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Bite Here Anthology
Bite Here Anthology
ISBN 978-1-60592-127-3
Bite Here Anthology Copyright 2010 H.C. Brown and Stormy Glenn
Cover Art by Fiona Jayde
This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any existing means
without written permission from the publisher. Contact Noble Romance Publishing,
LLC at PO Box 467423, Atlanta, GA 31146.
This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or
actual events is purely coincidental. The characters are products of the author's
imagination and used fictitiously.
Book Blurbs
Pure, Hot Sin by H.C. Brown
Could there be a good side to being sucked onto a future realm? Leo Marshal thinks
so; he found his dream lover, Ashrin of Ecatnie Pride. The only problem is, Leo is
afraid Ashrin will love him . . . to death.
The Vampire's Assistant by Stormy Glenn
Jon Brighten had a brand new college degree, a student loan dogging him, and a
spot to sleep on his sister's couch. He knew he needed to find a job and move out,
especially when he heard his sister and her husband were expecting a baby. It was
time to find his own place but first he needed a job.
Applying for the personal assistant position to the reclusive Nikolas Vaile, CEO of
Vaile Industries, one of the largest pharmaceutical and research companies in the
world, seemed a little too high seeking, but what did Jon have to lose?
His blood?
Pure, Hot Sin
By H.C. Brown
Chapter One
"You belong to me, Leo."
The voice spilled over him like liquid silk, the man's face a dark shadow in
the twilight. Leo lowered his head to nuzzle the hairless balls, to drink in the rich,
hypnotic scent he craved. Under his palms, strong thigh muscles tensed, moving
under sweat-soaked skin. Leo moved his mouth, pressing kisses up his lover's long,
hard shaft. Strong fingers twisted in Leo's hair, dragging his mouth to the weeping
"Open your mouth; suck me." The deep, sensual voice commanded.
Leo swiped his tongue across the tip, the familiar, rich, musky flavor bursting
across his tongue. His heart clenched; he loved this man with a soul-destroying
passion. This man completed him. His dream lover, his ultimate fantasy. Leo
moaned in bliss. He couldn't wait to taste him again and lunged forward to slide his
tongue across the velvet shaft.
I don't know your name. Tell me your name.
The bed began to lurch and roll. The dream faded and he awoke achingly
hard and frustrated . Damn it. Why do I always have the same dream?
"Winds of up to one hundred and fifty miles an hour . . . ."
Leo Marshall lifted the baseball cap off his eyes and yawned. What was that?
Stretching, he eased out of the chair and pulled up his fishing rod. The balmy
summer day had vanished, hidden behind a violent, black storm front. Clouds of
every shade of grey charged across the sky. An icy wind cut through his t-shirt and
whipped the once glassy, blue ocean into angry, white caps. In the distance,
lightning brought flashes of the coastline, misshapen behind a wall of torrential rain.
Fuck. Leo secured his belongings and ducked inside the cabin. On the two-
way, he could hear the Coastguard giving out warnings. He radioed in his details
and position.
"You won't make it to Harper's Peak; didn't you hear the warnings?" came the
response. "You will have to try and ride it out. We have your position. Do you have
a satellite beacon?"
Leo ran a hand through his hair. "Yes, I do, thank God."
The Coastguard signed off and Leo stood transfixed, watching the sea join the
inky blue of the sky and close in around him, plunging him into twilight. The Laura
Jane rolled and dipped, huge waves crashing over her bow. Leo dragged on his life
jacket and pulled his way to the stern to up anchor. Wind tore off his baseball cap,
dragged his long hair from its binding and whipped it across his eyes. Brushing at
his face, he looked up at the savage sky; his eyes widened. "Holy fuck."
Highlighted by blanket lightning, a funnel rose from the sea. The awesome
beast swirled high into the clouds and danced across the ocean like a giant hydra.
Long trails of water undulated from its twisting neck with gaping maws. The wind
roared, lashing salty rain into his face and tearing at his clothes with icy fingers. Leo
dropped the anchor on the deck and battled his way back to the cabin. I've got to get
out of here. He depressed the start button on the engine, once, twice.
He ran his arm over his face, swiping at seawater stinging his eyes, and tried
again. "Come on girl."
The motor caught and burst into life. Leo laughed in triumphant desperation
and fought frantically to turn the craft around. A great surge of boiling water picked
up the Laura Jane and dragged the small craft up to the crown of a gigantic wave.
Leo clung to the wheel, water swirling in the cabin up to his knees. The boat hovered
on the crest then surfed down the shimmering wall at world record speed. Leo
looked down the face of the twenty-foot wave and gasped. I'll never out run it.
The boat crashed into the foaming water, bobbing like a cork. It lurched to
one side and the crab basket and fishing tackle slammed against Leo's legs. In his
hands, the slippery wheel fought against him, spinning one way and then the other.
The bow dipped sharply and the propeller broke free of the waves, the engine
screaming in protest. The sea roared its discontent, and before him, a whirlpool
opened up, a giant vortex sucking everything to oblivion. Leo swallowed, fear
closing his throat, ears deafened with the roar that sounded like a freight train. The
Laura Jane lay on its side, dark, swirling water pinning it in its embrace. Whipped
into a giant centrifuge in hell, Leo joined the speeding procession of marine debris.
Above, a mountain of spinning, black water, below, a swirling orifice of black and
green sank down to the depths of hell.
Leo clung to the cabin door, his legs floating in midair. The howl of a
thousand devils shrieked in his head. The roof of the cabin ripped off in a whine of
twisted metal. He looked up one last time, seeking the heavens. Within the madness,
a strange calmness enclosed him. His fingers grew numb and slipped off the cabin
door. Goodbye, Mom and Dad.
* * * * *
"Draigah, come here. Look."
"Come away, it might bite."
I'm alive. Every inch of Leo's body screamed with pain. He tried to speak but
nothing came out. Sand pressed into his face and crusted dry around his mouth.
Under his battered body, cold, wet gravel pressed against torn skin. Waves caressed
his feet. He forced open one eye. His gaze met two large, almond-shaped, green
orbs, set in a face of opalescent ivory.
"Stand back; it’s a Pride male. Do you want it to morph and eat you? Look at
its eyes."
"It's hurt, Draigah. You know what mamma says . . . ."
"Yes, yes, go now. Fetch help. I'll wait with him," the one called Draigah
replied dismissively.
Strong hands rolled Leo over and dragged him into the cool shade of green,
coconut palms. Leo stared into more green eyes, set in an elfin face, but masculine
and framed with hair the color of liquid silver. A hand with long, fine fingers
brushed the sand from his mouth and pressed a bottle of water to his lips. He drank
the cool liquid, a relief from his scalding throat. His voice came out in a growl.
"Thank you."
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