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Microsoft Word - lesson_63
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
Subject questions
When we ask about the subject of the sentence we do not use inversion or add extra auxiliary verbs. We only
replace the subject with ‘Who’ or ‘What’, e.g.:
Someone (subject) has stolen our bicycle.
Who has stolen our bicycle?
Something (subject) broke inside the engine.
What broke inside the engine?
Practice 1
Complete the questions (Uzupełnij pytania).
1. Somebody lives in that house.
Who ..........................................................?
2. Tom said something.
What .........................................................?
3. They lost something.
What .........................................................?
4. Somebody cleaned the kitchen.
Who ..........................................................?
5. I asked somebody for money.
Who ................. you .................... money ?
6. Somebody asked me for money.
Who ..........................................................?
7. Something happened last night.
What .........................................................?
8. Jack bought something.
What .........................................................?
9. Somebody called me yesterday.
Who ..........................................................?
10. I called somebody yesterday.
Who ..........................................................?
11. Somebody knows the answer.
Who ..........................................................?
12. Something woke me up this morning.
What .........................................................?
13. Somebody has my pen?
Who ..........................................................?
14. Tom and Ann saw something.
What .........................................................?
15. Somebody saw the accident.
Who ..........................................................?
16. Somebody did the washing up.
Who ..........................................................?
17. Joan did something.
What .........................................................?
18. This word means something.
What .........................................................?
19. Somebody is coming.
Who ..........................................................?
20. I’m reading something.
What .........................................................?
Practice 2
Look at the diagram. An arrow ( ) represents the verb ‘loves’. Answer the questions giving the name.
(Spójrz na diagram. Strzałka oznacza czasownik ‘kocha’. Odpowiedz na pytania podając imię.)
1. Who loves Jack?
50218253.001.png 50218253.002.png 50218253.003.png
2. Who does Jack love? ...................
3. Who loves Jill? ...................
4. Who does Jill love? ...................
5. Who loves Jason? ...................
6. Who does Jason love? ...................
7. Who loves Jane? ...................
8. Who does Jane love? ...................
Revision – questions
Each sentence contains a mistake. Write the sentences correctly. (Każde zdanie zawiera błąd. Przepisz
zdania poprawnie.)
1. Would like you to go swimming?
2. How many beers have drunk you?
3. What did happen to you last night?
5. Who did play cards at the weekend?
6. Does Jack plays tennis?
7. Do you be a student here?
8. What time the party starts?
9. Who did switch off the computer?
10. What name will give you the baby?
The dialogues below are in the wrong order. Number their lines in the correct order. (Rozmowy poniżej są
napisane w złej kolejności. Ponumeruj linijki w dobrej kolejności)
It was very kind of you, thank you.
Excuse me, I wonder if you would help me carry this suitcase upstairs?
What are you talking about? I haven't even touched your laptop.
Well, where is it then?
Have you taken my laptop?
How should I know? I've told you a hundred times to put your things where they belong!
You can say what you like, but you can't make me eat it!
It isn't fit to eat!
You're exaggerating as usual!
I won't eat this omelette!
Why? What's wrong with it?
Well, if that's the way you want it ...
But are you quite sure there's nothing wrong?
There's nothing wrong with me. I'm perfectly all right, thank you.
Yes positive. Everything's fine.
You look a bit pale and worried. Is there anything wrong?
Is he? I haven't noticed it myself.
Yes, he hasn't done any work for ages.
He won't? But you know he's very good looking ...
4. Enjoyed you your walk?
Jack is very lazy, you know.
I'm afraid he'll never get on at all.
A large one, please. Have you got any powdered milk?
This brand is very popular, madam. I can recommend it.
It's just come in. A large tin or a small one, madam?
I want a tin of cocoa.
I can see you've got the new kind of instant coffee.
We've run out of it at the moment.
Sorry, I'm busy.
Maybe you'd like to go to the pictures tomorrow night?
What about Sunday?
On Sundays I sing in a choir.
I say, miss, are you free tonight?
Well, Fred will be very disappointed.
No, thank you. I'll be attending a class.
Oh, you mean that shy young man? Ask him to come here on Saturday night.
Exercise 1
Answer the questions by giving the number of the dialogue (Odpowiedz na pytania podając numer rozmowy).
In which dialogue ...
1. ... somebody refuses to do something?
2. ... somebody criticizes a person?
3. ... somebody can’t find something?
4. ... somebody doesn’t like something?
5. ... somebody feels fine?
6. ... somebody does shopping?
7. ... somebody gives very strong advice?
