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Palladium Books® Presents:
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Your Ciuide to th~
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Violence and the Supernatural
The fictional worlds of Palladium Books® are violent, deadly and filled with supernatural monsters.
Other-dimensional beings, often referred to as "demons," torment, stalk and prey on humans. Other alien
life forms, monsters, gods and demigods, as well as magic, insanity, and war are all elements in these
Some parents may find the violence, magic and supernatural elements of the games inappropriate for
young readers/players. We suggest parental discretion.
Please note that none of us at Palladium Books® condone or encourage the occult, the practice of
magic. the use of drugs, or violence.
The Rifter® Number 21
Your guide to the Palladium Megaverse®!
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Palladium Books® role-playing games
-limited only by one's imagination™
First Printing - January, 2003
Copyright 2003 Palladium Books Inc. & Kevin Siembieda
All rights reserved, world wide, under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or
whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents,
situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living
or dead, is strictly coincidental.
Palladium Books®, Rifts®, The Rifter®, Coalition Wars®, RECON®, Nightbane®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®,
The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, After the Bomb®, Phase World® and Megaverse® are registered trademarks owned
and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.
Chaos Earth, Mechanoid Space, Heroes Unlimited, HU2, Powers Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Aliens Unlimited, Mutant Un-
derground, The Nursery, Hardware Unlimited, Gadgets Unlimited, RECON Modem Combat, Beyond the Supernatural, BTS,
RiftsworkZ, Systems Failure, Gramercy Island, Skraypers, Atorian Empire, Wormwood, Land of the Damned, The Citadel, Wolfen
Wars, Wolfen, Cosmo-Knights, Cyber-Knight, Free Quebec, Xiticix Invasion, Fadetown, Hammer of The Forge, Siege On Tolkeen,
Psyscape, Dweomer, ARCHIE-3, Northern Gun, Coalition States, Erin Tarn, Emperor Prosek, Splugorth, Splynncryth, Mega-Damage,
Skelebot, SAMAS, Glitter Boy, Dog Boys, Dog Pack, Techno-Wizard, Ley Line Walker, Shifter, Bio-Wizardry, Psi-Stalker, Brodkil,
Juicer, Crazy, 'Burbs, 'Borg, 'Bot, D-Bee, Chi-Town, Triax, NGR, Shifter, The Anvil Galaxy, and other names, titles and likenesses
of characters are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.
Palladium Online
The Rifter® #21 RPG sourcebook series is published by Palladium Books Inc., 12455 Universal Drive, Taylor,
MI 48180. Printed in the USA.
Palladium Books® Presents:
Sourcebook and guide to the Palladium Megaverse®
Coordinator & Editor in Chief: Wayne Smith
Contributing Writers:
James M.G. Cannon
C. N. Constantin
Joseph Larsen
Jason Richards
Andrew Rusling
Kevin Siembieda
Shawn Therrien
Interior Artists:
Kent BurIes
Brian Manning
Apollo Okamura
Brendan Smith
and other Palladium Madmen
Cover Logo Design: Steve Edwards
Alex Marciniszyn
Julius Rosenstein
Credits Page Logo: Niklas Brandt
Typesetting: Wayne Smith
Cover Illustration: Kevin Long
Keylining: Kevin Siembieda
Based on the RPG rules, characters,
concepts and Megaverse@ created by Kevin Siembieda.
Special Thanks to all our contributors, writers and artists - and a special welcome onboard to the artists and
writers making their debut in this issue. Our apologies to anybody who got accidentally left out or their name
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Contents - The Rifter® #21 - January, 2003
Page 15 - All Games
P.P.E. Channeling
Jason Richards is back with some thoughts and approaches to
dra~ing on and using Potential Psychic Energy to work magic.
We thought it was pretty handy and cool. Hope you will too.
Art by artistic wizard, Apollo Okamura. Depicts a Ley Line
Walker from Rifts®.
Page 6 - Art
A new style Coalition Hovercycle departing after making a
supply drop to a CS reconnaissance patrol somewhere in the
wilderness. The artist is Apollo Okamura, who handled a great
deal of the art chores this issue, and turned in a mighty fme job.
Page 7 - From the Desk of Kevin Siembieda
Holy Moley! The boss man had plenty to say this issue. Then
again, we do have a lot going on and plenty of exciting projects
in the works. Palladium's President, Kevin Siembieda, lays it all
out for your enjoyment. And there's more to be announced next
Page 18 - Heroes Unlimited
,2nd Ed.
The Motherframe
Joseph Larsen takes a twisted look at a strange and unique
type of psionic augmentation via the artificial intelligence
known as "Motherframe." It is definitely different, imaginative
and fun. The Info Junkie O.c.c. is found on page 25.
Art by Brendan Smith, the first of two new artists making
their Rifter® debut this issue.
Page 9 - Palladium News
What's Erick Wujcik doing in China? Did he actually finish
the Wolfen Empire Adventure Sourcebook so it can come out in
February as scheduled? Find the answers in the news.
Then read about recent releases you may have missed. And
you'd better hope Rifts® Dark Conversions isn't one of them,
because it is an awesome book for anybody looking for a slew
Page 27 - Rifts®
Familiars of Rifts Earth
C.N. Constantin offers a very unique view offamiliars found
on Rifts Earth: The Action Golem, BookWyrm, Clarion
Crawler, Compies, MiniBane and Pet Rock to name but a few.
It's all fascinating and clever material sure to spice up any cam-
paign. Plus the Familiar Wrangler O.C.C., spells and other stuff.
Artwork is by Apollo Okamura.
and Nightlords'
Oh man,
packed with dark and evil things.
Page 11 - Coming Attractions
Coming Soon tells you all about the products coming out
over the next 3-4 months, and there is some great stuff coming. I
know. I've seen it. Hee, hee.
Page 40 - Rifts®
Techno-Wizardry: Form & Function
Shawn Therrien takes a fascinating look at the form, function
and synergy of Techno-Wizardry with information about trying
new things, making and testing prototypes, creation guidelines,
terms, bonuses and penalties. We loved it.
Artwork is by newcomer Brian Marming.
Page 13 - The Rifter® Super-Subscription Offer
Having trouble finding The Rifter® in the stores and can't
live without it? Or just looking for the convenience of having
The Rifter® delivered to your door? Then you will want to take
advantage of our incredible subscription offer. Free $20 dollar
gift book (your choice of Revised Rifts® Conversion Book One,
Rifts® Australia One or the After the Bomb® RPG), free ship-
ping, great savings. Read all about it. Limited time offer.
Page 47 - Rifts® Phase World®
The Hammer of the Forge
Chapter 21 ofJames M.G. Carmon's epic saga.
Artwork by Apollo Okamura.
Page 14 - Chaos Earth
No, i'ts not the latest installment, it's what you can expect
when the game comes out this April! That's right, Kevin
Siembieda got so into it while writing material for The Rifter®
that the game is almost finished and slated for an April, 2003 re-
lease. If this description doesn't get your juices flowing, you're
either dead or not a role-player. Wow, we can hardly wait to see
the fmished project ourselves.
Page 54 - For The Palladium Fantasy
Role-Playing Game®
The Long Forgotten Quest
Andrew Rusling presents an epic adventure (actually several,
interlocking ones) with plenty of intrigue, twists, turns, action
and surprises. It all starts with a quest to gather the three pieces
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