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Microsoft Word - lesson_66
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
Read the text and do the exercises below. (Przeczytaj tekst i zrób ćwiczenia poniżej.)
Save our planet
The ozone layer is a very important part of our atmosphere. The ozone layer stops some of
the ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Ultraviolet radiation causes a suntan. Too much
ultraviolet radiation causes sunburn and skin cancer. CFCs in the atmosphere have caused a
hole in the ozone layer. Scientists first discovered the hole in 1982, and it is getting bigger.
Thirty per cent of CFCs come from aerosol cans, thirty per cent from fridges and air
conditioning, and thirtyfour per cent from the production of some plastic products.
Sunlight gives us heat. Some of the heat warms the atmosphere, and some of the heat
escapes back into space. During the last 100 years we have produced a huge amount of
carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere works like the glass in a greenhouse.
It allows heat to get in, but it doesn't allow much heat to get out. So the atmosphere becomes
warmer because less heat can escape.
Where does the carbon dioxide come from? People and animals breathe in oxygen, and
breathe out carbon dioxide. Trees take carbon dioxide from the air, and produce oxygen. We
produce carbon dioxide when we burn coal, oil, petrol, gas, or wood. In the last few years,
people have burned huge areas of rain forest. This means there are fewer trees, and, of
course, more carbon dioxide!
Some scientists think the greenhouse effect will make the world hotter. Areas near the coasts
will be cloudier and wetter. There will be more storms. Inland areas will have a little more
rain, but because the temperature will be higher, they will be drier. Sea levels will rise. They
have already risen by 15 cm since 1880. Maybe they will rise another 30 cm before 2030.
But clouds reflect sunlight back into space, and maybe more clouds will make the earth
cooler again. Is the world's climate changing? We don't know.
Exercise 1
Choose the best answer for the questions according to the text. (Wybierz najepszą
odpowiedz na pytanie według tekstu)
1. What does ultraviolet radiation cause?
a) the hole in the ozone layer
b) CFCs
c) suntan and sunburn
2. What is the greatest source of CFCs?
a) the ozone layer
b) aerosol cans
c) the production of some plastic products
3. What happens to the heat from sunlight?
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a) it produces carbon dioxide
b) it warms the atmosphere
c) it gives us light
4. How does carbon dioxide work?
a) it allows the heat to escape back into space
b) it doesn’t allow the heat to escape back into space
c) it goes into green houses
5. Why does the atmosphere become warmer?
a) because the heat can’t escape
b) because there are too many greenhouses
c) because there is not enough carbon dioxide
6. What will happen to the inland areas?
a) they will be drier
b) they will be higher
c) they will be cloudier
7. Why will the earth be cooler again?
a) because there will be more clouds
b) because the climate will change again
c) because the sea levels will rise
Exercise 2
Match the words and their translations. (Dopasuj słówka do ich tłumaczeń.)
1. hole a) odbijać
2. cause b) puszka
3. can c) powodować
4. heat d) wybrzeże
5. layer e) dwutlenek węgla
6. suntan f) promieniowanie
7. radiation g) ilość
8. cancer h) dziura
9. amount i) nowotwór, rak
10. carbon dioxide j) opalenizna
11. greenhouse k) oddychać
12. breathe l) cieplarnia
13. burn m) spalać
14. coast n) ciepło
15. reflect o) warstwa
Ecology and environment
Exercise 1
Read the sentences and choose the correct option. (Przeczytaj zdania i wybierz prawidłową
1. Stop using metal (cans / vessels / holders). Start using glass bottles.
2. Start (seeding / planting / setting) more trees.
3. Start buying 'ozone (friendly / cool / nice)' products.
4. Don't use electrical (appliances / taps / coals) for things you can easily do
by hand.
5. Turn the central (heating / conditioning / warming) down and wear a
6. Don't pick flowers or collect wild (monsters / savages / creatures) for pets.
7. Don't buy souvenirs made from (wild / domestic / savage) animals.
8. Don’t drive too fast. Don’t (misuse / waste / kill) petrol.
9. Buy a more petrol (efficient / safe / friendly) car.
10. Don't buy products in plastic containers if there's an alternative. They can't be
recycled and they don't break (up / out / down) in the environment.
