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Expert Game Adventure
Quest for the Heartstone
bv Michael L. Gray
The icy cavern is deathly quiet. Strange light gleams from a frozen pool. Suddenly, a
huge reptile thunders from the depths of the pool, sending glistening shards of ice
in every direction. Is this your final battle? For character levels 5-10.
TSR, lnc.
STRONGHEART. and WARDUKE are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc
Quest for the eartstone
by Michael L. Gray
A Wilderness/Dungeon Adventure for Character Levels 5- 10
Expert Game Adventure
Notes for the Expert Dungeon Master
About this adventure. ...........
Maps and illustrations. .........
................. 2
Statistics and abbreviations .....
The party ofadventurers ............................................. 2
Adventure background. ..
The story of the heartstone. .......................................... .2
Beginning the adventure. ............................................ .3
Fighting through the fog
Mists of the northern marsh. ......................................... .4
Perils of the icewater falls ............................................ .7
Editor: Tim Kilpin
Editorial Assistance: Andria Hayday
Artist: Jeff Easley
Graphic Designer: Kitty Thompson
Maps: Diesel
What evil lurks in the hearts of men?
Level I: The tunnels of death. ........................................ .10
Level 11: Frost giants' lair ........................................... .21
Level 111: The wizard's home. ........................................ .24
Level IV Home of the heartstone ..................................... .27
Distributed to the book trade in the United States by
Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random
House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and
hobby trade by regional distributors. Distributed in
the United Kingdom by TSR (UK) Ltd.
Additions to the family
DRAGONNE" Monster ............................................ .3 1
Roper ............................................................. 31
HOOK HORROR'" Monster. ....................................... .32
Dragonfly .......................................................... 32
GEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, and character and mon-
ster names designated by TM are trademarks owned by
TSR, Inc.
0 1984 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in
Player characters from LJN Toys, Ltd.
Lawful characters .................................................. ,151
Chaotic characters. ................................................. .17
This module is protected under the copyright laws of
the United States of America. Any reproduction or
other unauthorized use of the material or artwork con-
tained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of TSR, Inc.
TSR, Inc.
TSR (UK) Ltd.
PQB 756
The Mill, Rathmore Road
Lake Geneva,
Cambridge CB14AD
WI 53147
United Kingdom
.............................. 4
Table 1 : Marsh Wandering Monsters
Table 2: Fleeing Hobgoblins. ..................
TSR, Ilnc.
Map 1: Mists of the Northern Marsh
.booklet cover
booklet cover
Map 2: Perils of the Icewater Falls .......
Maps 2a-2f Cave Openings. ..........................
Map 3: The Tunnels of Death .........................
.booklet cover
booklet cover
Map 4: Frost Giants' Lair
Map 5: The Wizard's Home .....................
Map 6: Home of the Heartstone .....
ISBN 0-88038-111-6
Cliff Diagram. ..........
Remove the center four pages and give them to the players before the start of the advcnturc.
About this adventure
Quest for the Heartstone is a combined wil-
derness and dungeon adventure designed to
be compatible with the official ADVANCED
produced by LJN Toys, Ltd., and the official
The following abbreviations are used in this
“difficult” for them. Be careful to give the
characters a reasonable chance of surviving,
however. Try to be impartial and fair, but
give the characters the benefit of the doubt in
extremely dangerous situations.
- Armor Class
- hit points
- no. of attacks
- Save As
- Alignment
- Lawful
- Fighter
- Magic-user
- Hit Dice
- Movement
- Damage
- Morale
- Chaotic
- Neutral
- Thief
- Experience
Point value
Adventure background
The story of the heartstone
Sadness now reigns in the Kingdom of Ghyr.
Old King Ganto, known as the Great
Defender of Peace, died in his sleep 2 weeks
ago at the age of 82. Best known for his victo-
ries in the Prism Wars, Ganto ascended to the
throne of Ghyr nearly 37 years ago. As the
countries surrounding Ghyr fought among
themselves, Ganto kept his northern king-
dom out of war.
Having no legal heirs, Ganto thought
much about who would be the logical succes-
sor to his throne. Unfortunately, he did not
share his thoughts with his young queen.
Queen Leahra, now in her mid-thirties, had
always been a faithful and loving wife; she
had often refused the affections of the ambi-
tious nobles of Ghyr.
