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Selaa Dunesh: The Seducing
For the Storytellers eyes only:
Read through the adventure once before playing it to get an idea of its entirety.
The characters must perceive things in an innocent light until the end is too near and
they’ve put much to stake already. A good storyteller will keep his players at ease
about the situation until things go awry.
All things seem simple and straight forward, a group of heroes helping a
village, but not everything goes as planned and it is up the to Storyteller to ensure that
pace of the story is kept in check and not sprung too soon. A firm grasp of all the
impending events will aid in the pacing of the story no matter which way it goes.
Overview. Pg: 1
Scene One: The Great Heroes pg. 2
Scene Two: The Baroness pg. 6
Scene Three: Hunt of Beasts pg. 10
Scene Four: Feast of the Fall pg. 14
Scene Five: Heroes Reward pg. 19
pg. 24.
Credits: My game crew, without whom there would be no point to designing
adventures. Black Industries for the fine books for where I drew my materials.
Baroness Darnia von Ehrhard. She will
one up the villagers by asking the
characters to take no payment from her
peasants, instead she will pay for their
services such that it is. The reward is
substantial (and relative to what the story
teller wishes for his/her campaign). The
idea is to lure the characters into this
short story.
Unknown to all, save the servants
and guards of the Keep owned by von
Ehrhard, she is a worshiper of Slaanesh.
Lord of Lust. She will try to seduce the
characters into committing acts of
depravity and scandalous virtue. The
whole point of this story is to throw
the characters of your campaign into a
den of cultists. Some parties will lean
towards this path without aid from you
(like mine did) and that is okay too…..
This adventure was designed for
four characters in their first careers.
These characters should have at least
half their advances taken. With a little
adjustment to names, places and stats,
Selaa-Dunesh and be incorporated to any
place in the Old World.
The course of events in this story
will take a night or two to play out. Our
heroes, such as they maybe, aid in the
defense of a small Talabecland village.
Where vicious and evil Beastmen plague
and raid the small village, ravaging the
populous. The villagers will plead for
their help, and most noble hearted pc
should agree.
However, they are to meet with
the local lord of these lands, the
While the characters deal with
the Beastmen, the Baroness does her
best to play upon the characters every
desire. They may have a maid or two
for the night to do with as they please.
They may enjoy the finest of meals,
enough to make the largest man sigh
with delight. Every decadent thought is
catered to at the Baroness’ keep, there is
nothing out of the question, nothing so
wrong that it is not given or provided.
Should they wish to whip a boy, one will
be fetched.
The true pressure of the story is
on you the Gamemaster to bring your
characters to this gently and slowly.
Some groups will want more details than
give here, some less, that I leave up to
you the GM to deal with and dish to
your group for you know them better
than I and if they will succumb to
debased pleasure.
Ultimately we hope they prevail
and be good until the bitter end. After
the threat of the Beastmen is over, while
at a dinner of such grandiose and
reckless behavior, that without a doubt
the characters must protest, they
confront the baroness. A fight should
ensue between the characters, the
baroness and her host of soldiers
(thinned somewhat from the fighting
with the Beastmen).
Of course once the heroes defeat
the baroness their sorry little lives
become even worse as they are accused
of murdering the Baroness von Ehrhard,
a member of good standing in the courts
of Grand Duke Gustav von Krieglitz.
The Warhammer world is a dark one of
ominous dooms and twisted evil fates.
The characters are doomed to hang
before the very peasants the set out to
Having been good up until this
point the villagers will cry for mercy on
behalf of the characters and demand to at
least allow the characters a chance to
prove their innocence. Impressed by the
backing of an entire village, the
authorities are willing to give the
characters a chance. Anyone who can
convince that many Imperial citizens to
support them must have done something
The characters prove the cultist
worships of the Baroness and are
allowed to go free. The hope is that
they remain true to their gods and beliefs
and eliminate a chaos cult, or they
succumb to their own inner desires and
forsake their gods who do not look
lightly upon such matters as faith and
betrayal. Those who remain true to
their path are rewarded in their own
ways. Their gods are pleased by loyalty
and rewards come for their good
behavior. Likewise those who wish to
be bad and evil will be rewarded as
befits them.
