Connell E. H. - Elements of Abstract and Linear Algebra.pdf
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Elements of
Abstract and Linear Algebra
E. H. Connell
E.H. Connell
Department of Mathematics
University of Miami
P.O. Box 249085
Coral Gables, Florida 33124 USA
Mathematical Subject Classications (1991): 12-01, 13-01, 15-01, 16-01, 20-01
c 1999 E.H. Connell
December 20, 2002 []
In 1965 I rst taught an undergraduate course in abstract algebra. It was fun to
teach because the material was interesting and the class was outstanding. Five of
those students later earned a Ph.D. in mathematics. Since then I have taught the
course about a dozen times from various texts. Over the years I developed a set of
lecture notes and in 1985 I had them typed so they could be used as a text. They
now appear (in modied form) as the rst ve chapters of this book. Here were some
of my motives at the time.
1) To have something as short and inexpensive as possible. In my experience,
students like short books.
2) To avoid all innovation. To organize the material in the most simple-minded
straightforward manner.
3) To order the material linearly. To the extent possible, each section should use
the previous sections and be used in the following sections.
4) To omit as many topics as possible. This is a foundational course, not a topics
course. If a topic is not used later, it should not be included. There are three
good reasons for this. First, linear algebra has top priority. It is better to go
forward and do more linear algebra than to stop and do more group and ring
theory. Second, it is more important that students learn to organize and write
proofs themselves than to cover more subject matter. Algebra is a perfect place
to get started because there are many \easy" theorems to prove. There are
many routine theorems stated here without proofs, and they may be considered
as exercises for the students. Third, the material should be so fundamental
that it be appropriate for students in the physical sciences and in computer
science. Zillions of students take calculus and cookbook linear algebra, but few
take abstract algebra courses. Something is wrong here, and one thing wrong
is that the courses try to do too much group and ring theory and not enough
matrix theory and linear algebra.
5) To oer an alternative for computer science majors to the standard discrete
mathematics courses. Most of the material in the rst four chapters of this text
is covered in various discrete mathematics courses. Computer science majors
might benet by seeing this material organized from a purely mathematical
Over the years I used the ve chapters that were typed as a base for my algebra
courses, supplementing them as I saw t. In 1996 I wrote a sixth chapter, giving
enough material for a full rst year graduate course. This chapter was written in the
same \style" as the previous chapters, i.e., everything was right down to the nub. It
hung together pretty well except for the last two sections on determinants and dual
spaces. These were independent topics stuck on at the end. In the academic year
1997-98 I revised all six chapters and had them typed in LaTeX. This is the personal
background of how this book came about.
It is dicult to do anything in life without help from friends, and many of my
friends have contributed to this text. My sincere gratitude goes especially to Marilyn
Gonzalez, Lourdes Robles, Marta Alpar, John Zweibel, Dmitry Gokhman, Brian
Coomes, Huseyin Kocak, and Shulim Kaliman. To these and all who contributed,
this book is fondly dedicated.
This book is a survey of abstract algebra with emphasis on linear algebra. It is
intended for students in mathematics, computer science, and the physical sciences.
The rst three or four chapters can stand alone as a one semester course in abstract
algebra. However they are structured to provide the background for the chapter on
linear algebra. Chapter 2 is the most dicult part of the book because groups are
written in additive and multiplicative notation, and the concept of coset is confusing
at rst. After Chapter 2 the book gets easier as you go along. Indeed, after the
rst four chapters, the linear algebra follows easily. Finishing the chapter on linear
algebra gives a basic one year undergraduate course in abstract algebra. Chapter 6
continues the material to complete a rst year graduate course. Classes with little
background can do the rst three chapters in the rst semester, and chapters 4 and 5
in the second semester. More advanced classes can do four chapters the rst semester
and chapters 5 and 6 the second semester. As bare as the rst four chapters are, you
still have to truck right along to nish them in one semester.
The presentation is compact and tightly organized, but still somewhat informal.
The proofs of many of the elementary theorems are omitted. These proofs are to
be provided by the professor in class or assigned as homework exercises. There is a
non-trivial theorem stated without proof in Chapter 4, namely the determinant of the
product is the product of the determinants. For the proper ow of the course, this
theorem should be assumed there without proof. The proof is contained in Chapter 6.
The Jordan form should not be considered part of Chapter 5. It is stated there only
as a reference for undergraduate courses. Finally, Chapter 6 is not written primarily
for reference, but as an additional chapter for more advanced courses.
This text is written with the conviction that it is more eective to teach abstract
and linear algebra as one coherent discipline rather than as two separate ones. Teach-
ing abstract algebra and linear algebra as distinct courses results in a loss of synergy
and a loss of momentum. Also with this text the professor does not extract the course
from the text, but rather builds the course upon it. I am convinced it is easier to
build a course from a base than to extract it from a big book. Because after you
extract it, you still have to build it. The bare bones nature of this book adds to its
exibility, because you can build whatever course you want around it. Basic algebra
is a subject of incredible elegance and utility, but it requires a lot of organization.
This book is my attempt at that organization. Every eort has been extended to
make the subject move rapidly and to make the ow from one topic to the next as
seamless as possible. The student has limited time during the semester for serious
study, and this time should be allocated with care. The professor picks which topics
to assign for serious study and which ones to \wave arms at". The goal is to stay
focused and go forward, because mathematics is learned in hindsight. I would have
made the book shorter, but I did not have any more time.
When using this text, the student already has the outline of the next lecture, and
each assignment should include the study of the next few pages. Study forward, not
just back. A few minutes of preparation does wonders to leverage classroom learning,
and this book is intended to be used in that manner. The purpose of class is to
learn, not to do transcription work. When students come to class cold and spend
the period taking notes, they participate little and learn little. This leads to a dead
class and also to the bad psychology of \O K; I am here, so teach me the subject."
Mathematics is not taught, it is learned, and many students never learn how to learn.
Professors should give more direction in that regard.
Unfortunately mathematics is a dicult and heavy subject. The style and
approach of this book is to make it a little lighter. This book works best when
viewed lightly and read as a story. I hope the students and professors who try it,
enjoy it.
E. H. Connell
Department of Mathematics
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL 33124
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