2004 Combat Grappler - Gladiator Training Manual.pdf

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¨ 2004 CombatGrapper.com
Al Rghts Reserved. Reproducton wthout permsson prohbted.
1) Why Create Your Own Gym?
2) How To Propery Strength
Tran for Wrestng
3) General Physcal Preparedness (GPP)
4) How To Cyce Your Tranng / Perodzaton
5) NO BS Tranng Tps
6) Creatng Your Own Gym
7) Hgh Octane Cardo (HOC) & Combo Lftng
8) The Work Outs
· Body Weght (BW) programs
· Compex Work outs
· Crcut Tranng Program
· Farm Boy Î Strong Man Tranng
· Hgh Octane Cardo Program
· 3 Day Program / max effort Î max rep
· 14 Week Program
· Exercse Photos
DISCLAIMER : The author of this manual is not responsible
in any way, shape or form regarding any injuries that may result
from following the training programs outlined in this manual.
It is advised that all readers get a full medical check up and
clearance prior to performing this or any exercise program. The
workouts listed may be too strenuous for some individuals and
should only be done under the supervision of a trained
First question you may be asking is, “Why create a program for us to train at
home?” That is the short, unedited version of your question I bet! Ask anyone else, and
they want to be at a gym with the high tech equipment, the cool machines, “the
atmosphere”, and bla bla bla! Hey, I am not here to pull any punches, so pay close
attention and we’re gonna get you rolling on a tough program. A program to help you
kick butt and take names! That is, if you decide to stick to the programs and bust your
butt with them!
Now, here are my reasons, some of them, for keeping you out of a commercial
gym, and training in your own home. First of all, I do not want you training at a gym
where they make you feel like an outcast because you break into a sweat every time you
train! These gyms have employees who will shake you down like the Sopranos to ensure
you have left no trace of sweat behind on that last pretty machine you used! Create your
own world, your own atmosphere! Turn that garage or basement into a dungeon, a place
where no one can steal your thunder. Pump your favorite CD and set aside a time of 30 –
45 minutes that is undisturbed. Put up your own posters and pictures that will motivate
you. Remember Rocky 3 and 4, where Rocky goes away to train? Well, he needed that
environment to get back the Eye of the Tiger. People look at you in a funny way in those
ridiculous pretty gyms when you have The Eye of the Tiger.
Next reason is you MUST STAY AWAY FROM ALL MACHINES!!! These are
the worst enemy of all athletes, especially wrestlers. A machine guides you through a
predictable range of motion & limits the amount of force you can apply. As a wrestler,
everything you do on the mat is ever changing. A wrestling match or practice is never
absolute. We can never say that every time we hit a low single your opponent reacts the
same way. Your opponent can react an infinite number of ways! Free weights help your
body develop more balance, they recruit more muscles to work together and they
strengthen tendons and ligaments to help reduce your chance of injuries.
I see a few wrestlers training at a gym that I used to go to when I did not have my
own place. I watch them do leg extensions, shoulder presses on a machine, chest presses
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