BOOKER, J. D. (2001). Designing Capable and Reliable Products.pdf

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1.1 Statement of the problem
1.2 The costs of quality
1.3 How and why products fail
1.4 Risk as a basis for design
1.5 Designing for quality
1.6 Designing for reliability
1.7 Summary
2.1 Manufacturing capability
2.2 Component Manufacturing Variability Risks Analysis
2.4 Component Assembly Variablility Risks Analysis
2.3 Assembly capability
2.6 Objectives, application and guidance for an analysis
2.8 Summary
2.7 Case studies
3 Designing capable assembly stacks
3.2 Background
3.1 Introduction
3.3 Tolerance stack models
3.4 A methodology for assembly stack analysis
3.6 Cash study - revisiting the solenoid design
3.5 Application issues
3.7 Summary
4 Designing reliable products
4.1 Deterministic versus probabilistic design
4.2 Statistical methods for probabilistic design
1 Introduction to quality and reliability
2 Designing capable components and
2.5 The effects of non-conformance
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