11. Persuade your family, friends and neighbors to recycle and to be energy
(friendly / safe / conscious).
12. Teach children to respect (nature / natural / naturism) and the
environment. Help them plant a tree or build a bird house, buy them a nature book.
Exercise 2
Decide if the sentences are true or false. Put T or F next to them. (Zdecyduj, czy podane
zdania są prawdziwe, czy fałszywe. Wstaw T prawda lub F – fałsz.)
1. CFCs protect the ozone layer.
2. A hole in the ozone layer could increase skin cancer.
3. Cutting down rainforests increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
4. Plastic cannot be recycled.
5. When we burn petrol, coal or gas we produce oxygen.
6. Airconditioning does not damage the ozone layer.
7. Acid rain is rain that contains dangerous chemicals.
8. Trees produce carbon dioxide.
9. Global warming is caused by the hole in the ozone layer.
10. Conservation is the protection of plants and animals.
Exercise 3
Here is a list of animals. Put them into the correct category in the table. (Oto lista zwierząt.
Wstaw je do odpowiedniej kategorii w tabelce.)
Exercise 4
Read the descriptions of animals and complete the gaps with the words from Exercise 3.
(Przeczytaj opisy zwierząt i uzupełnij luki słowami z Ćwiczenia 3.)
1. A / An ............................... is a bird that eats dead animals.
2. A / An ............................... is a mammal that lives in the sea and is very big.
3. A / An ............................... is a bird that lives in Africa and doesn’t fly.
4. A / An ............................... is an insect that works very hard and doesn’t fly.
5. A / An ............................... is a mammal that lives underground.
6. A / An ............................... is a mammal that is used as transport in desert areas.
7. A / An ............................... is a mammal that can run more than 100 km / h.
8. A / An ............................... is a mammal that lives in Africa and has a big horn.
9. A / An ............................... is an insect that has a lot of legs.
10. A / An ............................... is a bird that eats frogs and flies to Africa for winter.
11. A / An ............................... is a fish that is very dangerous and sometimes eats people.
12. A / An ............................... is an insect that looks like a small helicopter.
Vocabulary – lesson 34
acid – kwas, kwaśny
allow – pozwalać
amount – ilość
ant mrówka
appliance – urządzenie
bee pszczoła
beetle żuk
break down – rozkładać
breathe – oddychać
burn – spalać
camel wielbłąd
can puszka
cancer – rak, nowotwór
carbon dioxide – dwutlenek węgla
cause powodować
cheetah gepard
coal – węgiel
coast – wybrzeże
conscious – świadomy
conservation – ochrona środowiska
creature – zwierzę
cuckoo kukułka
deer jeleń
dolphin delfin
dragonfly ważka
eagle orzeł
elephant słoń
elk łoś
fly mucha
fox lis
frog żaba
grasshopper – konik polny
greenhouse – cieplarnia
hare zając
heat – ciepło
hedgehog jeż
hippo hipopotam
hole dziura
huge olbrzymi
layer warstwa
level – poziom
lizard jaszczurka
mammal ssak
millipede stonoga
mole kret
monster – potwór
ostrich struś
owl sowa
oxygen – tlen
parrot papuga
peacock paw
penguin pingwin
plant – sadzić (rośliny)
radiation promieniowanie
rain forest – las tropikalny
recycle – wykorzystwać (surowce) wtórnie
reflect – odbijać
rhino nosorożec
rise – wzrastać
savage – dzikus
seal foka
shark rekin
snake wąż
space – kosmos
squirrel wiewiórka
stork bocian
suntan opalenizna
swan łabędź
tap – kran
toad ropucha
turtle żółw
vessel – naczynie
vulture sęp
wasp – osa
waste – marnować
whale – wieloryb
Answer Key – Lesson 34
Exercise 1
1 c, 2 c, 3 b, 4 b, 5 a, 6 a, 7 a,
Exercise 2
1 h, 2 c, 3 b, 4 n, 5 o, 6 j, 7 f, 8 i, 9 g, 10 e, 11 l, 12 k, 13 m, 14 d, 15 a
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin