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The Forex Trading Formula
Triad Trading Formula - Training Manual by Jason Fielder
Triad Trading
System 1: Trend Finder
System 2: Squish-Squash
System 3: Target Breakout
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The Forex Trading Formula
Triad Trading Formula - Training Manual by Jason Fielder
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Copyright ©
The Forex Trading Formula
Triad Trading Formula - Training Manual by Jason Fielder
tabLe of contents
i. weLcome to the triad trading formuLa | p. 5
trend finder | p. 8
squish-squash | p. 10
target breakout | p. 12
ii. system #1: trend finder | p. 14
trend finder explained | p. 15
indicators | p. 17
trading with all trend finder indicators | p. 25
trend finder trade signal | p. 26
the setup | p. 27
the entry | p. 29
the stop loss | p. 31
the exit | p. 33
trend finder trading rules | p. 35
trading trend finder: long example | p. 36
trading trend finder: short example | p. 40
final thouhts on trend finder | p. 44
iii. system #2: squish-squash | p. 45
squish-squash explained | p. 46
indicators | p. 48
the setup | p. 55
the entry | p. 56
the stop loss | p. 58
the exit | p. 59
squish-squash trading rules | p. 60
trading squish-squash: long example | p. 61
trading squish-squash: short example | p. 65
best time to trade | p. 69
using squish-squash to trade news announcements | p. 70
final thouhts on squish-squash | p. 72
Copyright ©
The Forex Trading Formula
Triad Trading Formula - Training Manual by Jason Fielder
iV: system #3: target breakout | p. 73
target breakout explained | p. 74
indicators | p. 82
the setup | p. 83
the entry | p. 85
the stop loss | p. 87
the exit | p. 89
target breakout trading rules: long trades | p. 91
target breakout trading rules: short trades | p. 92
trading target breakout: long example | p. 93
trading target breakout: short example | p. 97
final thouhts on target breakout | p. 101
V. money management and parting words | p. 102
Vi: bonus trading systems | p. 104
friday special | p. 105
gpb/usd trend system | p. 126
the carry trade | p. 149
Copyright ©
The Forex Trading Formula
Triad Trading Formula - Training Manual by Jason Fielder
weLcome to the triad trading formuLa
Let me be the irst to congratulate you on taking your irst steps into the proitable world
of Triad Trading. Throughout this course you will learn three separate and independently
proitable trading systems.
You will learn one trend system, one counter-trend system, and one breakout system. You
will learn how to trade each system, as well as the theory behind them and why they work.
But before we get into all of that, let me explain how all this began…
Have you ever had an event that was a “life-changer?”
Well, one such event happened to me attending an advanced trading workshop in
Houston, TX in 2006…
While at the workshop, I was struck by how almost everyone in attendance was
approaching their trading business (and yes, it is a business) in completely the wrong way .
I’ve attended trading seminars like these in the past, but none this advanced, and to my
shock even the more advanced traders had MASSIVE HOLES in their trading strategies!
It was at that moment when I realized I had something…something that 99.9% of the
active traders out there didn’t have:
A strategic formula for consistently pulling massive proits out of almost any
market, no matter how that market is moving (up, down or sideways).
I knew then that I could no longer sit on the sidelines and allow so many traders to lose so
much money due to some basic misunderstandings about the trading business.
The result of that life-changing event is the Triad Trading Formula!
The Triad Trading Formula is a theory of trading that recognizes that the markets really only
move in three ways:
So, to make the largest amount of proits you will need to trade a trend system, a counter-
trend system, and a breakout system. This will allow you to proit no matter what the
Copyright ©
The Forex Trading Formula
Triad Trading Formula - Introduction
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