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Słownictwo Energetyka i Elektryka
SŁOWNICTWO Z OBSZARU: Elektryka i Energetyka
1. Lista słówek
1. renewable energy - energia odnawialna
2. natural resources - zasoby naturalne
3. sunlight - światło słoneczne
4. tides - pływy
5. geothermal heat - ogrzewanie geotermalne
6. biomass - biomasa
7. wood-burning - spalanie drewna
8. hydroelectricity - hydroelektryczność
9. solar heating - ogrzewanie słoneczne
10. contribute - przyczynić się
11. geothermal energy - energia geotermalna
12. wind power - energia wiatrowa
13. solar power - energia słoneczna
14. legislation - prawodawstwo
15. incentives - zachęty
16. commercialisation - komercjalizacja
17. climb - wspinać się
18. oil - ropa naftowa
19. fuel - paliwo
20. emission - emisja
21. cut - zredukować
22. carbon dioxide - dwutlenek węgla
23. global warming - globalne ocieplenie
24. investment capital - kapitał inwestycyjny
25. worldwide - światowy
26. installed capacity - moc zainstalowana
27. manufacturing output - produkcja przemysłowa
28. photovoltaic - fotowoltaiczny
29. power station - elektrownia
30. ethanol fuel - paliwo etanolowe
31. sugar cane - trzcina cukrowa
32. automotive fuel - paliwo samochodowe
33. off-grid – poza siecią wysokiego napięcia
34. rural - wiejski
35. remote - odległy
36. household - gospodarstwo domowe
37. ownership rate - wskaźnik własności
38. roughly - w przybliŜeniu
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2. Lista zwrotów
1. energy consumption - zuŜycie energii
2. climate change concerns - problematyka dotycząca zmian klimatycznych
3. increasing government support - wzrastające wsparcie rządowe
4. reach an agreement - osiągnąć porozumienie
5. agreement in principle - porozumienie podstawowe, co do fundamentalnych zasad
6. grow at the rate of... - wzrastać w tempie...
7. widely available - szeroko dostępny
3. Tekst
Renewable energy
Renewable energy is energy generated from natural resources - such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and
geothermal heat which are renewable. In 2006, about 18% of global final energy consumption came
from renewables, 13% came from traditional biomass, such as wood-burning. Hydroelectricity was the
next largest renewable source, providing 3%, solar hot water/heating, contributed 1.3%. Modern
technologies, such as geothermal energy, wind power , solar power, and ocean energy together
provided 0.8% of final energy consumption.
Climate change concerns, high oil prices and increasing government support are driving increasing
renewable energy legislation, incentives and commercialization. European Union leaders reached an
agreement in principle in March 2007 that 20 percent of their nations' energy should be produced from
renewable fuels by 2020, as part of its drive to cut emissions of carbon dioxide, blamed in part for
global warming. Investment capital flowing into renewable energy climbed from $80 billion in 2005 to a
record $100 billion in 2006.
Wind power is growing at the rate of 30 percent annually, with a worldwide installed capacity of over
100 GW, and is widely used in several European countries and the United States. The manufacturing
output of the photovoltaics industry reached more than 2,000 MW in 2006, and photovoltaic (PV) power
stations are particularly popular in Germany. Solar thermal power stations operate in the USA and
Spain, and the largest of these is the 354 MW SEGS power plant in the Mojave Desert. The world's
largest geothermal power installation is The Geysers in California, with a rated capacity of 750 MW.
Brazil has one of the largest renewable energy programs in the world, involving production of ethanol
fuel from sugar cane, and ethanol now provides 18 percent of the country's automotive fuel. Ethanol
fuel is also widely available in the USA.
While there are many large-scale renewable energy projects and production, renewable technologies
are also suited to small off-grid applications, sometimes in rural and remote areas, where energy is
often crucial in human development. Kenya has the world's highest household solar ownership rate with
roughly 30,000 small (20–100 watt) solar power systems sold per year.
Some renewable energy technologies are criticised, but the market is growing for many forms of
renewable energy.
4. Rysunek
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