Jak jeste� w temacie to tylko powiem �e wystarczy podmieni� plik LOADER na Wolf Toolbar, nazwany wcze�niej Loader i dolaczy� ten drugi WolfToolbar pliczek. Zrestartowa� i gotowe. Acha, wa�ne, ten drugi pliczek trzeba jeszcze oznaczy� jako TYLKO CZYTAJ, bo inaczej po twardym resecie trzeba od nowa odblokowywa� winCE Musisz odblokowac tak jak w opisie do Navia.Roznica jest tylko jedna ale wazna. W init \launch50 wpiszesz w miejsce explorer.exe - Explorer.exe.(DUZA LITERA) 1. ��czymy urz�dzenie przez ActiveSync z komputerem 2. Je�li jeszcze nie mamy to �ci�gamy CERegEditor - http://ceregeditor.mdsoft.pl/ceregedit_setup.exe 3. W edytorze rejestru odnajdujemy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\init i w kluczu Launch50 zmieniamy warto�� launch.exe na Explorer.exe 4. RESET 5. Cieszymy si� pulpitem Tak,dokladnie. Tylko przed wcisnieciem resetu zrestartuj guzikiem. Czyli wylacz,wlacz i reset Tu jeszcze drobna zmianka Launch 50 MyShell.exe zmien na Explorer.exe Powodzenia W daytonie nie ma launch.exe tylko MyShell.exe. Ale chodzi o to by launch50 przerobic z MyShell.exe na Explorer.exe A swoja droga, w ten sposob mozna odblokowywac: VDO Dayton MS 2000 oraz 2010. I Blaupunkt Lucca 5.2. Sprawdzone. Step by step how to unlock the VDOdayton MS2000 1, Make a map on your desktop, call it what ever you want ex VDO MS2000. 2, In this map make one that you call "ResidentFlash" and one that you call "backup" \VDO MS2000\ResidentFlash \VDO MS2000\backup 3, In the ResidentFlash map make one map call "SYSTEM" and one called "BananaPC" \VDO MS2000\ResidentFlash\SYSTEM \VDO MS2000\ResidentFlash\BananaPC 4,Download CabWUZ.exe from http://www.ocpsoftware.com and install this on your PC. 5, Download BananaPPC.arm.CAB from http://www.snoopsoft.net/files/BananaPC.arm.CAB 6, Start CabWUZ and extract BananaPPC.arm.CAB. Remember where you extract it. 7, Take the exracted file called BananaPC(.exe) and put it in the map BananaPC map that you made in step 3 \VDO MS2000\ResidentFlash\BananaPC 8, Download customioE.zip from here http://www.gpspassion.com/download/customioE.zip and unzip to your PC. 9, In the root of the unzipted "customioE.zip" you will find a file called GSFinder(.exe) rename the file to MP3(.exe) and put it in your SYSTEM map that you made in step 3. \VDO MS2000\ResidentFlash\SYSTEM\MP3.exe 10, Connect your GPS with MSactivesync open the online SYSTEM map \ResidentFlash\SYSTEM and copy this MP3.exe to the backup map that you made in step 2. \VDO MS2000\backup 11, Now copy the renamed MP3.exe(GSFinder.exe) that you made in step5 to the online SYSTEM map. 12, Copy also the BananaPC map with the file BananaPC.exe to the online ResidentFlash map \ResidentFlash\BananaPC\BananaPC.exe 13, Pull out the USB cable and do reset and restart on the GPS unit. 14, When the main menu comes up with the 3 buttons. Click on the MP3 player and a explorer lookalike starts (gsexplorer). 15, Go to the the BananaPC.exe and execute. 16, With this program (BananaPC) you are able to to close navigation.exe (the main window that starts when the gps unit starts up) that lock the GPS recieve on com 2. So it gets free used to other application like ex. TomTom navigator. But remember all things that you put outside the ResidentFlash map and of course the sd-memory disappears when you do a reset in the bottom of the unit. The hole windows map include the map my documents rewrites from the e-prom. So if you do something wrong (Be careful with the ResidentFlash\Navigator & ResidentFlash\SYSTEM map) the only thing you have to do, is reset the unit again. GOOD LUCK