Tamsin Baker - Bonded Hearts.pdf

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Evernight Publishing
Copyright© 2013 Tamsin Baker
ISBN: 978-1-77130-463-4
Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs
Editor: Karyn White
WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.
This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are
fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
To the amazing woman who is Imogene Nix. Thank you so much for
all of your support, help and endless critiquing!
You beta read and critiqued all three of my Third Bite series despite
the fact you don't like M/M or Menage and they are both.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate everything you do!
Third Bite, 2
Tamsin Baker
Copyright © 2013
London, 1812
All vampire unions are designed as ménage relationships.
Three generally, although legend has it that four is also possible.
Without all three or four of the vampires united, the others feel
incomplete and often fall into a depressive state. When and if they do
find their third or fourth, the soul rests happy forever.
Chapter One
“You know how jealous we are, do you not?” Eric glared at
Nathaniel, one of his lucky brethren.
“Of our children or our mate?” Nathaniel asked with an
irritating lift of his eyebrow.
Eric growled in response. They were jealous of the children,
but the envy he and Malcolm felt about another vampire pair finding
their third was eating them alive.
The answer was obviously written on his face because
Michael answered.
“We do.” Michael, Nathaniel’s vampire mate, walked across
the room and handed Eric a very precious bundle.
The weight, heat, and smell of a half human baby hit Eric’s
senses all at once, and he brought his arms protectively around the
“My God...” Eric breathed out his shock at seeing Michael’s
blonde daughter, born of their human mate. Her weight in his arms
was the only thing convincing him that he wasn’t dreaming. How was
it possible?
“She is...” Words failed him. As a nine hundred year old
vampire, it was the first time in almost a millennium that such a thing
had happened.
“She is almost as beautiful as her brother.” Malcolm, Eric’s
mate, walked over to him for comfort. He was holding Nathaniel’s
dark haired son.
Eric looked down at the sleeping infant Malcolm held. He was
a mirror image of his father. Twins, each born of a different vampire
father. Truly incredible.
Eric finally found his voice.
“They are a miracle.”
Nathaniel and Michael sat side by side on the chaise lounge,
Michael’s arm slung casually around his mate.
“They are, but so is our Margaret.”
Eric and Malcolm exchanged glances.
Malcolm and he had searched the world over for their third
mate, yet she had eluded them. Insanity was looming.
“Good evening, gentlemen.”
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