Warhammer Epic 40k - Adeptus Titanicus.pdf

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Adeptus Titanicus
The Orders of the Adeptus Titanicus are the iron fists of the Emperor’s rule. A velvet glove would serve no
- Grand Master Augrim, Divisio Militaris Order of Imperial Eagles
For ten thousand years the Imperium has warred on its enemies.
War is the universal state of Man; peace is only a brief time of
preparation for further fighting.
Alien races strike at the Imperium's frontier systems. Rebellion and
treachery are commonplace on millions of colonized worlds. The
Traitor Legions, confined for millennia in the desolate Eye of
Terror, chafe and probe at the Imperium. And in the eddies and
storms of warp space, forces and creatures of darkness are stirring.
Titans are supreme fighting machines of the Imperium, giants with
skins of adamantium. They are created by devoted warriors; armed
with the mightiest weapons Imperial priest-scientists can devise;
and armored by Void Shields, barriers of almost impenetrable
energy. Through the Imperium and beyond, nothing inspires the
same kind of awe.
Using the rules in this text you will be able to re-create some of the
greatest Titan battles of Imperial history: the campaigns of the
Horus Heresy and the Great Scouring of the Imperium which
followed. By adding one or more of the Adeptus Titanicus
expansion games you will be able to introduce infantry, Imperial
Space Marines, Dreadnoughts, Rhino and Land Raider armored
vehicles and huge alien fighting machines. This set is only the
beginning of Epic warfare in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.
The wars can have no end, for that would be the end of Man. In its
perils Mankind has one guide: the Emperor. In his care rests the
fate of humanity. At his right and left hands are the weapon and
shield of Mankind, the forces of the Imperium- the mighty Titans
of the Adeptus Titanicus.
The Galaxy(3); Warp Space(3); Titans(4); The
Collegia Titanica(5); The Imperial Hierarchy(6);The
Horus Heresy(7);Alien Races and External Threats(8)
Starting the Game(12)
The First Player(13)
For ten thousand years the Imperium has ordered the lives of men.
For ten thousand years Mankind has been protected against threats
that abound in the hostile universe.
For ten thousand years the Emperor has guided, ruled, guarded and
For ten thousand years this immortal being has sacrificed himself,
becoming the altar of humanity's hope for the future.
For ten thousand years the Imperium has endured; established out of
strife and discord, a bastion in the darkness.
For ten thousand years Kenneth Peters typed out these texts.
The Dark Age of Technology ended with the Final War between the
remnants of the human empires. The Age of Strife was born.
For more then five thousand years warfare tore humanity apart.
Alien and human, all enemies were as one. The loose confederation
of human space was shattered by local wars on every scale: nation
battled nation, planet fought planet, system laid waste system. Only
the devastation from the Final War prevented the wars from taking
on an even greater scale.
Pirates and aliens plundered the ruined worlds. Abandoned or cut off
by warp storms, human colonies fell victim to local conditions.
Terraformed worlds reverted to their natural condition, and as they
did so humanity suffered. Other colonies simply reverted to savagery
under the combined pressure of alien raids, ecological disaster,
psychic madness and technological failure.
More than 25 millennia ago, humanity first looked to the stars and
began the great exploration of nearby space. Limited at first to
sublight travel, colonization and conquest proceeded at a snail's pace.
Generations could live and die on the great interstellar voyages
without ever seeing their destinations. Colonies were forced into
independence; aid took centuries to arrive, if it came at all.
Only the worlds where psykers were rigorously suppressed survived
intact. The strange fact that ignorance had saved these planets was
lost upon the survivors of Man's once-great empire. As the years and
decades went on the retrenchment of Man became almost total.
With the discovery of the warp drive came the Great Push. Mankind
was freed from the need to spend generations travelling between the
stars. The subsequent discovery and refinement of the navigator
gene , which allowed pilots to make longer and more accurate warp
jumps, merely confirmed the trend. Within centuries, rather then the
millennia that had been assumed necessary, humanity burst from its
confining systems, spreading out into the galaxy.
At last, as so often happens, a single man, a conqueror, emerged
from the darkness. The Age of Strife and its bloody wars were
brought to an end. The Imperium of Man was founded as human
systems were re-conquered and returned to the mainstream of
humanity. The second Great Push of humanity had begun.
And with expansion came alien contact. And with grim historic
inevitability, the first Alien Wars. The pattern was set.
The Emperor united humanity under his banner. For teen thousand
years this immortal being has ruled the Imperium.
As humanity moved into the galaxy, the Dark Age of Technology
brought seemingly unstoppable progress. Humanity's machines
achieved incredible levels of sophistication. There seemed nothing
that Man could not do, even as humanity began to splinter into
smaller groups. Some were cut off in remote parts of the galaxy.
