Idioms_FLAT and GOOD.doc

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flat broke = broke – having no money at all; out of money

to be / go flat – uninteresting, dull (e.g. conversation); used up & needing re-charging (of batteries); without gas (beer, lemonade)

to sing flat – not to reach or keep the pitch of the note exactly

flat paint – paint without a shiny gloss

and that’s flat! – & that’s my last word on that matter!





a good deed – an act of kindness

a good reception – a warm and cordial reception

to do someone a good turn – to do someone a favour in order to help

a good deal – often

a good deal of – much

a good few – many

a good way from – far away from

good debts – debts that will be paid

as good as gold – said of a well-behaved child

as good as – almost

as good as one’s world – true to one’s promise

to earn good money – to earn a lot of money (informal)

to make good – to do well; to be successful (in getting a job, money, etc.)

to make good the loss/damage – to compensate for or pay for the loss

to put in a good word for someone (with someone else) – to say something favourable about him to some other person (e.g. I hope you’ll put in a good word for me with the boss)

to throw good money after bad – to lose more money in an attempt to make up for a loss

for good – permanently, for ever

for one’s own good – to one’s own advantage

in good time – with plenty of time to spare, early

good riddance (informal) – said when one gets rid of a disagreeable person or an unpleasant piece of work

it’s a good job that ... – a colloquial phrase meaning “It is lucky that ...” or “It’s a good thing that ..”



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