WOD - Kindred Of The East - Core Rulebook.pdf

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Original Concept and Design: Robert Hatch
•^*~. Additional; jt|esign: Phil Brucato, Jacki
CeiKzyk, Nieky'lKia-
Authors: Justin Achilli, Phil Brucato, Jackie Cassadaj|
iCenczyk, Rjphird'E. Dansky, Rdbert Hatch, lari Lemke>
ea, Ethan Skemp
Developer: Robert Hatch
'Editor: Ed Hall ; ^'"
Art Director: Lawrence Snelly
Layout and Typesetting: Robjsy Poore
Logo Design: Ash Arnett j : ""
CpSTOfi,CA 30021
Front and Back Cover Design: Lawrence Snglly
Runchuu Typeface: Ash Arnett and Robby Poore
1 Interior Ar^i Andrew Bates, Tim Bradstreet, Matt Clark,
Mike Danza, Guy Davis, Tony Diterlizzi, John Estes, Jasoffi
, Darren Fryclendall, Michael Gaydos, Doug Alexander
bry, Rebecca Guay, Tony Harris, Leif Jones, Karl Kerchel,
Eric Lacombe, Vince Locke, George Prsitt, Robby Poore, Steve
Prescott, Andrew Ritchie, Matt Roach, Andrew Robinson,
Alex Sheikman, Ray Snyder, Ron Spencer, Jill Thompson,
IrfqBssa Uran, John Van Fleet, Karl Waller
' Sook Design: Lawrence Snelly, and Robby Pobre
- CalligirapJiy:-Andy Lee
© 1998 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.
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£JMD*ED orTHt bur
Tflt WftCC
He steps into.
leather. With a smirk,
had done a marwlows.j
Prime feeding ^atind.? : • , -&•.&?•••#'•.•>*
His mind's eye dancingxvtth samurai flicks, the Ventfue crosses Naka Meguro Street.
Tiny people in bright colors make way for the stranger. None poses any threat. Behind this
man lies the weight o/ centttriii> tf'Cainite's strength and the power of a clan.
.' . ,.:f^:. . • ' • ... . " 4^;:,..,:^,v..
AO easy. . .... i. , -. " . «. , ^
A whistling song cuts through his reverie. And 'KiMi$cl|. ' e
The pavement leaprup t| jn«et the Cainlte-siffBjfly^e^ecomes a blur of nggrirutfar,
street and sky, until a bit of trash brings the
From a distance, he heafs his body spasm and falj.,,, ..,
A flash. A sizzk behind" 'Mat, The smell of cooking meat. AcrdSffhi streelt, he /feels a
hot blade dice him into quarters,:
One final sizzle as the heart dies. Five hundred yeifim die with it. "
copying everything "
and soulless in ike West: \
1 .
No one notices.
"Konnichi-wa, gaijin," .says a young man's veieev ,"5s|j|lcome, to my home.
While living .^.^mbuS
Be a dead man,
r J
Be thoroughly de0d'
And behave as you Sfe,
Arid all's well.
— Zen Master Bunan
JiicFor thousands of years, the Kindred have ravaged the
World of Darkness. Claiming descent from the First Murderer,
Caine, these parasites have riddled Old and New World alike.
The Children of Caine influence, subvert and pervert the
highest echelons of mortal government, economics and cul-
ture. Nothing, they claim, escapes their corrupting touch.
They are wrong.
One realm eludes their clutches: the ancient land of Asia.
Although Asia offers unthinkable riches and oceans of blood,
Kindred who come here do so fearfully. Since the nights of the
galleons, Western vampires' attempts to exploit this land have
met with dismal and horrific failure.
For another sort of vampire rules Asia's nights. These vam-
pires scorn the myth of Caine — for they are cohorts of spirits and
demons. Not for them are the indulgences of generation —
respect, power and age are privileges to be earned. Their curse is not
a random, pointless Embrace, but a karmic debt to be repaid. Their
Beast is not a mindless adversary, but a double-edged weapon/
And, as the Kindred have learned to their dismay, their Easfern
counterparts have developed fearful powers and arcane arts.
Kindred of the East is a sourcebook detailing the unique
vampires indigenous to the Orient: their society, their wars,
their environment, their duties and, above all, their reaction to
the Western incursion. Before we address the vampires of the
East, however, a few notes about their world are in order.
