Przypadkowy mąż - The Accidental Husband.2008.Napisy ENG.txt

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{572}{632}Reesa from Manhattan,|you're on the air.
{636}{700}{y:i}I date a lot of guys.|I mean, a lot.
{704}{776}{y:i}I've had more blind dates than|a seeing eye dog. You know why?
{780}{858}{y:i}- I'm on tenterhooks, shoot.|- I'm looking for the real thing
{862}{916}{y:i}you're talking about,|but I wanna feel love.
{920}{1006}{y:i}The kind where you're so delirious|you can barely breathe or eat.
{1010}{1098}{y:i}I'm waiting for Prince Charming who|will pick me up, sweep me off my feet,
{1102}{1197}{y:i}- slam me into a wall, and bang my...|- Let me stop you right there, Reesa.
{1201}{1273}First, I don't think love|is supposed to deny you of your food
{1277}{1368}or oxygen supply.|Love is supposed to nourish you.
{1372}{1432}{y:i}Well, I'm just saying|I want the fairy tale.
{1436}{1495}{y:i}I want the excitement, the romance,|you know?
{1499}{1594}Yeah, I do. This Prince Charming|of yours doesn't exist.
{1598}{1645}He's good for a few nights in the sack,
{1649}{1714}but his charm will run thin,|which is what charm does.
{1718}{1808}{y:i}Well, I hear ya, Dr Lloyd, but what|I'm saying is that I want to be deeply
{1812}{1895}{y:i}- and passionately in love.|- You want to be passionately in love.
{1899}{1991}I see. You know who's a bigger flake|than your buddy, Prince Charming?
{1995}{2077}His brother, Prince Passion.|Reesa, if you are truly serious
{2081}{2149}about wanting to find real|and lasting love in this town,
{2153}{2209}I'm gonna have to dish out|tough love to you now.
{2213}{2262}{y:i}- Uh-oh.|- This serial dating of yours
{2266}{2353}is a waste of time. You can't|find something when you don't know
{2357}{2428}what you're looking for.|You're playing the field, right?
{2432}{2554}Hoping that somebody will want you,|when it's you who needs to figure out
{2558}{2634}what it is you want.|Anybody can fall in love,
{2638}{2741}but what you deserve is a man with|the emotional maturity to stay in love.
{2745}{2853}Don't settle for a boyfriend|when you can demand a manfriend.
{2857}{2903}{y:i}I'm not really the demanding type.
{2907}{2951}Don't go there, Reesa.
{2955}{2999}Hear what she's doing, listeners?
{3003}{3095}That is the sound of a woman|who settles for second-best.
{3099}{3186}Why do we do that? I mean,|deep down we know we deserve better,
{3190}{3263}so why do we keep lowering|our standards?
{3267}{3335}{y:i}I devote a chapter|to this in my new book, Real Love,
{3339}{3374}which come to stores on Wednesday.
{3378}{3493}I've finally learned that unless|you demand real love for yourself,
{3497}{3550}you're going to get|seriously hurt out there.
{3554}{3616}{y:i}But how am I supposed to know|if love is real or not?
{3620}{3719}Spell it out for yourselves.|Is he responsible?
{3723}{3819}Is he your equal?
{3823}{3917}Is he an adult?|- Are you freakin' blind?
{3921}{4007}- And most of all, L: Is he loving?|- That's a ridiculous call!
{4011}{4117}{y:i}- Know anybody like that?|- Not really.
{4121}{4212}Hold out for it, Reesa.|You'll be so glad you did.
{4216}{4292}{y:i}Oh, Dr Lloyd, you are such a lifesaver.|Thank you so much.
{4296}{4347}You're welcome.|All right, next caller.
{4351}{4415}- Patrick! Come on!|- Where'd she go?
{4419}{4535}Hopefully, she went to buy you a muzzle.|Keep your mouth quiet next time.
{4539}{4603}- Move it, move it.|- If there is a next time.
{4772}{4822}- More showtunes.|- I like showtunes!
{4826}{4904}- Obviously. It's sad.|- Oh, there's the love doctor.
{4908}{4960}- I hate that lady.|- My lady loves this.
{4964}{5008}- Mine, too.|- Your... your who?
{5012}{5069}I mean my mother.
{5073}{5134}- What is that?|- You're a beast.
{5138}{5239}Next caller.|Sofia of Astoria, you're on the air.
{5243}{5323}- Hi. Hi, am I on?|- Yeah. Yeah, here we are. Let's go.
{5327}{5445}I'm supposed to be getting married this|weekend, and I'm having second thoughts.
{5449}{5541}{y:i}- Second, third, fourth?|- What do you mean?
{5545}{5596}Thinking about calling|this off a while?
{5600}{5702}Well, I took your online compatibility|test, and I scored a 12.
{5706}{5790}OK. That test helps predict|long-term compatibility, caller.
{5794}{5854}{y:i}- You're right to consider this...|- Sofia?
{5858}{5907}{y:i}...very, very carefully.
{5911}{5995}Forty-three per cent|of marriages end in divorce.
{5999}{6076}All right? You don't want that.|How long have you known this guy?
{6080}{6152}About five months, but he's|a really good guy and all, and...
{6156}{6216}But... but... five months?
{6220}{6323}{y:i}Sofia, are you scared of being alone?
{6327}{6406}{y:i}- I guess so, maybe, yeah.|- 'Cause you know what's scarier
{6410}{6474}{y:i}than being alone?|You know what's worse?
{6478}{6588}{y:i}Being alone with the wrong guy|for the rest of your life. You got it?
{6592}{6650}Doesn't sound like|an average case ofjitters.
{6654}{6720}Wait, are you saying|I should call off the wedding?
{6724}{6845}{y:i}I'm running out of time, caller,|but you know, deep inside,
{6849}{6939}{y:i}what you need to do.|Thank you for calling.
