Apocrypha Discordia - Ðe Seconde Edityon Compy'eled fromme Dtverf Sorfef by Hif Wholines ðe Rev DrJon Swabey - wið Illuminations by Pope Phil Wlodarczyk III (2002).pdf

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Apocrypha Discordia
Ðe Seconde Edityon
Compy’eled fromme Dyverƒ Sorƒeƒ
by Hiƒ Wholineß
ðe Rev DrJon Swabey
Pope Phil Wlodarczyk III
e Rev DrJon Swabey
Pope Phil Wlodarczyk III
53877424.001.png 53877424.002.png
To the Prettiest One
and to Blade,
without whom.
and in honour:
Mal2 and Omar; Greg and Kerry;
A couple of guys,
A couple of saints.
Dance with the Goddess (Jiggy-Jiggy)
Content and Layout
The Rev DrJon Swabey
& a whole bunch of other Erisians,
Discordians and Weirdos
far too many to list here on this tiny page (sorry).
Where identified, they’re all credited in the text.
All effort has been made to verify the (K) status of individual items, however
in the event of non - (K) items being accidentally included, please notify, and
said items will be removed in subsequent editions.
Second Edition 2002
3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2
Pope Phil Wlodarczyk III
Assembled by His Wholiness the Rev DrJon
on behalf of
The Committee for Public Safety
Approved for abuse in schools
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to be free
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore
This country always needs more Soylent Green
You should have put that in there...”I found out I was dying, and used my last days
to create a Discordian Manual...”
Prince MuChao ,
Private correspodance, January 2002
Of course, I was wrong, Little Deluded Dupe that I am. Seven days before I was
scheduled for Surgery, that quiet voice which I imagine also talks to Zen monks, Sufi
mullahs and other Disreputable Persons at the End, rapped sharply on my skull and
told me to get my shit in order within the week. Little did I know it was Eris using
a funny voice, the bitch. Anyhow, I hurridly wrapped up a couple of projects, and
this was one of them.
I got curious. Discarding the “non-canonical” material ( well, laying it aside ), I
started to reference my little collection to the original. I’d stumbled, by the way,
on I-Net’s 4th&5th combined edition, with the wonderful foreword by Lord Omar.
Imagine my shock when I realised that some of these fragments I had to hand were not
to be found in the Principia.
As well, we’ve the addition of a brand spanking new Back Cover to this edition. Now
the arse won’t fall out when you pick the book up. I imagine this will be particu-
larly helpful for those reading this on PDAs, who won’t have to worry about losing
the batteries anymore.
Anyway, apparently earlier editions of the Principia contained the Myth of Starbuck.
Perhaps this is the solution to the mysterious fragments I had. Perhaps they didn’t
make the edit. Who knows. I have never heard of a pre-4th&5th Edition extant. I would
of course be very interested in talking to anyone who might have information about
any of these early editions. We can only hope that one will surface, eventually.
Who was he? What was he like? How did he live? We can only hope someone will write
of his life, and maybe also rediscover the lost I Chao, also mentioned by Lord Omar.
But at some stage, at last intrigued by these “holy quotes”, I copied out by hand all
of the Discordian Scriptual References in Illuminatus, including the Hagbard Celine
tracts. Hooked, I started working through other RAW ( Robert Anton Wilson ) works,
and with the inevitability of a cream pie in flight, as I ventured into more exotic
bookstores and other Purveyors of Disrepute in search of said, the Principia arced
its way towards my face. By the time it struck, I had a small collection of fragments
assembled, together with such esoterica as I’d acquired along the way ( such as
Vonnegut’s Bokonon, and other perverts ).
There will be some form of sequel. There’s much Erisiana still out there that
deserves a permanent home, as much as there’s plenty that, while Chaotic, is also
In the middle eighties I gained access to USENET and that was that. I started
collecting Erisiana as I stumbled upon it. Ten years later, some acquaintances
pointed out that Lord Omar was currently to be found making contributions to White
Wolf’s Vampirethingy game. More power to him, I say. He was not long to live, and it
was good to see the occasional Discordian reference, all of which were promptly
collected for the now-bulging file. It was the Internet, though, which led to the Big
Explosion in Discordianism.
The Surgery, a minor exploratory, went off without a hitch ( although the General
Anaesthesia was in the nature of a lovely rest from the ceaselessness of my
Unmanagably Overactive Brain ).
That was a shock. I wondered what it meant. As far as I knew, no announcement had
ever been made. I got to thinking. Was Gregory Hill just another pseudonym? Of Lord
Omar, Kerry Thornley, much is known, photos published, interviews, books. Hell, I
even have his autograph. Of Greg Hill, there was nothing I was ever able to discover.
Even the Erotic Etruscan Poetry thing is, in effect, unsubstanciated. You have to
So, why a Second Edition? Primarily because Evil Copyrighted Material snuck its way
into the First Edition, Hail Eris All Hail Kallisti. This material has been re-
placed. KopyLeft is in the news again at present, with New Scientist amongst others
looking at the concept.
Talk about Cut-Up? I was furious. And Lord Omar, like Burroughs, was no more.
Also, I felt that some sort of note should be attached, to outline the general
circumstances and motivations which led to the Apocrypha Discordia’s creation. This
is a very special time for Discordianism. There are some very special, very talented
people working on Erisiana at the present. I-Net, Lord Omar’s publisher, may yet get
together with Sondra London to do something about his unpublished works. Sondra, by
the way, deserves much credit for her support of Lord Omar in the last years of his
Well, She got what She wanted, anyhow. Despite Hesiod, I know that She is One and the
Same. I can’t help but think She has further plans for me, and that’s worrying. In
the last few years Her presence has been quite notable in my life. I thought I had
escaped - and I did, for a time - but Her influence, through the most traumatic and
destructive period of my life, will live with me till the End. Of course, She also
saw fit to balance it with some of the most precious, wonderful, valuable moments...
the bitch.
In a funny way, I’d been working on the Apocrypha for over twenty years. My parent,
also disreputable types who’d later converted to Wiccan, in the nineteen eighties
( about more which, elsewhere ), had carelessly left Illuminatus lying around where
impressionable ten-year-olds could get their hands on it. Like many others, I thought
the Principia an invention of the authors, but then I suspect my focus at the time was
far more on the seedy steamy sex scenes, anyway.
It was to find a home for these “apocryphal” fragments that I first had the idea for
doing this book. I had the time on my hands and I had the means ( I also had a small
collection of rubber-stamps, but given the composition medium, it wasn’t really
practical to use them ). I avoided most of the rest of Lord Omar’s extant stuff - I’m
sure Sondra London can be trusted to see to its issue eventually.
All credit should go to the Committee for Public Safety ( not to be confused with the
Committee for Public Safety ) for their support. Some content would have been nice,
but that’s probably just me.
Discordianism and the concept of KopyLeft go hand in hand. Although just a small part
of the counter-culture gestalt, I believe that the Principia Discordia was probably
one of the earliest expressions and strongest champions of this idea, which has
since seen such concepts as the “Open Source Software” initiative, with endeavours
such as the Linux Operating System. Remember: if it’s not KopyLeft, it’s not
Discordian. This concept is at Discordia’s very heart, ye and its spleen, gonads and
pineal gland. Or something. I remember stumbling across the Discordian internet site
some meatboy had constructed and copyrighted - I laughed and laughed and laughed at
the sad-arsed bastard. No doubt Eris will accordingly soften him sorely.
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