Moja wielka grecka wycieczka-My Life in Ruins.2009.DVDRip.XviD.Napisy ENG.txt

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{1366}{1427}{Y:i}People come here from all over
{1492}{1539}{Y:i}to see the ancient ruins.
{1602}{1649}{Y:i}To bask in history.
{1702}{1794}{Y:i}To be a part of the birthplace|of civilization.
{1838}{1917}{Y:i}People reconnect with their souls.
{1942}{1991}{Y:i}They find their mojo.
{2114}{2167}{Y:i}In Greece, it's called kefi,
{2171}{2285}{Y:i}which means "passion, joy, spirit."
{2427}{2465}Goodbye, Genaki.
{2495}{2566}In a week.|That window's stuck again.
{2569}{2645}{Y:i}- Bravo. Where is the rent?|- I left it on the trapesi.
{2821}{2928}{Y:i}Now, me, I love the beauty|and architecture of ancient Greece.
{2958}{3025}{Y:i}But living in modern Greece|can be a bit frustrating.
{3054}{3103}{Y:i}Sometimes things go fast.
{3152}{3188}{Y:i}Most times,
{3255}{3292}{Y:i}not so much.
{3307}{3381}{Y:i}I came here a year ago to teach|at Athens University.
{3383}{3493}{Y:i}Cutbacks left me without a job.|So now, for now,
{3511}{3558}{Y:i}I work at Pangloss Tours.
{3600}{3654}{Y:i}Oh, yeah. I've hit rock bottom.
{3818}{3884}Georgia. Again you cut out beach day.
{3899}{3949}They can go to the beach in any country.
{3951}{4024}On my tour,|I teach them about ancient architecture.
{4026}{4082}Nobody comes to Greece to learn.
{4094}{4140}Maria, I disagree.
{4272}{4338}- It's open.|- You didn't get the job.
{4465}{4511}Don't you read the evaluations?
{4514}{4590}"What do you think of Georgia|as tour director?"
{4593}{4679}"Average. Average. Average."
{4682}{4718}So I'm average.
{4721}{4768}Average is the lowest box you can check.
{4770}{4818}Do you think we have|something that says, "Stinks"?
{4821}{4877}And if we did, you'd be stinks.
{4879}{4961}- "I find your tour boring."|- My tourists are boring.
{4969}{5010}I think I've guided, like, 34 tours
{5013}{5085}and you give me the same tourists|over and over again.
{5087}{5174}Look! There they are.|The Tipsy Australians.
{5210}{5284}- The Obnoxious Americans.|- It's called "rip-off."
{5314}{5362}The Miserable Marriages.
{5382}{5464}The Disgusted-With-Men-|But-Still-Looking Divorcees.
{5490}{5560}- Stop!|- And, of course, The Old People.
{5572}{5624}- I don't see Mr. Funny.|- Who?
{5637}{5738}There's always one annoying guy|who thinks he's the life of the party.
{5767}{5856}Canadians. Polite Canadians.
{5858}{5889}- Can I have them?|- No.
{5892}{5941}They're in Group A. Nico's group.
{5944}{6005}Why does Nico|always get the good group?
{6008}{6068}His evaluations don't say, "Average."
{6153}{6242}By the way,|Spiros eloped with that girl with no foot.
{6250}{6300}- Excellent.|- Why?
{6302}{6387}- I'm being sarcastic.|- You're not funny. Stop trying.
{6404}{6486}- Who's my driver? Not Themio.|- Relax. He's in jail.
{6493}{6549}You got the substitute. Procopi.
{6558}{6611}The creepy, hairy, creepy guy?
{6630}{6684}He's right behind me, isn't he?
{6774}{6849}- Does he speak English?|- I don't know if he speaks anything.
{6852}{6917}Maybe they caught a bear.|Taught it to drive.
{6965}{7022}So I have rules. You cannot speed,
{7024}{7101}you cannot smoke|and you cannot eat while driving.
{7212}{7269}Great, he doesn't speak English.
