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On Your Side by Charles Matthews, 3-dan
On Your Side
5 October 2000
Charles Matthews 3- dan takes a sideways look at the Go openings.
1. Framework Foundations ................................................................................2
2. Approach on the Open Side ...........................................................................7
3. Anti-Framework Measures ........................................................................... 12
4. The Yardstick and the Wedge ....................................................................... 17
5. The Modern Wedge .................................................................................... 22
6. Adding Asymmetry ..................................................................................... 28
7. Shimamura's Formation .............................................................................. 34
8. 9 Dans at Play........................................................................................... 39
9. Introducing the Chinese Style ...................................................................... 45
10. Chinese: Open Side Approach................................................................... 50
11. Chinese: Lower Side Plays........................................................................ 55
12. Chinese: Staying Light............................................................................. 61
13. Chinese: Reduction Plays ......................................................................... 66
14. The Anti-Chinese Plan.............................................................................. 71
15. Anti-Chinese: One-Point High Pincer .......................................................... 76
16. Ch'ung Am Research ............................................................................... 82
17. Boldly Enclosing ..................................................................................... 88
18. Kobayashi's Formation............................................................................. 93
19. Kobayashi: Distal Approach ...................................................................... 99
20. Takagi's Extension .................................................................................104
21. Anti-Kobayashi: Double Approach.............................................................108
22. Anti-Kobayashi: Outside Contact ..............................................................113
23. Anti-Kobayashi: Extra Star ......................................................................118
24. Iwata's Formation..................................................................................123
25. Empty Corner and 5-3 ............................................................................128
26. Empty Corner and 3-3 ............................................................................134
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On Your Side by Charles Matthews, 3-dan
1. Framework Foundations
I want to launch this new series of articles on the opening in Go by explaining
something about the study of positions on the side. It is quite uncommon to take one
side as the explicit unit; usually people discuss full board openings, or the highly-
developed theory of corner openings.
Given knowledge of only ten corner openings, several hundred side openings that
combine them can be constructed. Initially this might convince anyone that it is a bit
futile to aim for knowledge of side openings. There are however some very simple
examples, such as this one, that occur frequently in contemporary professional play.
Before dismissing their study, one should have a look at the normal tools. It has been
said that corner openings sharpen one's Go, because their close study demands
understanding of shape and special tactics, as well as judgements comparing
territory and influence. What corresponds on the sides?
One has to marshal, not just concrete examples, but a battery of techniques, to
discuss sensibly even one side at a time. Firstly there is some rather dogmatic
material, which can be divided into the proper handling of extensions, and the priority
to be given to plays in the corner versus plays on the side. There is the idea of
balance in Go, between territory and influence, third line and fourth line plays, and
generally jam today and jam tomorrow. Then there is application of the general
strategic theory of Go - frameworks and weak groups, aji and miai , and so on. This is
essential for progress anyway, and examples restricted to one side are simplifications
(whether in a good or bad sense). Modern Go uses the 4 -4 points in the corner
intensively, and can hardly be understood at all without talking in these terms. In the
example given Black plays very directly for a framework on the lower side; the side is
still open to invasion by White, but finding how to think about that depends on
developing a feeling for direction of play. Finally there are remarks based on the
actual size of the 19x19 board - again these are deeply implicated in the most basic
contemporary 4 -4 openings.
The fact is that in competent amateur play matters are often effectively settled on the
sides, the corners being a matter of standard knowledge, and all-out central fighting
avoided because of its genuine difficulty. In restricting to one side, one naturally
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On Your Side by Charles Matthews, 3-dan
assumes first that it is the main arena deserving current attention. Of course one
ultimately has to look at all four sides, and develop a whole board vision. In the
examples that are given it will probably help to imagine the other corners occupied at
4-4 points, as so often in pro play, giving one or two full board openings. Just as with
corner openings, there is the problem of understanding the out-turn in the overall
context; but it should be less vexed, at least if one learns to question which side is
most urgent, in parallel with acquiring actual patterns.
Returning then to the example given, it is one of a number of ways of playing out a
side where 4-4 points face off against each other.
Compared with the family of positions like this one (where 3 might be also at A, B or
C), Black has done the maximum possible to settle a group in the left-hand corner.
The gap remaining on the side is six lines wide, rather than five.
It is certainly possible for Black to play 1 in a different style, not as an approach move
in the le ft corner, but as an extension to 1 here. Then White 2 restricts the scale of
the framework possible for Black, and Black 3 is urgent to support Black 1.
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On Your Side by Charles Matthews, 3-dan
The effect of Black's choice is seen if White invades at 1 here. Black can play at 2
without feeling any concern for the left-hand part of the formation. After 5 White has a
weak group still, and Black makes territory in the right corner with a clear conscience.
It is more interesting for White to come in with a conventional approach move. If
White plays 1 Black should forbid White the slide into the corner at A, by playing 2.
With 5 White tries to make a base, but now Black 6 shows how much Black gains
from White's relative weakness and the lack of symmetry along this side. It may be
that White hopes to gain later by invading at B, but for the present White needs to
defend the existing side group. Black has made good use of first play in this part of
the board.
Of course, if you make a framework, you hope your opponent can't gain an
advantage by invading it at once. If that isn't true - well, it sounds like the case that
your opponent has some existing strength, and by invading can destroy potential
territory at the same time as giving you problems with your own weak group(s). Then
you should play more solidly. However the normal situation is that frameworks aren't
immediately invaded. There is some middlegame theory about playing invasions "just
in time", one play ahead of an ideal consolidation.
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On Your Side by Charles Matthews, 3-dan
Let's look at ways in which this framework may expand towards secure territory. This
is one relatively conservative plan. Black seems to have about 40 more points than
White here, with four more stones.
It is probably possible to debate endlessly the security of the territory. When White
invades this way Black has the luxury of good shape after 10, the marked stone
having ended up on a good point.
In this case Black may take about 55 more points than White, with five more stones.
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