Scene One: The Great Heroes:
Read aloud or paraphrase:
Dark and dim the boroughs of
the Old Forest loom and fade into the
distance. Strange calls of strange
creatures are heard, the sound distorted
so as to make it impossible to tell from
whence they came. The road is a
dangerous path, and one that you’d
been walking for days. Seemingly
endless, save for a brief respite in the
dingy and smoke filled sitting room of
some old roadhouse halfway back to
Talabheim. You clasp the worn and
used grip of your weapon, knowing that
it would likely be all too soon before
you used the device again.
Aye, the Old World is a
dangerous place to be at the best of
times and down right deadly others.
Especially out here in one of the oldest
forests in the Empire, hence its
namesake. All manner of wicked
creatures and twisted mutants haunted
the deeps darks of even this seemingly
peaceful wood. The unwary were dead
on the roads of the Empire, dead as a
Sylvaninan Count. You quicken your
pace, noticing the subtle yet persistent
change in daylight. Out here in the
wilds the night was your enemy, and
those outside at night were rarely heard
from again. Or they were in league
with the darker forces of the wood.
Here it was folly to be out past sunset.
Soon a turn in the road reveals
an opening to a field, less than one
hundred yards ahead of you. Just
seeing the green fields of cultivated
crop, smelling the cows and dung on
the warm summer wind, brings a tear to
your eye. Still, it says ‘people’,
universal for safety, and shelter from
the chaotic world. You step out into a
man-made clearing, the road leading
onwards towards a small village built
around two hills. On top the hills you
can see watchtowers, one on either
peak, commanding an excellent view of
the surrounding landscape. A wooden
wall, likely made from the many trees
felled by the villagers in the making of
the clearing, runs the perimeter of the
village and what would be a gatehouse
blocks the way.
The defenses are simple but
effective. Any determined assault with
siege weapons would smash the feeble
town, but it would keep most brigands
and animals at bay.
A tall plume of black smoke
raises from a section out side the town.
Fires burning something foul which
carries on the wind; the smell of
burning hair and flesh. Maybe it is the
source of the foul smell embracing your
From afar you hear the ringing
of a bell coming from one of the watch
towns in the small village.
1 As they close with the town they
will notice:
The gate is closed and there are
five armed men on wooded towers above
you. They are equipped with bows and
axes or other appropriate farm tools.
They would like to know what the
characters want.
Their response is based upon the
characters themselves. If they are clean
cut and dressed in plate armor, the
response from the soldiers will be good,
if they are dingy and dirty they will be
brushed off like scum.
A few Bargain (Easy) checks
may get them in the door. The peasants
need heroes to fight off the Beastmen;
they are interested in the characters
helping them. Therefore even anti-
heroes can be taken in warmly.
(You can have the characters role play
this and coax the info from the weary
peasants. Or they could roll a few
Gossip (Easy) checks. Personally I
prefer to roll some dice hum and ha and
make them have a conversation.
2 They will want to know what is
burning and what is going on. Have
the peasants answer.
“’twas last night they been a
comin’ ere!” a grizzled old man says
from atop his fifteen foot perch.
“Beastmen I tell ye! A whole thick o
‘em , smashed the south wall and made
off with Vern Unster’s daughter. Fine
lass she was to, me be tellin’ ye!”
save the town from
the Beastmen.
- A sign posts the
population at 52, (not
counting four recents
deaths, the girl makes
“ Been comin’ round now ‘bout
three weeks ‘er so. Once ‘n a while
like.” Yells a young boy on the other
side of the palisade wall. Almost a man
he is but at that awkward state where
everything is new and difficult.
“Usually they be ‘takin’ the cows ‘n’
such stuff.”