{7276}{7325}Don't forget to brush him.
{7336}{7432}- Maria! Maria!|- Nico! Nico!
{7501}{7565}Hey, thank you for my group, eh? Whoa!
{7577}{7634}He bribes you for the good group?
{7637}{7666}- No.|- Yes.
{7906}{7986}{Y:i}That girl. That girl has no kefi.
{7998}{8058}What Greek does not have spirit, eh?
{8094}{8128}Maybe she's half Greek.
{8130}{8218}This was supposed to be temporary while|she looked for some big-shot teaching job.
{8221}{8304}And now no one will hire her|and I am stuck with her.
{8306}{8421}Hey, if I make her quit, can I have a raise?
{8431}{8493}I don't want to know about it. Yes.
{8669}{8745}- Group B! Group B, everyone.|- Hey!
{8747}{8842}Group B, hello, I'm Georgia.|Welcome to Greece. I'm your tour guide.
{8845}{8896}I'm Irv Giddeon,
{8898}{8970}and I've come here to see|as many ancient ruins as possible.
{8973}{9057}And judging from your husband,|the trip is already a success.
{9152}{9209}There you are! And, indeed, funny.
{9245}{9285}I'm killing me.
{9288}{9347}How many of you, like me, have come here
{9350}{9421}to fondle as many nude statues|as possible?
{9423}{9488}- Half the reason I came.|- Get your hand down.
{9490}{9594}Jeez. This is comedy.|The Greeks invented it.
{9611}{9665}It's like mustaches on women.
{9706}{9822}You know, we left Adelaide last night|with 17 pounds of frozen flake.
{9825}{9869}Thirty hours later, she's right on the bugle.
{9871}{9927}I'm giving it liquid yawns in the dunnies.
{9930}{9966}- It was a shocker, Barry.|- Yeah.
{9969}{10043}- Are they speaking words?|- Australians are the nicest people,
{10046}{10100}but you can only understand|about half of what they say.
{10102}{10169}...a bad case of the trots|of last night's tucker.
{10172}{10225}It's the last time I ate fish.
{10270}{10351}Excuse me. Is this Pangloss Tours?
{10371}{10402}Group B?
{10412}{10502}Sweet marble cake, she speaks American.|Come on, get it up now.
{10505}{10551}Okay. Ha-ha!
{10561}{10625}- Okay, everybody, let's get on the bus.|- Oh, yes.
{10627}{10690}Okay, Group B, got your tickets?|Follow me.
{10984}{11103}Okay. Now make sure that your luggage|is tagged and the driver will stow it.
{11119}{11168}- Okay, you got me.|- Sorry.
{11170}{11269}- That's okay. Dr. Tullen?|- Oh, no, no. I'm Mr., that's...
{11272}{11354}I am Dr. Tullen.|And this is our daughter, Caitlin.
{11357}{11397}- Do smile, darling.|- I am.
{11399}{11478}Hey, big fellow, how many bells|have you got on the old dickory?
{11481}{11529}What the hell? What the hell is he saying?
{11531}{11612}Oh, wake up, Australia.|He wants to know what time it is.
{11614}{11645}- See, if it's...|- Here you go.
{11648}{11725}...10 hours ahead here,|then that would make it...
{11732}{11784}Kimmy, what time is it back in the States?
{11786}{11851}- The right time.|- Good one, Kimmy.
{11857}{11928}Kim and Al Sawchuck. S-A-W-Chuck.
{11930}{11970}- Come on, Al. Come on, Big Al.|- AI Sawchuck. How are you?
{11973}{11999}- Okay. How are you?|- Let's go, Big Al.
{12002}{12087}Okay, there you go. There you go.
{12129}{12182}There's no smoking on the bus.
{12307}{12357}- I have a question.|- Yeah.
{12370}{12418}What's with the beekeeper?
{12430}{12492}My wife needs protection from the sun.
{12494}{12546}But we're not going to the sun.
{12578}{12656}That man is so rude. Make it stop.
{12805}{12865}Excuse me, ladies. Hey, there.
{12874}{12921}I'm Marc Mallard. IHOP.
{12924}{12993}That's the International House|of Pancakes.
{13011}{13055}Did one of you lose this?
{13068}{13146}Thank you, Marc. I must have dropped it.
{13186}{13239}It looks like a raspberry waffle.
{13242}{13326}- Or a tart.|- Or a tart.
{13335}{13458}Hi. I'm Lena Mar�a Angustias|Teresa Fern�ndez de la Vega Rodr�guez.
{13461}{13494}And she's Lala Cruz.
{13496}{13541}{Y:i}- We're from Espa�a.|- Really?
{13543}{13570}- Yeah.|- Yeah.
{13573}{13658}- And we are both recently divorced.|- And off men.
{13729}{13782}Hi. I'm Marc Mallard. IHOP.
{13785}{13857}Hello. Georgia Yanokoupolis.|Pangloss Tours.
{13884}{13940}- I'll see you on the bus.|- Okay.
{13986}{14041}Group B? Yes. Names.
{14088}{14146}You don't speak English, do you?
{14162}{14210}And Maria gave you to me.
{14265}{14331}Luggage this way.|And then you get on the bus.
{14334}{14401}- Excuse me. I'm looking for the bus.|- Yeah.
{14426}{14479}- This is it.|- Group B?
{14514}{14557}- Oh, cool.|- Okay.
{14566}{14618}Hey, Gator Phillips.
{14621}{14733}- I'm from Florida, the States.|- You're traveling alone?
{14744}{14829}No way, man.|I'm gonna meet my girlfriend in Greece.
{14842}{14890}- We are in Greece.|- Now?
{14942}{15014}Right on. Thanks, man.
{15025}{15082}- Okay, here you go.|- Is this free?
{15084}{15111}- Yeah.|- Whoa!
{15237}{15302}{Y:i}Kalimera, everyone.|That's Greek for, "Good morning."
{15305}{15390}Hello, beautiful people. I am Nico.
{15393}{15462}{Y:i}For you, warm loucoumades.
{15473}{15545}Oh, I'm so sorry. Wrong bus.
{15586}{15642}- Hey, wait a minute...|- What the hell? Where's our donuts?
{15645}{15668}What a rip!
{15671}{15764}I'm gonna get... I could get you some later,|maybe. I'll look around.
{15766}{15790}- Yeah...|- We should get something.
{15818}{15841}Let's go.
{15862}{15917}I mean, who needs the carbs, right?
{15919}{15985}Not me. My ankles swell from the wheat.
{16033}{16122}Okay, you might want to write this down.
{16146}{16251}In 1834, Athens became|the capital of modern Greece.
{16266}{16361}Now, I'm not just a tour guide.|I am a professor of classical history.
{16364}{16402}Oh, great!|Are we gonna have a test now?
{16405}{16472}So I'm going to teach you|all about the architecture
{16474}{16522}and monuments of ancient Greece.
{16525}{16595}- Like the propylea.|- Which is the word for donuts.
{16694}{16753}- My name is Georgia.|- Louder, please.
{16756}{16811}- My name is Georgia.|- Yes, dear.
{16820}{16875}I'm Dorcas, Dorcas Wilmore.
{16888}{16946}And this is my husband, Barnaby.
{16954}{17037}Oh, I've got everyone a little souvenir.
{17047}{17109}- To remember our trip together.|- All right.
{17112}{17187}- Oh, you shouldn't have.|- This must have cost you a shload.
{17190}{17236}Oh, no, it was nothing.
{17242}{17309}Hand those around, would you, dear?
{17339}{17410}Guide, this bus is really stuffy.
{17413}{17498}- My daughter, Caitlin, needs fresh air.|- Okay, no problem.
{17752}{17801}- Turn it off!|- Oh, my God!
{17902}{17943}Smells like death.
{18012}{18051}Sorry about that.
{18054}{18099}- Angie?|- It's Georgia.
{18102}{18181}Is the Sasquatch gonna be|with us the whole time?
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