Others deliberately isolated themselves, using their power and
knowledge to make war on their enemies, human and alien alike.
His rule is harsh and uncompromising, but it is only under his
guidance that humanity has survived. The specter of a new and more
terrible Age of Strife is ever present; the threat of the enemy within
is only matched by the aggression of the enemy without. The
Emperor stands between humanity and extinction.
It was at this time that the psykers- humans capable of using psionic
powers such as telekinesis and telepathy- first arose in the midst of
humanity. The trigger for this emergence has never been determined,
but psykers were recorded on almost every planet known to man,
Untrained and unprotected, many went mad or fell prey to non-
psychic men. Uncounted millions were burned as witches; destroyed
by ignorance. More fell prey to creatures- Daemons - from warp
space, beings which fed upon their minds and bodies. Civilization
crumbled as ignorance and madness replaced enlightenment and
technology. Wars flared throughout human space, hastening the end.
Only when the Imperium was still new, during the Horus Heresy,
was the Emperor's supremacy seriously challenged. In the 31st
Millennium the forces of the Imperium turned against the Emperor,
and humanity tottered on the brink of disaster.
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Although only modest in size, the galaxy contains around four
hundred thousand million stars. Of these, only fractions are orbited
by planets that are habitable or within human tolerances. And of
these few, still fewer have been investigated and settled by
humanity. This ‘few’ however, numbers millions of worlds and
systems; the exact number is unknown.
The navigation of warp space is the power that binds the Imperium
into a single political unit. But what is warp space?
Warp space is a separate and complete universe that exists besides
our own reality. For every point in real space, there is a
corresponding location in warp space. The two universes re
intimately connected but by no means follow the same laws. Simply
because two locations are separated by tens of light years in reality
the same does not hold true for the common points in warp space,
which effectively might be only a few miles apart. It is therefore
possible to jump into warp space, move a short distance, and then
emerge into reality many light years from the starting point.
It is simply impossible to count the systems where humanity or one
of its sub-species can be found. New worlds are constantly being
discovered and added to the Imperium. But even so, no end is in
sight. It is doubtful that humanity will ever manage to explore its
home galaxy, let alone any others.
The vast size of the galaxy and the Imperium means that much of
what has been explored is itself remote and unknown. Distance alone
can defeat even faster-then-light warp drive spacecraft. This limits
the rule of the Imperium to no more than a fraction of the galaxy.
Spacecraft and their guiding Navigator find their way across warp
space using the Astronomicon, the psychic beacon of the Imperium.
Maintained by the Emperor’s will, the Astronomicon shines across
reality and warp space. It gives Navigators an accurate fix on Terra,
enabling them to steer spacecraft safely through the currents of warp
Without the warp drive the Imperium and its civilization could not
exist. Spacecraft equipped with warp drives can, under the guidance
of a specially gifted Navigator, move into, across, and out of warp
space. By doing so, a spacecraft can move hundreds of thousands of
light years in only a few hours. And the power to move such
distances is also a power that wins battles and maintains empires.
In warp space however, nothing is ever straightforward. It is a
universe filled with crosscurrents, eddies, and whirlpools of power.
Warp storms can flare up in seconds, blocking travel through huge
reaches of the warp. These storms can last for millennia or be gone
in seconds. But while they exist travel to some parts of the real
universe is impossible.
Warp space is also linked to psychic phenomena. Within the Adeptus
Astra Telepathica and the Adeptus Mechanicus there are scholars
and theorists who argue that all psychic power derives from the
warp. Certainly the relationship between warp space and real space
is a complex one, and not fully understood by research theologians
of the Imperium.
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Titans are immense fighting machines, mechanical humanoid
warriors up to 100 feet tall. They instill terror by their mere
presence, and little can equal their armament. Few enemies, apart
from another Titan, can stand against one.
Titans are divided into a number of broad types , depending on their
size and function. Battle Titans are among the most numerous, but
there are lesser types such as the fast, lightly-armed Scout Titans and
the gargantuan Emperor Titans .
Titans are powered by comparatively old-fashioned plasma reactors.
Although rarely used in the Imperium since the Dark Age of
Technology, nothing else can provide the power needed by a Titan.
The Titan’s Void Shield Generators alone require such huge amounts
of energy that nothing else will suffice. Even the tight operating
margins of a Titan’s plasma reactor – and the consequences of a
melt-down or runaway reaction – are a small price to pay for the
energy needed.
