th ompson) - Post-structuralism (Thiery Kuntzel)-
Michail Bachtin - Door / screen asilmic motfin Buster Keaton andWo ody
3 Cinema as mirror and face
PERSONA -Bela Baldzs-The close-up-Th eface-Fa ce as mirror fthe
unconscious- Christian Metz -Je an-Louis Baudy - Appaatus-theoy - Eary
cinema and the close-up (om Gunnina) - Riexive doublina in modern (art)
cinema - Mirror neurons - Paadoxes fthe mirror
4 Cinema as eye -look and gaze
BLADE RUNNER -Active and passive eye -The mobile ey e feary cinema­
Dziaa Ve rtov-Appaatus-theoy - Suture - Continuiy-editina- Laua Mulvey
- eministilm theories- THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS - Historiciy fmodes
fperception- Reaimes fthe aaze-Th e bia Other Uacques Lacan) - Slavoj
Z izek - The panoptic aaze (Michel Fo ucault) - Niklas Luhmann and sef­
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