This serves to take focus off the
main characters of this story, the
Baroness and her amulet. It is hoped
that the characters will see a brief one
swing adventure, save the town from the
baddies, and collect the reward before
moving on. Do not dissuade that
theory. Lead the characters on, the
more willing they are to fall for the
Baroness the better. The folk of the
town offer to feed, and tend the
characters no need for charge, provided
they agree to track down the Beastmen
and slay them.
While the characters are tempted
to help the village, a group of soldiers
(5) in service to the Baroness Darnia von
Ehrhard ride into town. They quickly
take notice of the adventures and begin
to ask them questions. Mostly in the
nature of the following:
Soon there are is a small herd of
children on the hill side watching this
whole episode with undivided attention.
Any Perception (Easy) check will allow
this group of children to be noticed.
The characters will soon have a small
fan club of village children who are
praising Sigmar that a group of heroes
have come to save the village and the
- Have your characters
roll a Fellowship
(Moderate) test, if you
wish, and for every
ten they score under
their ability they gain
a fascinated die hard
fan (up to .4% of the
towns population).
- The purpose of this is
to inspire the
characters desire for
personal fame and
glory. Ones own
personal vanity for
admiration and glory.
The children
propagate this by
telling all they see of
the heroes who will
- Who are you?
- Where you coming
- Are you willing to
make some coin in
service to the
Baroness von
Ehrhard? Coin made
by putting a sword
arm to use?
Read the following:
The sound of many hooves,
distinct clink of chain on mail armor
announces their presence before they
truly ride. Huge Averland warhorses,
the largest to be found in all the
Empire. Only slightly smaller than
those bred by the Knights of Bretonnia.
Five fully armored and armed guards
ride casually up the road that runs
through the middle of the quaint little
village. Like a river itself with little
branches to leads off to the outer
reaches of Rangenhof. These five ride
like they own the roads. Yellow and
gold was the color on their shields
broken by a ‘Y’ shape of red. Upon the
background of their heraldry ran a
river purple in a sea of stars.
The late afternoon sun gleams
from their armor in little slivers of
angled metal as they come to rest just
before you. The wicker of their
mounts masks the faint creak of worn
leather and hand grips on pommels.
“Speak yer name ‘n purpose ‘n
this village!” The lead among them
calls. Two at the rear ready heavy
cross-bows and level them your
direction while the remaining two begin
a slow flank.
could well mean they are the law.
Such villages are bad places to make
enemies among the law makers since
even whim is often enough for justice to
These guards are just wary, not
about trouble makes, but because what
they do is troublesome, at least what
they do behind the closed doors of a
keep. Answer as many of the questions
as the characters have. They will be
open about the raiding bands of
Beastmen. In fact it is just such a
reason they have need of mercenaries.
The pay is likely to be hansom, but they
would need to talk to the Baroness about
such deals, since they are just guards and
soldiers themselves.
The guards will talk about the
following subjects freely:
- The Beastmen: Have been
raiding now for about two months. It
started with just a few, which were
tracked down and killed. However, in
the last weeks the attacks have been
heavier. Last night a group attacked the
village, and if it wasn’t for the Baroness
leaving a squad of troops here, the
village would likely have been squashed
flat. They desperately need the aid of
the characters to help eliminate this
group and wipe out whatever is
organizing this band of beasts.
Let the characters answer what
ever they wish. Then continue.
“Name’s Alaric, surgent o’ the
Baroness von Ehrhard’s guard!” He
says, obviously taking you for
something better than what could be.
Well, at least not taking you for
brigands and thieves.
“Are ya able nough’ ta sign on
fer some sword work then? Or are ye
more scholarly types?” You feel
relieved that they aren’t taking ill to
your story, since being on this land
The Baroness: Is generous, kind,
and beautiful. She has been a god send
to the people of this area since her father
passed on. A fair and benevolent ruler
over her subjects. Even the local
population agrees to this. The people of
Rangenhof love their Baroness, and it
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