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Business English Test Package
Business English
© 2003—2006
Business English / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 1
Money accepted
Q1 I like to visit other countries but I find the ....... of travel is too high.
(a) money
(b) cost
(c) expenses
(d) currency
Q2 She is very happy because she starts her new ....... today.
(a) job
(b) work
(c) labour
(d) post
Q3 One day I hope I shall ....... the lottery.
(a) gain
(b) collect
(c) reach
(d) win
Q4 He must have a lot of money because this summer he is going on a cruise ....... the world.
(a) about
(b) around
(c) across
(d) through
Q5 Have you read that book ....... the life of Van Gogh?
(a) about
(b) of
(c) over
(d) in
Q6 Do you want ....... sugar in your coffee?
(a) some
(b) much
(c) any
(d) little
Q7 They do not ....... cheques in that restaurant.
(a) accept
(b) agree
(c) allow
(d) admit
Q8 I cannot work today because I have very bad tooth ....... .
(a) pain
(b) hurt
(c) damage
(d) ache
Q9 Children are not ....... in that public house.
(a) aloud
(b) allowed
(c) accepted
(d) agreed
Q10 You can see the ....... about the sale in the local paper.
(a) announcement
(b) warning
(c) notice
(d) advertisement
© 2003—2006
Business English / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 2
Q1 How are you getting on ....... your new computer?
(a) at
(b) with
(c) by
(d) for
Q2 Not too bad but sometimes I just can't get the ....... of it.
(a) drop
(b) fall
(c) hang
(d) low
Q3 Do you mean it drives you up the ....... ?
(a) wall
(b) ceiling
(c) floor
(d) roof
Q4 Well, not that often but there are things that completely ....... me.
(a) mysterious
(b) mystery
(c) mysteriously
(d) mystify
Q5 What sort of things do you have in ....... ?
(a) thought
(b) mind
(c) idea
(d) think
Q6 Well, take the times when everything ....... .
(a) frozen
(b) freezing
(c) freezes
(d) frees
Q7 Yes, I know what you mean that's when you'd like to smash it to ....... .
(a) pieces
(b) piece
(c) peace
(d) peaces
Q8 Never mind, most of the time it behaves like a little ....... .
(a) angle
(b) angel
(c) angelic
(d) angles
Q9 And just think of all the ....... you get from having one.
(a) beneficiaries
(b) benefit
(c) benefits
(d) benefited
Q10 Personally I'm looking forward to my holidays when I'll be ....... of it for two weeks!
(a) free
(b) freer
(c) freedom
(d) freed
© 2003—2006
Business English / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 3
Making an Appointment
Q1 Welcome back ....... in this session — we're going to take a look at some of the vocabulary we used in session
(a) somebody
(b) everybody
(c) anybody
(d) nobody
Q2 To start with, can you ....... what session 2 was all about?
(a) retain
(b) remain
(c) remind
(d) remember
Q3 Yes, that's right. It was all about the job I do every day. I expect you recall that I work for a financial company
....... a financial advisor.
(a) at
(b) as
(c) on
(d) of
Q4 In other words I help people with ....... their money.
(a) inviting
(b) inventing
(c) investing
(d) involving
Q5 My clients contact our office via email or phone and then we ....... an appointment.
(a) make
(b) take
(c) give
(d) do
Q6 You arrange an appointment with another person because you want to ....... or see them.
(a) encounter
(b) greet
(c) meet
(d) talk
Q7 The two things that are important for an appointment are the time and the place. You say for example: Let's
meet next Monday ....... 10 o'clock.
(a) on
(b) at
(c) in
(d) for
Q8 Another word that is very similar in meaning to appointment is the word date. A date is usually a private
meeting with ....... person.
(a) different
(b) second
(c) other
(d) another
Q9 So, when you say: I've got a date with my boss, it means you ....... see your boss privately.
(a) are going to
(b) will not be
(c) will be
(d) would be
Q10 Possibly you also know the expression 'blind date', which is a rendezvous with a person you have never seen
before and you are meeting them ....... the first time.
(a) at
(b) in
(c) for
(d) from
© 2003—2006
Business English / Incomplete Sentences / Elementary level # 4
Late Again
Q1 Do you know ....... time it is?
(a) which
(b) when
(c) what
(d) how
Q2 No, I have ....... idea.
(a) any
(b) no
(c) not
(d) some
Q3 It's time you got ....... .
(a) on
(b) in
(c) over
(d) up
Q4 I don't believe you. You can't be ....... .
(a) right
(b) accurate
(c) precise
(d) definite
Q5 I'm telling that you must ....... up or ...
(a) haste
(b) hasten
(c) hurry
(d) quick
Q6 Or what? ....... on, tell me.
(a) Get
(b) Come
(c) Take
(d) Put
Q7 Simply that you're going to be ....... for work.
(a) late
(b) later
(c) lately
(d) latest
Q8 I think there's something you've ....... .
(a) forgiven
(b) forbidden
(c) forsaken
(d) forgotten
Q9 Now, it's your ....... to tell me.
(a) bend
(b) turn
(c) corner
(d) curve
Q10 Remember that there's no work today ....... it's Sunday.
(a) for
(b) while
(c) because
(d) however
© 2003—2006
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