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1.      A general description of the country

       The Republic of Malta is a small country located in the center of the Mediterranean area, including it’s islands of Malta. The largest island is Malta. The capital Valletta is the southernmost capital of Europe.

For many centuries, Malta was dependent on other powers. For many centuries, Malta was dependent on other powers. September 21, 1964, announced it’s independence, but became a member of the British community of nations. Malta was proclaimed a republic. The president at the head of state replacing the British monarch, and by his governor. It works as mainly ceremonial. At the head of government is Prime Minister.

Although Malta is a country in which teems with monuments and other interesting places to visit, the greatest treasure of this small country are ... people. Maltese are warm and full of optimism. Carefully cultivate their native traditions. The inhabitants of Malta flows the blood of Roman, Phoenician and Arabic. Despite the influence of larger states, they managed to retain their cultural values, through perseverance and resourcefulness - their distinctive characteristics. The Maltese population is 400 thousand people, of whom 389,000 live Malta and Gozo. Maltese are very friendly and sociable to tourists. Often show their generosity and willing to share. They like to emphasize the advantages of their homeland. But, unfortunately, the people of Malta can be very rude to each other. Argue often happens that a long time hiding resentment. Their disadvantage is also the fact that they are prone to reckless driving. But both of these flaws overshadowed undoubted charm people. Maltese houses are a model of purity. Each has a lounge, which is the most ornate part of the house. But, unfortunately, can not be say about the streets. They are often dirty and unkempt, and the buildings have long been not renewed.

The church plays an important role in the life of the Maltese community. Malta is considered the most Catholic country in Europe, the percentage of believers than even the Vatican. There is the highest in Europe, the percentage walking to church every Sunday (51 per cent. in Malta to Gozo and 72.7). Christianity implanted in Malta St. Paul. His ship, which sailed as a prisoner to Rome, crashed about 60 years off the island.

Maltese is a Semitic language of the group Afro-Asiatic family. It is used by about 350 thousand people in Malta, where he is an official language. Maltese is closely related to Arabic, and sometimes even regarded as his dialect. Many borrowings drawn from the Italian and English languages. It is the only Semitic language written in Latin alphabet. The oldest known text is saved on the Maltese is "Il Cantilena", a poem dating from XV, Pietro Caxaro pen. In Malta has two official languages, in addition to the Maltese, the commonly used English language.


2.      History of the country

The origins of civilization in Malta date back to 5000 years BC. Around 3600-3300 years BC on the island of Gozo is Ggantija temple erected. In the 218 years BC Malta passes under the command of the Roman Empire. In the year 60 n.e. coasts of the island, breaking the ship carrying to Rome as a prisoner St. Paul. Apostle for three months remains on the island of teaching its people. Malta will be converted to Christianity. In 395 years it passes under the command of the Eastern Empire with its capital in Constantinople. Since 870 years is under the rule of the Arabs. A bit later, is attached to the Kingdom of ...

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