wnioski do matosa.docx

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1. The EU Climate Package of January 2008 is good for Poland; it is ambitious yet fully, achievable; however, it requires departure from current energy policy preserving technical, structures and building on them conservative organisational structures, which stifle innovation.

2. The Polish national potential of renewable energy sources permits the contribution
of renewable energy to the final energy consumption balance in Poland at the level exceeding 21 % in 2020 and nearly 60 % in 2050.

3. The 15% contribution of renewable energy to energy consumption in Poland in 2020 means the need for new projects at the level of (maximum) 10 GW of electricity, 30 GW of heat and 50 PJ/year production capacity in biofuels.

Problems: access to capital and limited supply of modern technology.

4. The key issue for the contribution of renewable energy in 2020 is the use of the potential
of wind power and energy crops, the sources which are most severely affected
by environment al and spatial restrictions.

5. Local (for heat and cold production) use of solar and geothermal energy and utilisation
of dry and solid biomass waste is the least controversial. The related technologies will be developed in conjunction with action aiming at increased energy efficiency at end users’.

6. Biogas production (first from waste, then from special crops) is an exceptionally advantageous option for cogeneration from the environmental and energy point of view.

7. Based on the development of renewable technologies by 2020, achievable in the long-term perspective (2050) is an approximately 55 % contribution of RES to the primary energy balance and 80 % to electricity consumption as well as the reduction of CO2 emissions
from 10 t/ca to 2,5 t/ca.




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