8. ... helps a third person?
9. ... asks for help?
Exercise 2
Match the words and their translations (Dopasuj słowa do ich tłumaczeń).
1. wonder
a) wyczerpać zapas
2. fit
b) zastanawiać się
3. exaggerate
c) brać udział
4. positive
d) chór
5. pale
e) nadawać się
6. attend
f) 100% pewny
7. get on
g) rozczarowany, zawiedziony
8. brand
h) blady
9. tin
i) poradzić sobie
10. run out of
j) marka
11. disappointed
k) puszka
12. choir
l) przesadzać
Practice 1
Choose the best word to complete the sentences (Wybierz najlepsze słowo aby uzupełnić luki).
1. If you go ............ (along / straight / direct) for about 600 meters you'll come to a hotel.
2. Excuse me, .......... (should / have / could) you tell me how to get to the information office?
3. Go along this street and turn left at the second .......... (crossroads / traffic / about).
4. .......... (Go / Get / Follow) this path till you reach the yellow cottage.
5. The best way is to head for York and turn right at the .......... (traffic / road / head) lights in Sallister.
6. .......... (Pass / Cross / Dive) the river at the nearest bridge.
7. .......... (Get / Move / Turn) round and walk to the end of this street.
8. Keep straight .......... (on / for / at).
9. Take the second on .......... (a / the / all) right.
10. I don’t know. I'm .......... (an alien / a guest / a stranger) here myself.
11. It’s not far, just ......... (round / behind / after) the corner.
12. It’s very big and pink. You can't ......... (miss / lose / pass) it!
Practice 2
Complete the texts with the given prepositions. You can use the prepositions more than once. (Uzupełnij
teksty podanymi przyimkami. Można używać tych samych przyimków kilka razy.)
from at off before for on
You can take the tram its number 89 which says "Zoo" ......... the front. You'll need to get a ticket .......... the
machine .......... you get .......... . ......... the fifth stop you get ......... and cross the road and walk .......... about
100 meters. The restaurant is ......... the left, you can't miss it.
across for to on of along
It's a bit complicated, I'd better show you ......... the map. It'll take about 20 minutes ......... foot. Go ......... the
right as you leave this building and turn left when you get ......... the town hall. Keep straight .......... and go
......... the river. You'll see the railway station .......... the right. Continue .......... that road ......... three blocks till
you come .......... a church. Opposite the church there's a big square. The restaurant is down a little back street
.......... the other side .......... the square.
Vocabulary from the unit
attend – brać udział
block – przecznica
brand – marka
choir – chór
crossroads – skrzyżowanie
disappointed – zawiedziony
dive – nurkować
exaggerate – przesadzać
fit – nadawać się
follow – podążać
get on – radzić sobie
mean – mieć na myśli
pale – blady
path ścieżka
positive – 100% pewny
reach – dojść do
recommend – polecać
refuse – odmówić
run out of – wyczerpać zapas
square plac
tin – puszka
town hall – ratusz
traffic – ruch uliczny
wonder – zastanawiać się
LESSON 31 Î answer key
Practice 1
1. Somebody lives in that house.
Who lives in that house ?
2. Tom said something.
What did Tom say ?
3. They lost something.
What did they lose ?
4. Somebody cleaned the kitchen.
Who cleaned the kitchen ?
5. I asked somebody for money.
Who did you ask for money ?
6. Somebody asked me for money.
Who asked you for money ?
7. Something happened last night.
What happened last night ?
8. Jack bought something.
What did Jack buy ?
9. Somebody called me yesterday.
Who called you yesterday ?
10. I called somebody yesterday.
Who did you call yesterday ?
11. Somebody knows the answer.
Who knows the answer ?
12. Something woke me up this morning.
What woke you up this morning ?
13. Somebody has my pen?
Who has my pen ?
14. Tom and Ann saw something.
What did Tom and Ann see ?
15. Somebody saw the accident.
Who saw the accident ?
16. Somebody did the washing up.
Who did the washing up ?
17. Joan did something.
What did Joan do ?
18. This word means something.
What does this word mean ?
19. Somebody is coming.
Who is coming ?
20. I’m reading something.
What are you reading ?
Practice 2
1. Jane
2. Jill
3. Jack
4. Jason
5. Jill
6. Jane
7. Jason
8. Jack
Revision – questions
1. Would you like to go swimming?
2. How many beers have you drunk?
3. What happened to you last night?
4. Did you enjoy your walk?
5. Who played cards at the weekend?
6. Does Jack play tennis?
7. Are you a student here?
8. What time does the party start?
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