{6943}{6982}{y:i}Good luck.
{7285}{7351}- Mm, who's there?|- This is your publisher speaking.
{7355}{7479}- Mm, we don't want any.|- Read 'em and weep.
{7483}{7579}- Oh, really?|- There's only one way to find out.
{7583}{7649}No, no. I'm too nervous.|You read it.
{7653}{7738}"The doctor is in.
{7742}{7833}{y:i}The first book from local talk radio|sensation Dr Emma Lloyd, Real Love,
{7837}{7926}establishes Lloyd as the latest|khoja of modern romance. "
{7930}{8008}- Latest what? What did they call me?|- Khoja, apparently.
{8012}{8087}I don't know what that means.|I don't know how to spell it.
{8091}{8151}- K-H...|- What kind of word is khoja?
{8155}{8217}...O...|- It's just showing off, really.
{8221}{8289}- OK.|- For a popular magazine
{8293}{8384}to review a self-help book|and pull out a word like "khoja",
{8388}{8494}{y:i}"from the Turkish 'hoca':|A, a title of respect for teacher.
{8498}{8570}- B, a wise man. "|- Or woman.
{8574}{8635}Oh! Or "C, a sub-sect
{8639}{8733}of ancient Ismaili assassins. " Hm.
{8737}{8797}- Lets go with A, for teacher.|- I don't know.
{8801}{8869}The assassin thing,|I wouldn't throw that out.
{8873}{8931}{y:i}- I love New York Magazine.|- Geniuses.
{8935}{9008}- Should I write a thank-you note?|- Send a fruit basket.
{9012}{9073}Mm. I love fruit.
{9077}{9144}Yeah, well, that's|why I'm marrying you, my khoja.
{9148}{9263}We're not done.|We're not done with comments...
{9267}{9312}- Ah.|- OK.
{9316}{9366}OK. Let's see.
{9370}{9459}"Dr Lloyd's analysis of love's|dos and don'ts is both insightful
{9463}{9529}- and trenchant. "|- Trenchant! What does that mean?
{9533}{9606}Is that some kind of fancy word|for "full of shit?" Trenchant?
{9610}{9676}- Direct and incisive.|- Gimme a break, smart-ass...
{9680}{9730}{y:i}What? I saw it on Jeopardy.
{9734}{9816}Why didn't they just say,|"Read the book, ruin your life?"
{9820}{9863}Read the sports page to us, huh?
{9867}{9942}"Physical gifts can offer|such insightful observations
{9946}{10011}into the human heart|is a thing of wonder. "
{10015}{10102}- Whoa. Trouble, one o'clock.|- "She is chicken soup for the heart. "
{10106}{10149}Oh, my ass!
{10153}{10259}- Hey! Hey, Sofia! Sof!|- Uh-oh. Here we go.
{10263}{10347}I'm reading about that lady that helped|you plunge a knife through my heart.
{10351}{10422}- Very trenchant stuff.|- I can't talk right now,
{10426}{10492}- because I gotta be someplace.|- We'll give you a ride.
{10496}{10579}Hey, fellas! Stop the truck!
{10583}{10665}Sof, come on.|You haven't returned any of my calls.
{10669}{10764}- Well, I've been busy.|- Sofia, give the guy a break.
{10768}{10839}Talk to him, Sof.
{10843}{10947}Oh, don't do that, Sof!|Come out here! Sofia!
{10982}{11069}Please come out here|so that we can talk.
{11073}{11154}No, no, no, not you, sir.|You can put your hands down.
{11184}{11257}- Firemen. We don't arrest people.|- We'll hose you down.
{11261}{11387}Sof! I'm not gonna go anywhere|until you come out here.
{11561}{11649}I don't understand. You know,|one minute we're gettin' married,
{11653}{11746}talkin' about names for our kids,|and the next, because some fruitcake...
{11750}{11817}- She's a doctor.|- Of what, Sof?
{11821}{11891}Of what? Talk to me, here.
{11918}{11975}Patrick, it's over.
{11979}{12020}I'm sorry.
{12024}{12067}OK? It's over.
{12145}{12186}I gotta go.
{12319}{12414}All right, show's over, folks! Let's|keep it movin'! What are ya lookin' at?
{12435}{12524}{y:i}I met someone I like, but all|my friends tell me he's wrong for me.
{12528}{12594}{y:i}- What do your friends say?|- We have nothing in common.
{12598}{12623}{y:i}It's just the sex.
{12627}{12721}I'm just running away from many more|appropriate men who pursue me.
{12725}{12775}{y:i}- Because...|- Afraid of the real thing?
{12779}{12804}{y:i}So they say.
{13319}{13406}- There's Patrick!|- Oh, Patrick!
{13407}{13501}- Patrick...|- Quiet! Leave the man alone.
{13505}{13567}Can you not see|that his heart is broken?
{13603}{13704}How can he eat when the woman|that he loved abandoned him forever,
{13708}{13808}virtually without explanation|and may be, at this very moment,
{13812}{13896}cuckolding him with some other man.
{14094}{14221}- Good night, everybody.|- Cuckolding? What's that mean?
{14997}{15060}- Hey.|- I'll be right with you.
{15064}{15146}I'm giving Ann Coulter's|frequent flyer miles to Michael Moore.
{15150}{15216}Ajay, come on, man.|This hacking's getting out of hand.
{15220}{15317}- You can get into serious trouble.|- Too late. Bon voyage, Mr Moore.
{15321}{15375}See the clipping|on love doctor's wedding?
{15379}{15432}Who in their right mind|is gonna marry her?
{15436}{15505}- Whoever we want.|- What do you mean?
{15509}{15558}Check this out.
{15638}{15680}- Who's that?...
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