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May 2010
The Burden Basket
Issue 17
St. Joseph Apache Mission Restoration Project
Funding Progress
Since fundraising be-
gan in February 1998 we have
raised $1,664,920. Of that
amount 52% came from pri-
vate foundation grants, 7%
from nonprofit organizations,
22 % from our generous do-
nors, 10% through our stew-
ardship program and the re-
maining 9% from the hard
work of raffles, food sales and
concerts, plus interest earned.
The work continues as fund-
ing permits: Expenses to date
have been $1,631,295.
Revenue & Expenses
11/1/09— 4/30/10
Foundation Grants $62,324
Steward Program $11,550
Donations $ 2,839
Fundraisers & Interest $ 967
Total $77,680
Payroll Expenses $76,655
Equipment & Supplies $ 1,556
Roof Project $ 4,272
Office Expense $ 3,323
Administration &Fundraising
$ 1,768
Volunteers are always a welcomed site at the Mission and already this year we
have been fortunate to have two different groups spend their alternative Spring Break
here. The first group to come were
from Texas Tech. These nine col-
lege students really got a workout.
They began by moving everything
out of the alcoves and cleaning
up. This is always a big job after
the restoration crew has been
working inside all winter.
They also spent a day
working with our crew moving
scaffolding and did not stop until
the job was complete even though
it snowed most of the day and was
extremely cold.
Texas Tech volunteers working in the snow.
While they were here they lis-
tened to a presentation on the Apache
people by author Henrietta Stockel and
helped on other projects around the res-
Incarnate Word Academy students moving pews.
$ 87,574
There were 72 high school students plus
their chaperones in the second group from Incarnate
Word Academy in Corpus Christi, TX. The group
was broken down into groups of 9 and we had 2
groups for three days. These students dusted,
mopped and waxed the church floors, moved back
the pews and all of the items back into the alcoves.
Some of the volunteers also cleaned up the church
grounds and planted flower boxes to decorate the
interior of the Mission. This was a tremendous help,
and the Mission looks so refreshed.
Funds on hand: $44,009
In-Kind Donations from volun-
teers, staff and equipment use:
Roof Project to date
Roof Cost $217,192
Roof Funds Raised $238,718
The High School Group
$ 33,556
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Page 2
The Burden Basket
The winter months seemed to last forever, with more
snow than we have seen in the past 32 years. The days were
spent working in the interior alcoves. This allowed us to
leave up the scaffolding for Tommy and Martin to work on
the alcove roofs when the weather permitted. We are happy
to say that all but one alcove is completed.
Tommy and Martin, now aided by trainee Sam Sosa
have completed 3 of the 6 alcove roofs with 2 more to be
Tommy inspecting alcove work
completed by the time you read this. This will leave 1 alcove
roof and the choir loft staircase room roof to complete the
roof project. We will be excited to see the last tile installed!
Trainee David Walters working on a alcove window .
Trainee David Walters has been working with Tommy to
get the window opening ready for the stained glass window of
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha. This is David’s third summer work-
ing on the restoration. David is a descendant of some of the
original builders of the church. Our other trainee, Sam Sosa
worked on the roof project last summer and liked being a part of
the Restoration Project. His general construction experience is a
real benefit to us, and he in turn is learning additional skills that
will help him in the future.
We are starting to get excited about our upcoming raffle. Each year we wonder if we will be able to attract prizes
as wonderful as in the past, and each year we are blessed with great prizes through the generosity of many people. This
year Southwest Airlines has once again donated two round trip tickets for anywhere in the 48 states where they fly. With
these tickets will be adding a couple of nights stay from a well known hotel chain. We also will have our $1,000 cash prize
and several Native American made art pieces. One is a pencil portrait that was done
by Chino Sumonait at the Institute of Native American Arts when it was at the Uni-
versity of Santa Fe. Artist Kathy Marrow has donated one of her beautiful cutting
boards pictured here. You can visit her website at: kathymorrowstudio.com. DJ’s
Jewelry in Ruidoso has also made a donation of a piece of lovely jewelry.
In all there will be 12 prizes plus 4 prizes for the top ticket sellers. If you would like
to contribute a prize it is not too late just let us know. Be sure to watch your mail for
your tickets around the middle of July. If you would like to be in the contest for
ticket sales please let us know so we can send you extra tickets.
Cutting board
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Issue 17
Page 3
To mark our 10th anniversary of full time work on
the restoration of our beloved Mission and important Vet-
erans’ Memorial we had a traditional Apache Blessing on
February 14th after the 10:30 Mass. Father Paul Boten-
hagan, OFM gave credit to all of the people who have
worked in the past and who are currently working on the
project to restore St. Joseph Apache Mission.
Mary Serna talked briefly about the restoration’s
history reminding everyone about the years that Sr. Juanita
Little, OSF prayed that God
would send us someone to
fix the church. God an-
swered that prayer in his
own way and time sending
us two Franciscan Brothers Peter Boegel, and Harry Vasile. The two spearheaded
the beginning efforts to get things rolling along with the Restoration Committee
who held many food sales, raffles and a powwow.
It was Harry’s idea to use the project as an opportunity to offer job skill
training to people out of the local rehabilitation center and young adults over 18
who needed job skills and
employment while getting
their GED or going to col-
lege. This training program
has allowed 31 young
adults to take advantage of the program.
One of our local traditional Apache Medicine men,
Eldon Enjady and his group came to Mass and gave past
and present workers a traditional Apache Blessing. It was
very moving and beautiful. As Eldon said “the blessing
was of thanksgiving for the work already done and for
strength and dedication for the current crew to carry on
their work safely to completion.”
Enjady’s group singing a blessing song
Eldon blessing Tommy with pollen
Our next planned celebration will be a three day
traditional feast when the restoration project is completed
in June of 2014, we hope to see you there!
Eldon blessing workers as Fr. Paul looks on
Each time we prepare these newsletters it is a challenge to condense so much informa-
tion into such a small amount of print. Lately I have been working on some not so pressing ad-
ministrative work that was pushed aside as my attention was focused on the roof project. As I
was filing some greeting cards it struck me just how many people there are who find this resto-
ration project as important as we do. This prompted me to want to say thank you to everyone
who supports us financially, even in these strained economic times. We are grateful beyond
words to those who volunteer, provide in-kind services, publicity, prayer and mostly moral sup-
port to myself , Tommy, the crew and this project in general.
One of my biggest challenges is to find ways to make this restoration project more visi-
ble to a wider audience. Dianna Stallings of the Ruidoso News does a great job for us in the
newspaper, and Steve Lee is exceptional at keeping our website maintained. We have been
milling over the idea of adding a Facebook site. We’d love to hear your thoughts, ideas and suggestions.
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St. Joseph Parish, Mescalero, Inc.
St. Joseph Apache Mission & Veterans’ Memorial
Restoration Project
PO Box 187
Mescalero, NM 88340-0187
Phone: (575) 464-4539
Visit our website
Email: petrus@matisp.net
Restoring the Building and Rebuilding Lives
What’s inside:
Alternative Spring Break Volunteers
Winter Alcove Work
11th Annual Raffle Coming up
10th Anniversary Blessing for Restoration Workers
Co-Director’s Report
Happy Spring! We will be offering calendars for sale starting
next fall. They will feature our favorite seasonal photos of the
church and our two Mission churches. You will be able to or-
der and purchase through our website, by phone, mail or come
in an pick one up in the office.
Always honoring our Veterans Past and Present
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