Now that the king was dead, Leahra found
herself in the awkward position of having to
appoint (and marry) a new king. She called
together the Royal Council to seek its advice.
Some of the council members aspired to the
throne themselves. Others had their own
favorite candidates. The final decision, how-
ever, fell to the queen, who had no desire to
rule the kingdom alone.
GONS’” Fantasy Adventure Figures pro-
duced by TSR, Inc. Character statistics have
been provided in the center of the booklet for
many of the LJN player character figures.
Players may also use their own characters for
this adventure.
Before beginning play, you should read the
entire adventure carefully and become com-
pletely familiar with it. Most of the informa-
tion given in the area descriptions is for your
eyes only, although you should read all boxed
text to the players as their characters enter
specific areas. Feel free to use your imagina-
tion to embellish the encounters as you wish.
Make sure you don’t give the players too
many clues or suggestions, however.
Unless a specific section directs otherwise,
you should not roll for wandering monster
encounters during this adventure. The char-
acters will meet plenty of monsters along the
The party of adventurers
This adventure is designed for a party of 6-8
characters. Each character should be
between the 5th and 10th levels of experience
when the adventure begins. The party should
have a total of 45-55 levels, and should also
include at least two clerics. You may wish to
adjust the strength of certain monsters and
encounters, based on the makeup of the
The party may be able to finish this adven-
ture in one session. If you feel the party is
moving too quickly through the adventure,
you may wish to make things a little more
Maps and illustrations
This adventure features several encounter
maps and illustrations. Unless otherwise
noted, do not show maps to the players. The
maps are on the adventure cover.
The numbered illustrations correspond to
specific areas in the adventure. When the text
directs you to show the players a specific illus-
tration, turn to that page and let the players
look at the illustration. They may look at it as
long as they like, as the illustrations some-
times hold clues that are not hinted at in the
boxed text. Many of the numbered illustra-
tions are given in an eight-page pullout sec-
tion in the center of the booklet. Be sure to
cover the other illustrations on a page when
showing players a certain picture.
Statistics and abbreviations
Monster statistics are listed in the following
Monster/NPC Name (No. appearing, if
more than one): Armor Class; Hit
Dice or Class/Level; hit points; Move-
ment per turn (round); No. of attacks
per round; Damage; Save As: Class/
Level; Morale; Alignment; Experi-
ence Point value; and abilities for
NPCs (such as spells), when appropri-
Queen Leahra, acting on her own, also
called on her close confidant, Loftos, the
High Patriarch of Ghyr. Leahra asked the
patriarch to come to her chambers one night
and discuss the question of the new king.
“Political intrigue runs high tonight, my
queen. I fear that the kingdom will be torn
apart by political strife in the months ahead,”
advised Loftos. “Dark plots are being
hatched at this moment-not only among the
nobles, but also among Ghyr’s neighbors.”
“But how can I choose? Must I share my
life and more with a stranger? Loftos, my
heart belongs only to Ganto,” the queen
The old cleric offered to commune with He
Who Watches in hopes of finding a solution to
the crisis. Loftos snuffed all but one of the
candles in the queen’s chamber. He carried
the single burning candle to the open win-
dow, placed it gently on the sill, and knelt
before it. After Loftos blew out the flame, the
queen could barely see him bow his head in
Minutes later, Loftos relit the candle and
carried it toward the queen. “A heart of
stone, beyond the mist you’ll find,” Loftos
said softly. “The heartstone will tell you who
should be your king.”
“But where is this stone? How will I find
it?” the queen asked.
“The stone was stolen over 50 years ago by
Dahnakriss the Master Thief. He Who
Watches originally gave the tiny, heart-
shaped stone to Qasmar, who was the King of
Ghyr during the Prism Wars. During these
wars, Qasmar used the stone to see into the
hearts of men, and was so able to choose his
friends and allies. Soon after the war, the
magical stone vanished from Castle Ghyr’s
supposedly thief-proof vaults. Until now, no
one knew what had become of the heartstone.
According to He Who Watches, it lies north,
in the great Mountains of Ice.
“We must convince a party of adventurers
to retrieve the stone and bring it back to us.
But we must be very careful. No one must
know of the stone’s power, especially not
those who would aspire to the throne. Even
those we hire to find the stone should not
know of its strength!”
The Great Hall of Castle Ghyr rises
majestically before you. Two acolytes hold
open the heavy double doors in the north
wall. The High Patriarch of Ghyr sweeps
through the doors, followed by six royal
guards. The queen herself follows closely
behind. The queen bids you to sit as the
patriarch steps forward to speak.
“Thank you for coming,” he says. “We
have a very important quest for those of
you who are willing. You would set out to
the north, heading into the Mists. In case
you’re not familiar with it, this vast, foggy
marsh lies at the foot of the Mountains of
Ice. You are to search for a magical, heart-
shaped stone that we believe gives off a
bright red light. We also believe that
Dahnakriss the Master Thief currently
possesses this stone. Through commune, I
was able to determine that the heartstone
lies within the mountain beyond the
“If you succeed in this quest, the queen
has authorized me to reward each of you
with 10,000 gold pieces. As additional
incentive, you are certainly welcome to
any other treasures you might find during
the quest.”
The patriarch rises and tells those who
wish to participate in the quest that they
should assemble in the Great Hall at dawn
the next day.
At dawn the next day, the characters assem-
ble in the Great Hall. Royal servants provide
fresh fruit and juices for the adventurers.
Soon the patriarch enters and thanks the
characters for agreeing to go on the queen’s
quest. He tells the characters that fresh horses
and rations await them at the east gate.
Before he sends them off, the patriarch gives
the characters one last item. He slowly
removes a gold ring from the index finger of
his right hand.
“This is a ring of spell storing. I have had it
for nearly half my life. If you return, I would
like to have it back.
“The ring contains two each of the follow-
ing spells: neutralize poison, raise dead, and
stone to flesh.”
The cleric asks that he may pray for the
characters’ success. Hebows his head, recites
a litany of unrecognizable words, and then
looks up at one of the party’s clerics. He
hands the ring to this cleric and says, “Guard
it well. It may save your friends’ lives.”
If the characters ask why the patriarch did
not use one of the raise dead spells on King
Ganto, the patriarch replies that the king’s
natural time to die had come.
An acolyte enters the room carrying a
small pair of iron tongs and a small lead cof-
fer. He lays them on a table and leaves with-
out saying a word.
“Good luck,” the patriarch tells the charac-
ters. “The queen’s and my prayers go with
Beginning the adventure
The patriarch calls the player characters to
Castle Ghyr. He tells the characters only that
they have been called in the queen’s name,
and that they will be discussing important
royal business.
Begin the adventure by reading the boxed
text to the players.
If the characters ask about the stone’s power
and value, the queen replies, “It once
belonged to King Qasmar. We want to bury it
in Ganto’s tomb.”
The patriarch then continues, “The
stone’s powers are mostly unknown. We
believe it may affect anyone who touches it,
so we are providing you with a pair of tongs
with which to pick up the stone, and a lead
coffer in which to carry it.”
Characters must travel through two areas on
their way to the mountains. The first is a
misty marsh that tests the characters’
strength and courage in battle. The second is
a cliff face peppered with holes that lead into
the heart of the cliff (and eventually to the
heart of the adventure).
If the action bogs down, or if the party
spends too much time searching for treasure,
have the characters encounter six white drag-
onflies. For a complete description of these
monsters, turn to the New Monsters section
at the end of the adventure.
Fresh Water Termites (2 or more): AC 6; HD
2+1; hp 12 each; MV 120’ (40’); #AT
spray or bite; D paralvsis or 1-4: Save
F2; ML 8; Ai NA; XP‘25
Combat in the marsh
Because of the rain and mud in the marsh,
characters suffer a -1 penalty on their hit rolls
as long as they stay in the marsh.
During any combat, roll for morale each
round, and reduce the monsters’ morale by 1
each round. As soon as the monsters fail their
morale check, they stop fighting the charac-
ters and run back to their lair.
There is a 50 % chance that monsters in the
marsh attack a mounted character’s horse
instead of the character. If a horse loses more
than half of its hit points, it throws its rider
and uses its hooves to defend itself.
The rotting carcass of a giant leech lies in
a small clearing to the right of the trail.
Two dark figures scramble off the top of
the leech and disappear into the marsh
Mists of the northern
(Use Map 1.)
Traveling through the marsh
Twelve ghouls attack the characters as soon as
they move through this clearing.
Because of the mist and rain in this area, and
because the trail leading through here takes
many winding turns, the characters’ horses
must move slowly through the marsh. At
some points, the trail is only wide enough for
one horse. Use your judgment about the
trail’s width when characters get into a sticky
If the characters try to leave the path, the
lead horses begin to sink in quicksand. If the
characters do not return to the path, they lose
their lead horses in the quicksand (the riders
are able to escape the quicksand, however).
Ghouls (12): AC 6; HD 2*; hp 12 each; MV
90’ (30’); #AT 2 clawdl bite; D 1-3/1-
3/1-3 + paralysis; Save F2; ML 9; AL
C: XP 25
These ghouls carry no treasure, but they do
have treasure hidden in their lair. Characters
have a 1 in 6 chance of finding the lair (elves
have a 2 in 6 chance). Each searching charac-
ter may check only once.
The ghouls’ treasure includes 3,241 cp,
seven pieces of jewelry worth a total of 750
gp, a shield +f, and a small lead box contain-
ing a heart-shaped stone. The stone gives off
a yellow glow, and is magical. Touching the
stone negates the effects of paralysis. It has 6
charges left.
Riding Horse: AC 7; HD2; hp 12; MV 240’
(80’) - l/z speed in mud; #AT 2 hooves;
D 1-4/1-4; Save F1; ML 7; AL N; XP
Encounter key
Wandering monsters in the marsh
If the characters decide to spend the night
somewhere in the marsh, roll for wandering
monsters every 4 hours (see Table 1).
The journey through the eastern forest
passed quietly. Now, the wind is still, and
heavy clouds have darkened the afternoon
sky. The forest slowly gives way to a vast
marshland. The trail from the forest leads
into a sea of tall grass and thick fog.
Patches of mist hug the ground, and the
Mountains of Ice stand in the distance.
The cries of marsh birds and the croaking
of frogs come from all directions.
Slowly, rain begins to fall. The tails of
giant leeches and snakes occasionally
slither across the trail and wind into the
As the trail twists inward, the fog grows
thicker. Finally, a stone bridge rises above
the mist, offering the first sign that more
than animals live in this bleak swamp.
A second stone bridge lies ahead, rising
above the mists that hug the marsh
ground. A foul stench hangs in the air
near this bridge. Beyond the bridge, the
trail leads to a four-way intersection. The
skull of a goblin is set on a stake near the
right path. The skull of a troll rests on a
pile of rocks near the left path. Straight
ahead, a dozen sharpened stakes stick out
of the muddy trail. The trail ahead is
wider than the trails to the left or right.
White Dragonflies (6): AC 2; HD
3; hp 18 each; MV 60’ (20’) on
land, 240’ (80’) flying; #AT bite
+breath; D 1-6 + 3 (cold damage);
Save F3; ML 8; AL N; XP 35
Ghouls (8): AC 6; HD 2*; hp 12
each; MV90’ (30’); #AT 2 claws/
1 bite; D 1-3/1-3/1-3 + paralysis;
Save F2; ML 9; AL C; XP 25
Troglodytes (8): AC 5; HD 2”; hp
12 each; MV 120’ (40’); #AT 2
clawdl bite; D 1-4/1-4/1-4; Save
F2; ML 9; AL C; XP 30
Hobgoblins (12): AC 6; HD 1.1;
hp 6 each; MV 90’ (30’); #AT 1
weapon; D by weapon; Save F1;
ML 8 or 10; AL C; XP 15
The characters must remove some of the
stakes from the path ahead of them if they
want to go in that direction. The rain has
made the stakes easy to remove.
No matter which trail the characters take,
they eventually come upon troglodyte lairs.
These family lairs are scattered along the
many branching paths. Each lair appears as a
15-foot clearing. The soggy remains of a
campfire lies in the center of each clearing.
Various bones are strewn about.
Show the players Illustration 1. The stone
bridge is one of four bridges that dot the
marsh. These bridges are quite sturdy.
Characters cannot use a boat in this marsh,
because fresh water termites have infested the
marsh. If any character enters the waters of
the marsh, two termites instantly spray him.
A sprayed character must make a saving
throw vs. poison or be paralyzed for 1 turn. If
a character is paralyzed, hc falls into the
water and drowns if others do not save him.
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