Westerners have long spoken of Asia's exoticism, of its
alien ways and rules. In the World of Darkness, they are correct,
more so than they realize. The Asian World of Darkness is
referred to as the Middle Kingdom by its supernatural denizens,
and in many ways it is truly a world unto itself.
On the surface, the Middle Kingdom resembles the rest of the
World of Darkness. The same ambience of decay and gloom
shrouds it, highlighting its most sinister aspects. The major cities
are overcrowded hives choked with faceless, impersonal skyscrap-
ers, anonymous hordes of frantic workers, vice tongs, and teeming,
disease-infested slums. In the countryside, rural folk hack a subsis-
tence living — if that — from trackless jungles and defoliant-
saturated craters, all the while praying for protection from the
monsters and spirits they know exist just out of sight. In the Middle
Kingdom, it is all too easy to step around the nearest comer or the
firiext bend in the road, then simply.. .vanish.
In many areas, dictators grind their subjects to paste under gun
butts and tank treads. Every year, thousands of people simply
disappear, never to be heard from again. Government "facilities"
and political prisons are veritable abattoirs; once interned, no one
emerges to tell tales. Ancient families and secret societies manipu-
late entire economies from behind screens of honor and propriety,
while family vendettas from the days of emperors and samurai are
fitwtio THE WAU
;settled in boardrooms and back alleys alike. Most people are
ingrained simply to look the other way, and thus, even legitimate
investigations often become fruitless endeavors, punctuated by
noncommittal shrug|nnd blank staresi;
. -/•
Like the Western World of Darkness, the Middle Kingdom is
haunted by a variety of supernatural beings, remnants of past Ages
of the world. Vampires prowl the cities and shantytowns, while the
jungles and mountains are home to the shapeshifting hengeyokai.
Wily sorcerers weave their spells in suspiciously nondescript curio
shops, ghosts avenge unhallowed deaths or guard their mortal
families, and faeries curse those who fail to honor the ancient ways.
Although often at odds with one other, these beings differ front
their Western counterparts, for they see themselves as part of a
greater family of spirit beings. Collectively, supernatural beings are
known by many names, but often refer to themselves by the
Chinese word "shen."
Unlike supernaturals in the West, shen take relatively
fewer precautions against discovery. The supernatural here has
less need of Masquerades and Veils, for it is unobtrusive enough
to mind its manners. Conversely, the Middle Kingdom's mor-
tals, as a rule, have learned to ask fewer questions. Let the Night
People walk their road, the amahs say, and they will let you walk
yours — unless joss frowns on you.
Beyond the Middle Kingdom, separated from it by a
psychic Wall, He entire worlds of gods, spirits and demons.
Those Westerners who are knowledgeable in such matters
speak of the Umbra, the Underworld or the Dreaming. Shen,
however, know that they interact with the dualistic Worlds of
Yin and Yang. Although invisible to mortal eyes, the Yin and
Yang Worlds lie just over the threshold of human conscious-
ness, and sensitive mortals often detect "eerie" aurasjli places
where the barriers are weak. ft § g* ,»,
The Yin World is a gloomy place, the source of passive,
negative energy. Many mortals pass into the Yin World when
they die, and some, become restless ghosts. Eerie spirits and
^phantoms of all descriptions haunt the Yin World, and its
|,central realm is the terrifying Dark Kingdom of Jade.
s : By contrast, the Yang World is a patchwork of wild,
turbulent realms, the source of active, positive energy. Spirits
of nature and the elements dwell there, as do those entities
revered by the shapeshifting hengeyokai. Some mortals, par-
ticularly those from Shinto or animist traditions, pass to the
IjStag World upon their deaths. Shapeshifters and fae, in
particular, are attuned to the Yang World. ;
In the First Age of the world, matter and spirit were one, as was
the design of creation's embodiment, the August Personage of
Jade. As the Ages passed, though, the Yin and Yang Worlds
separated from the Middle Kingdom. Now, a Wall separates the
Middle Kingdom from the spirit worlds, and travel between the
two is an arduous, and often hazardous, process. The forces of Yin
and Yang find it more and more difficult to turn the Great Cycle
of Being, and thus, the Middle Kingdom's essential spiritual
energies grow more and more dissipated. The resulting discord and
imbalance can surely be seen in the current state of the Middle
Kingdom and in the misery of its deni2ens.
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