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Lyme disease: A Look Beyond Antibiotics
Dietrich K.Klinghardt, MD, PhD
Bellevue WA 1/7/05 and 1/7/06
In the last decade the majority of outcome-oriented physicians observed a
major shift: we realized that it was neither the lack of vitamins or growth
hormone that made our patients ill. We discovered that toxicity and chronic
infections were most often at the core of the client’s suffering. We watched
the discussion, which infection may be the primary one: mycoplasma, stealth
viruses, HHV-6, trichomonas, Chlamydia pneumoniae, leptospirosis,
mutated strep, or what else?
The new kid on the block is Borrelia burgdorferi (Bb) and some of us have
looked at it for a long time as possibly being the bug that opens the door for
all the other infections to enter the system. Lyme disease has become a
buzzword in the alternative medical field. Since none of the recommended
treatments are specific to either one of the microbes, we can never assume
that we really know what we treated once a patient has recovered.
Microbiologist Gitte Jensen, PhD had shown, that the older we get, the more
foreign DNA is attached to our own DNA. Somewhere along the line
pathogenic microbes invade the host’s DNA and become a permanent part of
it. Since we use only 2% of our DNA, it may not be a problem. In fact, it
may make us who we finally become. It may also cause a number of
symptoms and chronic illness. Genius Guenther Enderlein’s discoveries take
us off the hook: if one microbe can change into another given the right
environment, why bother to find out, who we are infected with? The book
“Lab 257” suggests that Bb is an escaped man-made US military bio-warfare
organism (just like myoplasma incognitus and HHV 6).
Other authors suggest that different subtypes of Borrelia, which cause illness
in humans, such as B. afzelii and B.garinii have probably existed longer then
B.burgdorferi and occur naturally (1, 2) and have been with us for a long
time, maybe centuries or much longer then that.
Neurologist Prof. J. Faust MD, PhD of the Albert-Ludwig University in
Freiburg, Germany (3) related many neurological and psychiatric illnesses to
spirochete infections as early as the 1960s. He was so skilled in his clinical
knowledge that he could – based on clinical neurological symptoms –
accurately predict which valley in the Black Forest the infected patient was
from! This clearly was a time before Bb - showing that non-syphilis
spirochete infections were around earlier then the famous Bb outbreak in
Connecticut in the mid seventies. It also makes a strong statement to the fact
how easily these creatures may mutate and adapt to local conditions. It may
however validate the findings published in “Lab 257”: Tuebingen, the place
where German/US warfare spirochete expert Traub was continuing his
spirochete experiments in the early 50s, is situated in the Black Forest also.
Were these spirochetes genuine or have they escaped from a university
Making the diagnosis
It appears that many patients with MS, ALS, Parkinson’s disease, autism,
joint arthritis, chronic fatigue, sarcoidosis and even cancer are infected with
Borrelia burgdorferi. But is the infection causing the illness or is it an
opportunistic infection simply occurring in people weakened by other
My experience is based on:
a) using direct microscopic proof of the presence of Borrelia burgdoferi
(Bb) and other spirochetes (4, 5)
b) the information many affected clients have brought to me
c) my own clinical training and experience (30 years in Medical practice,
15 years Bb cognizant)
d) ART testing (autonomic response testing), which is the most advanced
and scientifically validated method of muscle testing (6)
e) regular lab parameters affected by Lyme:
Abnormal lipid profile (moderate cholesterol elevation with
significant LDL elevation)
insulin resistance
borderline low wbc, normal SED rate and CRP
normal thyroid hormone tests but positive Barnes test and excellent
response to giving T3
type 2 (high cortisol, low DHEA) or type 3 adrenal failure (low
cortisol and DHEA)
low testosterone and DHEA
decreased urine concentration (low specific gravity)
complex changes in cytokines, interferones, NK cells, white blood
cell indicators, etc.
Bb tends to infect the B-lymphocytes and other components of the immune
system which are responsible for creating the antibodies, which are then
measured by an ELISA test or Western Blot test. Since antibody production
is greatly compromised in infected individuals, it makes no sense to use
these tests as the gold standard or benchmark for the presence of Bb (7). We
also are aware that in endemic areas in the US up to 22% of stinging flies
and mosquitoes (2, 8, 9, and 10) are carriers of Bb and co-infections. In
South East Germany and Eastern Europe 12 % of mosquitoes have been
shown to be infected. Also many spiders, flees, lice and other stinging
insects carry spirochetes and co-infections.
Making the history of a tick bite a condition for a physician to be willing to
even consider the possibility of a Bb infection seems cynical and cruel.
To use conventional diagnostic tests such as the Western Blot, one has to
think in paradoxes: the patient has to be treated with an effective treatment
modality first before the patient recovers enough to produce the antibodies,
which then are looked for in the test. A positive Western Blot proves that the
treatment given worked to some degree. A negative Western Blot does not
and cannot prove the absence of the infection.
