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SIGN with your BABY.
How to Communicate with
Infants Before They Can Speak
Joseph Garcia
Published by
Cover Design
Sign2Me™ is an imprint and
trademark of Northlight Communications, Inc.
11395 Fifth Avenue NE, Suite B
Seattle, WA 98125-6108
More information about SIGN with your BABY products
can be found in the back of this book.
Gregory Maes
Heather Nystrom
Lola Roberson
Joseph Garcia
Matt Anderson
Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2003 by Joseph Garcia
1st Printing 1999, 2nd Printing 1999, 3rd Printing 2000, 4th Printing 2001,
5th Printing 2003.
Terry Stratton
Dara Burrows
Joseph Garcia
Stephanie Hopkinson
This book is based on information originally presented in the book, Toddler
Talk, written by Joseph Garcia. Toddler Talk is no longer in print.
Printed in Canada
Proof Reading
Barbara J. Miller
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted
in whole or in part, in any form or by means electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and
retrieval system without written permission from the author and publisher,
except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. For information
contact Northlight Communications, Inc.
I want to give special thanks to Dara Burrows, my wife, for her
patience and persistence in transforming my thesis into a read-
able guide. I also thank John Herum for his technical guidance.
Notice of Liability-Disclaimer
The information in this book is developed from public information, educa-
tional sources, and the author's personal observations. No claim is made as
to the results of using the information contained in this book. Neither the
author nor Northlight Communications nor Stratton-Kehl Publications, Inc.
shall have any liability or responsibility to any person or entity with respect
to the results of the book's suggested techniques.
I am grateful to the early childhood development researchers
whose studies continue to help us become better parents. And a
special acknowledgment goes to Dr. Glenn Massay who encour-
aged me to investigate my idea, test my theories, and write this
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 98-89288
ISBN 0-9668367-7-4
Printed on recycled paper with soy ink.
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For my parents, Emma and Bill Garcia,
who taught me that through learning
and loving, I could do anything.
Certain very important facts about human language have been
known for many years. Two thirds to three quarters of all everyday
language is ordinarily acquired by the third birthday. Also, in cases
of poor educational performance, inadequate language ability is
almost invariably present. What has not been known, surprisingly,
is what exactly goes on during those first three years that underlies
the acquisition of language. The reason for this strange state of
affairs is that the research community has largely neglected the
details of development during these early years. Recently, however,
important progress has been made.
Even some thirty years ago reports appeared that indicated
that children taught sign language had acquired about seventy-
five signs by the time they were nine months old. In contrast, the
typical child of that age could understand fewer than ten words,
regardless of how bright she was.
This was a tantalizing though isolated finding. Until fairly
recently, no one in developmental research followed up on this
potentially important finding. Now two programs have. One of
them is the subject of this book.
I recommend the teaching of signs, starting at about seven
months of age, for several reasons. First, sign language represents a
second language, and our research consistently showed that when
a second language was introduced in an effective manner to a child
from the early months on, the child would not only become
bilingual by the second birthday, but would be ahead of the
monolingual child in both languages! Indeed, that has been the
experience of parents in our program.
Second, we have repeatedly found that children, especially
boys, though developing well, have few or no spoken words at all
until their second birthdays. We have also learned that the period
between seventeen and twenty months of age is a particularly
difficult time, in that the normal child is very limited in regard to
frustration tolerance, and being unable to express himself
exacerbates the problem. A child who can sign at that stage of life
is a child who will cause considerably less frustration for himself
and his parents. That means the attachment process can move
along much more smoothly and probably to a better outcome.
Communication: The Backbone to a Healthy
Relationship With Your Child
Finally, the potential for understanding mental activity in
children between eight and twenty-two months of age that is
made possible by sign language is intriguing. Someday soon we
will take advantage of this remarkable tool to get a much more
refined picture of how the mind of a child evolves.
Proving an Intuition
Get the Big Picture
For all these reasons, and because his work is sound, I strongly
recommend this groundbreaking work of Joseph Garcia.
Something Done Wrong Long Enough Becomes Right? .... 15
Why the First Signs of Intelligent Life Can Be Signs
Burton L. White, Ph.D., June 1998
Director, The Center for Parent Education
Author, The First Three Years of Life and
Raising a Happy Unspoiled Child
"Even Though I Can't Talk Yet, I Know More Than
You Think I Know"
How Your Child's Cognitive Skills and Motor
Coordination Develop During Infancy
Seeing the World Through a Newcomer's Eyes
Shared Perception and Shared Meaning
Learning by Association
Will Signing Interfere With My
Child's Speech Development?
To Contribute or to Commit?
How to Sign With Your Baby
Let Your Fingers Do the Talking
Gazes: Opportune Moments to Introduce Signs
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