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To my wonderful parents,
Mary and Errol McCutcheon
Marc McCutcheon is a writer and lexicographer who lives in South Portland, Maine,
with his wife, Deanna, and two children, Kara and Matthew.
His most recent books include Damn, Why Didn’t I Write That ; The Girl Named Pluto ;
Descriptionary; Writer’s Guide to Everyday Life in the 1800s; and The Compass in Your
Nose & Other Astonishing Facts About Humans.
Roget’s Superthesaurus. Copyright 2003 by Marc McCutcheon. Manufactured in the United States of
America. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or
mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the
publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review. Published by Writer’s Digest Books,
an imprint of F W Publications, Inc., 4700 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45236. (800)289-0963.
Third edition.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
McCutcheon, Mark
Roget’s superthesaurus / by Marc McCutcheon—3d ed.
p. cm.
ISBN 1-58297-253-2 (alk. paper)
ISBN 1-58297-254-0 (pbk.: alk. paper)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58297-652-5 (EPUB)
1. English language—Synonyms and antonyms. 2. English language—Terms and phrases. I. Title.
PE1591.M416 2003
Edited by Kelly Nickell and Michelle Ruberg
Designed by Angela Wilcox
Cover by Brian Roeth
Production coordinated by Robin Richie
Welcome to the updated and expanded edition of
Roget’s Superthesaurus .
You now hold in your hands what we feel is the most
innovative and useful thesaurus on the market. It has
been carefully crafted to provide:
... a comprehensive bank of synonyms to help you avoid repeti-
tiveness and improve word accuracy. For example, did the
man walk , squelch ,or slog through the mud? As every profes-
sional writer knows, the right synonym choice is crucial in
adding power, depth, and pizzaz to compositions.
... a reverse dictionary component (WORD FIND) to show
you the exact word when you know what a thing is but not
what the thing is called.
Beyond the need to locate synonyms for, say, CAT (kitty,
feline, tabby, etc.) you’ll sometimes need to know words used
to accurately describe a cat. For instance, what do you call
that white patch under a cat’s neck? (Locket.) The white
patches on the feet? (Mittens, gloves.) The reflective eye
layer that glows in the dark? (Tapetum.) A mating cry? (Cat-
erwaul.) One who loves cats? (Ailurophile.) This exclusive
reverse dictionary component will, once and for all, stop you
from calling something a ‘‘doohickey’’ or a ‘‘thingamajig.’’
Astonishingly, it’s the one extremely useful component that
other thesauri have overlooked over the years, and only Su-
perthesaurus has it. Just look under a main subject word
(CAT) to find listed underneath in WORD FIND all related
or descriptive terms (caterwaul, mittens, queen, ruff, etc.)
... a built-in vocabulary book . Throughout the thesaurus, vo-
cabulary words are CAPITALIZED, given a pronunciation
key, and sampled in a sentence. No need to buy a separate
vocabulary builder. Superthesaurus highlights hundreds of
sharp words to help you bushwack your way out of the wilder-
ness of Tarzan-like communication and into the vernacular
of the world’s greatest wordsmiths. Once again, no other the-
saurus has this component. It’s a Superthesaurus exclusive.
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