A Course in Cosmic Consciousness Oneness With The Divine by Karl Hans Welz.pdf

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Karl Hans Welz
Copyright© 1991, 2000, 2004 by Karl Hans Welz.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any forms or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or
by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in
writing from the author.
Published by HSCTI, P.O. Box 1298, Woodstock, GA 30188, USA
The typical scientists are attempting to
discover structures and natural laws in the
tangible world. Metaphysicists and
theologians had as their goal to describe
that which is going on in the intangible
world. Followers of organized religion
traditionally lacked metaphysical insights.
Consequently they resorted to outright
inventing of fairy tales and they used brute
force to make sure their obedient sheep
did not stray away.
Welcome to the course in cosmic
consciousness! The technique that you
are going to learn in the six lessons of this
course will be of immense value to you.
It will facilitate your magical studies and it
will be of great help in all other spiritual
and psychic practices that you acquire and
pursue. Furthermore, the benefits of this
course will also reach over into your
everyday life. Above all, this technique will
teach you to achieve oneness with the
Divine in a very short period of time!
With the advancement of scientific
thought in recent times something rather
unexpected happened. Things that were
supposed to be tangible turned out not to
be that tangible after all. At the same time
new scientific systems developed that
began to probe into the many worlds of
things intangible. The tacitly assumed
sharp demarcation between that which is
religious and psychic and that which is
technological and scientific proved
increasingly to be arbitrary and an illusion
that came from wishful thinking.
The following is very important!
Please read carefully!
At the dawn of mankind, religion was
technology and technology was religion.
To some extent this is still a widely accepted
concept for some of the “primitive”
peoples of our times who have not yet
been touched by technological
advancement and whose senses have not
yet been destroyed as a result of
indoctrination by organized mass religions:
religions whose purpose is the socio-
economic repression of the population
instead of offering their followers true
advancement, or enlightenment.
On the other hand, researchers on
the metaphysical side became increasingly
aware of the usefulness of scientific models
and of scientific rigor. Most metaphysicists
of our times however are not yet fully
aware of the usefulness of this beneficial
development. If they are they usually
embed pop scientific concepts and
verbiage into their theories. Others are
still exhibiting a total lack of scientific
training. Some even go sop far to carry
hostility against scientific thought and
methods. Sadly enough, it is a bunch of
scientific half wits, or quarter wits, that
control much of the metaphysical thinking
and publishing of our times. Books such
as “the Tao of Physics” and “Enochian
Physics” are the creation of such pop-
scientific lightweights. They are using
liberally big words such as unified field
theory, quantum physics and fourth
dimension without having the slightest idea
what these words really mean, let alone
understanding their underlying theories.
Typically, if there is a scientific
At a later stage in human evolution
a split occurred. Things that people saw
as “tangible” they considered to be
“technological” while that which was not
tangible belonged to the realms that they
considered to be “spiritual”. Later
organized religions seized the latter
approach as their own while viciously
suppressing any technological
advancement that could threaten their
monopolies of controlling the population.
This split between “scientists” and
“Metaphysicists” exists still in our days.
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advancement, some 30 years or so later
the new terms are used by some
Metaphysicists to “prove their points” or
to bring across their ideas to a general
public that is scientifically even less literate
than they are: interpretations and
“insights” that make even the weirdest
pop-scientific ideas look advanced.
Karl Hans Welz, Author of the
Course and Inventor of the
Orgone Generator®
Karl Hans Welz is from Telfs in Tyrol,
near Innsbruck, Austria. At a very
early age, he has developed a
fascination for science in general and
for the stars in particular.
Consequently, he has read eagerly any book on
astronomy, astrophysics, mathematics and physics
that he could get hold of. At age 16, he became
interested in the subject of hypnosis. He began
studying this discipline, later he perfected
Autogenic Training and eventually, at age 18, he
began the practice of Hatha Yoga. This practice
strengthened his then frail body within a few
weeks and his overall condition and health
improved considerably. Quite naturally, these
spectacular results gave Karl an incentive to
explore other sciences that were not part of his
academic curriculum. Studies and practice in
astrology, practical magic, rune magic, and
practice of various forms of life energy technology
such as astral traveling and clairvoyance followed
within one year. He studied the works of Mesmer,
Korschelt, von Reichenbach, Tesla, Lahkowski, and
others. At age 19, Karl began his graduate studies
in mathematics and physics. Several times, he
interrupted his academic studies to travel
extensively. In the course of these travels, he
gained valuable information about magical
practices and the use of life force in many cultures
and traditions and he met many gifted teachers
and adepts on the subject matter.
It is more than time for a change
that brings true science into metaphysics.
This is so because more and more people
open up to the fact that things spiritual
and psychic are as valid as things that are
scientific and technological, in fact that the
two are inseparable. We have to come to
the conclusion that a spiritual, or inner,
reality that is independent of or in contrast
to an outer, or scientific, reality does not
exist. Both realities coexist. I authored
the course “Magic of the Future” to bring
scientific approaches into metaphysics. In
this course I am showing that magic is
applied natural science. The magician uses
life force, structural links and energies of a
higher order to effect action at a distance.
