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Stochastic Petri Nets:
Modelling, Stability,
Peter J. Haas
Springer Series in Operations Research
Peter W. Glynn Stephen M. Robinson
Peter J. Haas
Stochastic Petri Nets
Modelling, Stability, Simulation
With 71 Illustrations
Peter J. Haas
IBM Research Division
San Jose, CA 95120-6099
Series Editors:
Peter W. Glynn
Stephen M. Robinson
Department of Management Science
Department of Industrial Engineering
and Engineering
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Terman Engineering Center
Madison, WI 53706-1572
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-4026
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Haas, Peter J. (Peter Jay)
Stochastic Petri nets : modelling, stability, simulation / Peter J. Haas.
p. cm. — (Springer series in operations research)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-387-95445-7 (alk. paper)
1. Petri nets. 2. Stochastic analysis. I. Title. II. Series.
QA267 .H3 2002
Printed on acid-free paper.
2002 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
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ISBN 0-387-95445-7
SPIN 10867072
Springer-Verlag New York Berlin Heidelberg
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Business Media GmbH
This book was motivated by a desire to bridge the gap between two impor-
tant areas of research related to the design and operation of engineering
and information systems. The first area concerns the development of mathe-
matical tools for formal specification of complex probabilistic systems, with
an eye toward subsequent simulation of the resulting stochastic model on
a computer. The second area concerns the development of methods for
analysis of simulation output.
Research on modelling techniques has been driven by the ever-increasing
size and complexity of computer, manufacturing, transportation, workflow,
and communication systems. Many engineers and systems designers now
recognize that the use of formal models has a number of advantages over
simply writing complicated simulation programs from scratch. Not only
is it much easier to generate software that is free of logical errors, but
various qualitative system properties—absence of deadlock, impossibility of
reaching catastrophic states, and so forth—can be verified far more easily
for a formal model than for an ad-hoc computer program. Indeed, certain
system properties can sometimes be verified automatically.
Our focus is on systems that can be viewed as making state transitions
when events associated with the occupied state occur. More specifically,
we consider discrete-event systems in which the stochastic state transi-
tions occur only at an increasing sequence of random times. The “Bedi-
enungsprozess” (service process) framework, developed by Konig, Matthes,
and Nawrotzki in the 1960s and early 1970s, provided the first set of build-
ing blocks for formal modelling of general discrete-event systems. The mod-
ern incarnation of the Bedienungsprozess is the “generalized semi-Markov
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