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Dragon Magazine #206
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Issue #206
Vol. XIX, No. 1
June 1994
Come soar with dragons
Fly high on the wings of our namesake.
Dragons: More Than Just Couch Potatoes
Thomas Reid
These mighty beasts should do more than lounge on
their hoards.
TSR, Inc.
Associate Publisher
Brian Thomsen
Kim Mohan
The Dragon Project: Cerulean Glory Oversees
Tides Sandy Petersen
Meet the RUNEQUEST* dragon who wants to be
Associate editor
Dale A. Donovan
Fiction editor
Barbara G. Young
Part Dragon, All Hero Roger E. Moore
Half-dragon PCs, from the Council of Wyrms setting
to all the worlds beyond.
Editorial assistant
Wolfgang H. Baur
Art director
Larry W. Smith
Tracey Isler
Defiance Lisa Smedman
There is more than one way to defeat a dragon.
Janet L. Winters
Eye of the Monitor Sandy Petersen
Why are there no antique computer games?
U.S. advertising
Cindy Rick
Role-playing Reviews Rick Swan
Spice up your spellcasters with these magical supplements.
Printed in the U.S.A.
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2 JUNE 1994
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112 Through the Looking Glass Ken Carpenter
Apply Kens painting advice to your miniatures.
A graphic miniseries debuts this issue from the creators of
Yamara, with artwork by Ken Widing.
34 Campaign Journal: GREYHAWK® Carl Sargent
Sail with the Sea Barons.
42 Fiend Knights and Dark Artifacts Carl Sargent
PCs should avoid these magical relics of the Great
62 Better Than Ever The staff
Learn more about the 1994 GEN CON® Game Fairs special
65 Karameikos, Ho! Jeff Grubb
Make the acquaintance of Joshuan Gallidox.
71 The Dragons Bestiary Spike Y. Jones
These new faeries will amuse and bemuse your
campaigns PCs.
76 Elminsters Notebook Ed Greenwood & Gary Williams
You really dont want to meet Tashara of the Seven Skulls.
Jeff Easleys Lillehammer Dragons
(as coined by our own Wolf Baur)
typifies the majestic presence of our
favorite fantasy creature. The beauty
of that stark, frozen vista is enough to
melt even an editors heart.
Id Like to Thank the Academy. . .
Vote for your favorite 1993 games, magazines, and
4 Letters
88 Sage Advice
6 Editorial
103 Libram X
8 First Quest
106 Dragonmirth
48 Forum
108 Gamers Guide
52 Convention Calendar
120 TSR Previews
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32 Gunnar Thorson Manui & Adams
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