Having taken another route altogether, we have recognized that today many
if not most Americans are carriers of the infection. Most infected people are
symptomatic, but the severity and type of the symptoms varies greatly. The
microbes often invade tissues that had been injured: your chronic neck pain
or sciatica really may be a Bb infection. The same may be true for your
chronic TMJ problem, your adrenal fatigue, your thyroid dysfunction, your
GERD and many other seemingly unrelated symptoms. Many Bb symptoms
are mistaken for problems of natural or premature aging.
In most places the diagnosis of an active Bb infection is made only if the
symptoms are severe, persistent, obvious, and many non-specific and
fruitless avenues of treatment have been exhausted. Acute new “typical”
cases of Bb infection are rare in my practice. Symptoms tend to get stranger
and more obscure every year.
Frequently, if the patient is fortunate enough to see a practitioner who is
“Lyme cognizant”, the diagnosis of a supposedly fresh case of symptomatic
Lyme disease is made when a significant tissue toxin level has been reached
(threshold phenomenon) or when a new co-infection has occurred recently.
The symptoms can mimic any other existing medical, psychological or
psychiatric condition. The list of significant co-infections is limited:
roundworms, tapeworms, threadworms, toxoplasmosis, giardia and amoebas,
clostridia, the herpes virus family, parvovirus B 19, active measles (in the
small intestine), leptospirosis, chronic strep infections and their mutations,
Babesia, Brucella, Ehrlichiosis, Bartonella, mycoplasma, Rickettsia,
Bartonella and a few others. Molds and fungi are always part of the picture.
The pattern of co-infections and the other preexisting conditions such as
mercury toxicity determine the symptom-picture but not the severity.
The severity of symptoms correlates most closely with the overall
summation or body burden of coexisting conditions and with the genetically
determined ability to excrete neurotoxins. The genes coding for the
glutathione S-transferase and for the different alleles of apolipoprotein E
(E2, E3 and E4) play a major role. E2 can carry twice as much sulfhydryl-
affinitive toxins (such as mercury and lead) out of the cell as the E3 subtype,
E4 carries out none. Trouble in the methylation, acetylation and sulfation
pathways is also common. Other factors, such as diet and food allergies, past
toxic and electromagnetic exposures, emotional factors and unhealed
ancestral trauma, scar interference fields and occlusal jaw and bite problems
are also important (6). The severity of symptoms is not related to the number
of spirochetes in the system but rather to the individual’s immune responses.
Taken all of the above into account, we do not distinguish between people
who have the Bb infection and those who don’t. We distinguish between
people who have Lyme disease and those who don’t.
a) patients who are infected with any type of Borrelia and are
symptomatic have “Lyme” disease
b) healthy people who are not symptomatic often already have a
spirochete infection as well. They may or may not be disasters
waiting to happen. But they do not (yet) have Lyme “disease”.
Most often several of the “co-infections” are already present prior to the
infection with Bb or other spirochetes.
In treatment we focus on exploring the difference between symptomatic and
asymptomatic carriers. We treat what the symptomatic person is missing
(such as enough magnesium in the diet) or has extra (such as mercury)
compared to the asymptomatic one.
The group suffering most is newborn babies and young children, who rarely
are diagnosed correctly and therefore are not treated appropriately. They
often carry the labels ADHD, autistic spectrum disorder (ASD), seizure
disorder and others. Detoxifying these kids with transdermal DMPS and
treating the chronic infections is often curative.
The 3 Components of Lyme disease
Lyme disease has three components, which should be recognized and
addressed with treatment:
Component #1: The presence of spirochete infection and co-infections
The co-infections are bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic. Since the
spirochetes paralyze multiple aspects of the immune system, the organism is
without defenses against many microbes. Many - if not most - of the co-
infections are really a consequence of the spirochete infection and not truly a
simultaneously occurring “co-infection”.
For this aspect of treatment we use pulsed electromagnetic fields (KMT-
microbial inhibition frequencies), niacin in high doses (12) herbs, minerals,
bee venom (6) and - sometimes - ant parasitic medication and antibiotics.
The KMT microcurrent technology is new and revolutionary (17). The
instruments are FDA approved for pain control. Designed by Japanese
engineers they use four different - but simultaneously applied - high
frequency superimposed biological waveforms. The interference pattern is
creating thousands of harmonics which are then manipulated into the
specific published microbial inhibition frequencies (against Bb, mycoplasma
This stealthy microcurrent travels freely through the body reaching every
tissue. The instrument measures the skin conductance over a 100
times/second adjusting the amperage constantly (so that the body never
creates habituation/resistance against it). The microbes are inhibited in
their metabolic and sexual activity and gradually die out or disappear from
the body
The instrument looks not much different then a TENS unit and is applied via
four electrodes to the skin or used by translating the electric field into a
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