Battle Titans stand between 40 and 80 feet tall. Each Battle Titan is
protected by up to six Void Shield Generators and armed with a
variety of weapons. Thus armed and armored, these powerful
fighting machines are the workhorses of the Military Orders of the
Collegia Titanica.
The Void Shields are the Titan’s main line of defense. A shield
absorbs damage until its Void Shield Generator (VSG) becomes
overloaded. Cut-offs prevent the Generator burning out when this
happens, but the shield sill collapses. However, once the excess
power has been drained off, the Generator can be restarted, raising
the Void Shield once more. Where possible, Titans carry a
sufficiently number of generators so that, in theory, some of its
shields will be operable at all time. In practice this may not always
be the case, and once a Titan has lost its Shields it is vulnerable. In
emergencies the Princeps can override the VSG cut-offs, pushing the
Shields to their limits. If it works, this risky tactic can defeat almost
any tactic. If it fails (as is most likely), the Princeps will reduce his
Titan’s defenses to pools of useless, molten slag.
Emperor Titans are taller – some 70 to 100 feet tall – and
considerably bulkier. They can carry even more Very Heavy
Weapons then a Battle Titan, making them fearsomely destructive
machines. These massive Titans are among the most powerful forces
deployable on a planetary surface. Emperor Titans have another,
equally important function: they are huge, mobile temples of the
Imperial Cult. The Executive Orders use them to bring the words of
the Imperium and the pax Imperia to isolated worlds.
All Titans are split into a number of classes according to their basic
design. By far the most common class of Battle Titan is the Warlord ,
and this is the type usually represented on the battlefield. For longer
then there has been an Imperium there have been Warlord Class
Battle Titans, their design history stretches back to the Final War
period. It is popular with all the Military Orders of the Collegia
Titanica and millions have been built to the design over the
millennia. Its well-known handling characteristics and capabilities
also make it an ideal test-bed for the new devices of the Research
Oders of the Divisio Investigatus.
The plasma generators also provide the power for many of the
weapons; power transmission is via hydroplastics coupled to
actuators. These operate the weapon systems and other facilities
throughout the machine. A Titan’s limbs are moved by electrically-
motivated fiber-bundles which function very much like muscles.
Finally, each class has a certain number of variants . The variant type
of a Titan is determined by its armament pattern. There are, for
example, four main variants of the Warlord Class Battle Titan: the
Night Gaunt, Eclipse, Death Bringer and Nemesis
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Crews are also allowed a certain amount of license in their
behaviors; minor infractions of rules by Titan moderati are often
ignored. The Military Orders in particular see themselves as elite,
who are not bound by the same petty rules and regulations as lesser
warrior. The bounds of what is acceptable are well understood by
each Princeps, and while the behaviors of his crew can be as
idiosyncratic as desired, its loyalty must never be in doubt.
Finally, the best Titan crews who have survived several campaigns
and several hundred hours in combat are eventually taken out of Line
units. They are given supposedly easier, but more prestigious duties
with the Divisio Telepathica or as the personal crew of the Grand
Master for those few exceptionally skilled individuals.
Each Titan is operated by a crew of three to five, all of whom are
linked to their machine through mind-impulse units.
A Titan crew is commanded by a Princeps . It is he who controls the
movement of the Titan. The Princeps need only think that he is
walking, running, or whatever: the mind impulse system and the
fiber-bundle muscles do the rest, translating his thoughts into
movement by the Titan. He is also in charge of all the Titans
defensive systems, deciding when (if at all) to overload the Void
Shield Generators.
He also coordinates the actions of the Moderati , the ordinary
crewmen who control the Titans weapon systems. It is the task of the
Princeps to direct the awesome firepower of the Titan; each
Moderatus must make sure that his assigned weapon is functioning
correctly and accurately.
The crew are protected within individual support bubbles that can be
ejected from the Titan in an emergency. Each support machine
includes data and view screens that display weapons readouts,
outside views and target information. Manual controls for use in the
event of a mind-impulse failure are also provided.
The mind-impulse units links the crew and the Titan on the most
intimate level. Thoughts become the actions of the Titan; a
crewmember need only imagine a weapon firing or the entire Titan
moving for the systems to carry out his mental orders, The Titan
becomes the crew’s body while they are linked to it. For the most
part, feedback dampers prevent the crew from feeling damage
suffered by the Titan. Failure in these systems is fortunately rare, for
the crew then suffer terrible pseudo-injuries and pain as the Titan is
Casualties among inexperienced Titan crews are high, but if a crew
can survive one or two battles its combat life expectancy increases
by several order of magnitude. These facts make Titan crews
fatalistic, slightly paranoid and utterly savage towards the enemies of
the Emperor.
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