This course is free on the Internet at
During his stays in South Africa, Switzerland, Berlin,
and, since 1974, the United States of America, he
continued his studies, which he then rounded off
with general semantics, radionics, Reichian
psychology, and orgone physics. Shortly after his
arrival in the United States, he built his first orgone
accumulators and conducted multiple experiments
with these amazing devices. It was obvious that
what Reich called orgone was the same form of
energy that he had explored for more than a
decade before knowing of Reich. In fact, a device
he built years earlier following the plans of
Korschelt was an orgone accumulator. Korschelt
called his device a “Solar Ether Radiation
Apparatus” — its plans are dating back to 1897.
Mesmer’s barrels with iron filings, also built and
tested by Welz years before he studied Reich, were
obviously the earliest orgone accumulators of
which we know that were built by a scientist with
the accumulation of life force in mind. Therefore,
we can safely say that Franz Anton Mesmer has
invented the life force accumulator one and a half
centuries before Reich.
In our thinking we come to a point
that recognizes again an important thing:
psychic technologies and spiritual
advancement as well as material
technologies can be regarded as being
facets of one and the same evolutionary
process. For humans to achieve their
fullest evolutionary potential, they have to
become proficient in both technologies.
The result of such a development is an all-
inclusive metaphysical technology, or a
technological metaphysic. This is a
discipline that can be the way to interact
with all accessible levels of consciousness,
or existence. It is interaction that reaches
from the material planes all the way to
the realms of energies of a higher order
and energies of the realms of creation. We
are at the threshold of an all encompassing
and true technological magic, or magical
Soon he realized that orgone can be projected at
any distance and that this projection follows
structural links. This is a fact that was evident to
people of all ages and cultures who harnessed life
force, such as shamans, conjurers, spiritual
workers, magicians, and healers. For this type
transfer he had to develop a mathematical model
that accounts for this phenomenon. This model
also accounts for many of the amazing
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advancement. Many of the mystery
schools and “New Age” groups abound
with methods to prepare the individual.
phenomena of ESP, magic, radionics, even
In 1992, he invented the orgone generator®. This
extraordinary new device is a significant step
beyond the mere accumulating of orgone energy
as happens inside the orgone accumulator.
Furthermore he realized soon that pulsed orgone
energy (which an orgone generator can produce
— or a rotating planet) transforms DOR (deadly
orgone) back into orgone energy. The problem
of “orgone accumulators going bad” when afflicted
by DOR was successfully counteracted with a
technological device for the first time in known
history. More striking proof of this characteristic
of orgone generators® became evident when he
invented a DOR generator. The orgone
generators TM proved to be effective in
counteracting the negative effects of devices that
develop DOR when operating, such as radioactive
smoke detectors, fluorescent tubes, TV screens,
and other electromagnetic pollution. The orgone
accumulating devices on the other hand, are
ineffective. In fact, these devices “foul up”, i.e.,
when exposed to deadly orgone (DOR) too long,
they accumulate it and consequently become
centers of this energy.
Of all these methods, there seems
to be only one that we can consider to be
a solid basis for rapid spiritual
advancement and safe psychic
development, and access to the creative
realms of the universe. The method in
question is the development of the
consciousness of being One with the Divine.
We know that many other names exist
for this type practice and achievement.
Some call it Christ consciousness. Others
call it Higher Self and so on.
According to popular belief, Oneness
is a long term goal. Some people have a
vested interest in spreading a lot of such
popular beliefs; among them in the
forefront are bosses of mystery schools
whose main concern is in keeping a lot of
paying students or a lot of worshippers!
Contrary to this generally accepted popular
belief, Oneness should be an important
basis of metaphysical advancement and
not its long term goal. Furthermore, it is
important to know that it can be achieved
in a relatively short period of time. As is
the case with many other metaphysical
practices, it is so easy that it takes some
people decades to learn it. That’s because
most people think that everything needs
to be complicated to be effective. To
achieve this type consciousness in a
relatively short period of time, all it takes
is the right advice in the right surroundings,
preferably with others who have the same
goal in mind.
Soon Karl Welz recognized that the orgone
generator® can be a significant help in many
practices involving the use of life energy (or
orgone) such as the development and practice of
ESP, magic, self improvement, and trend
The technologies of unified material
and higher order energies have the
potential of access to infinite powers.
When I say infinite, I mean a process: No
matter what level of power you achieve,
there will always be more beyond. The
potential of infinite power requires from
the individual an adjustment and training
that is commensurate to this potential.
This means that the training compares to
training in advanced sciences.
The course that you are about to
begin with this lesson will help you to seek
out and generate the right inner and outer
surroundings as well as the necessary
know-how to achieve this important
experience, or state of mind. Soon
experience will teach you that achieving
Oneness is an easy task!
As we have pointed out in the
previous chapter, the psychic and spiritual
dimensions are the basis of technologies
to act upon our inner and outer
environments. Therefore it became
important that part of the training and
preparation for handling new technologies
comes from within the individual. Such
training can then ensure rapid and safe
Practice with persons who have
achieved Oneness has many benefits.
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