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The Periodization Bible
Part 1: The Old Testament ? Linear Periodization
by Dave Tate
Dave Tate knows strength. Dave's been assisting and training
under Louie Simmons of Westside Barbell fame for over 10
years and has consulted thousands of athletes throughout the
world. Dave is quick to point out that he's not a bodybuilder and
therefore doesn't train bodybuilders. He's a powerlifter and a
specialist in developing maximal strength. (Despite this
powerlifting emphasis, the average guy under his tutelage puts
on 30 to 40 pounds in the first year.)
In this article and the one to follow, Dave will tell you
everything you've ever wanted to know about periodization.
When it comes to setting up a strength-training program, I feel
it's important to understand all aspects of the program, including
how it all fits together. The organization of training can be
defined as periodization. There are several periodization models
being used today for the development of strength. This article
will explore some of the basic definitions of the concept as well
as the Western (or linear) method of periodization.
The Western method of periodization is one of the most popular
methods for strength development. It's the same method I used
for the first 12 years of my competitive career. Did it work?
Sure, up to a certain point, but then I hit a plateau. This was
when the injuries started and my strength began to digress. After
we get the basics out of the way, I'll explore why this happened
and why so many coaches and athletes still use the program
Terminology and Definitions
Periodization is the organization of training into basic workable
units. These units are defined as the training session, the micro
cycle, the meso cycle, the macro cycle and the quadrennial. Let's
define and explore each of these just to make sure we're all on
the same page.
The Training Session: The training session consists of one
workout designed to fulfill a specific purpose. These training
sessions can be once per day or up to six per day depending on
the goals of the program. The most import aspect of the training
session is that it should have some type of meaning. There
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should be a definite training goal in mind. Your goal for that
session may be to perform one more repetition than last time, or
to lift five more pounds. Your goal could also involve fulfilling
some type of restorative or recovery purpose.
The problem is that many training sessions today don't have a
specific purpose that will lead to the short or long term goals of
the athlete. The athlete or coach just goes in the gym and wings
it, but each session must build on the others to fulfill a desired
purpose. For example, if you want a bigger bench, then each
training session for that lift must have the development of the
bench press in mind. If your exercise selection doesn't
complement this, you'll just be spinning your wheels.
All exercises chosen should fulfill a purpose related to the
development of strength, stability, confidence, muscle balance,
technique, or bringing up weak points. If one or more of these
variables isn't being met with the chosen movement, then dump
that exercise!
The Micro Cycle
The micro cycle is the recruitment of a number of different
training sessions. There should be at least two training sessions
per micro cycle that consist of different types of workouts. The
micro cycle also should have specific meaning and purpose.
There are many different types of micro cycles including the
introduction, restorative, competitive and the shock micro cycle.
The average micro cycle will range five to ten days with the
average being seven days.
The Introduction Micro: This cycle can and should be used for
a number of introduction purposes. It can be used for educational
purposes to teach the clients or athletes about the training
program and all its variables. This is a very important aspect of
training that many coaches and trainers overlook. I believe that
the client or athlete must know how the program was designed
and why it was designed that way. Better yet, they should be a
part of the program design.
Whenever I design a strength-training program, the client is a
very large part of the process. Who knows better than the trainee
what works and what doesn't work for him? The client has more
experience training themselves than anyone, so why not use this
knowledge to better the program? The trainee must know where
they're going and how and why this program will help them get
A second type of introduction micro cycle may be used to
introduce the trainee to the exercises he'll be performing over the
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next few cycles. This gives him a chance to have a "walk
through" of the different exercises and get used to the correct
form and technique that'll be needed for the higher intensities
later on.
Exercise technique is another overlooked aspect of most training
programs today. When I walk into any gym or health club I'm
impressed with the lack of technique being practiced. You'd
think with the number of trainers and coaches around today that
this problem would be getting better, but in many ways it's
worse. Now you have trainers who have no idea what they're
doing showing a client how to perform an exercise!
Not all trainers are bad, of course. There are many excellent
trainers I've spoken with across the world and I've learned a great
deal from many of them. These trainers are usually very
expensive and hard to find so it would be best for most people to
buy a book on exercise technique or attend one of the many
seminars offered by today's top strength coaches.
The Restorative Micro: This cycle is designed to aid in the
recovery process. It can involve anything from taking a week off
to implementing some restorative techniques such as contrast
showers, steams, saunas, massage, active rest or "feeder"
Active rest involves those workouts that implement a type of
training other than what the athlete normally does. For a
weightlifter this can include walking, or for a football player,
playing basketball.
The "feeder" type workouts are those intended to better prepare
the muscle for an upcoming training session. When these
workouts make up the majority of the training micro cycle it then
becomes a restorative cycle. Active rest and feeder workouts will
be discussed in a future article because of the importance they
have in the total development of a strength training program.
After all, if you're not recovering, then you're not making gains!
The Competitive Micro: This is the cycle leading up to the
competition or event. For a powerlifter this would consists of the
five to seven days right before the competition. During this time
they should lower the training volume and intensity.
The week before can make or break the outcome of the
competition. Too much work and the lifter will go into the meet
overtrained and tired. Too little work and he'll go in under
prepared. For the football player this can be the last three to six
days before the game. It becomes a tight balancing act during the
season to ensure the optimum amount of training with the right
amount of recovery and restoration.
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The Shock Micro: This micro cycle is designed around
shocking the body into new growth and adaptation. This shock
can come in many forms and can range from taking a week off to
a high volume training cycle.
The Meso Cycle
This cycle is made up of many micro cycles designed around one
specific purpose. Most programs use this cycle to develop one
component of fitness such as strength, power, endurance or some
other physical ability. These cycles range from one to four
months. There are many types of meso cycles including
introduction, base, competitive, restoration, strength and power
The Introduction Meso: This cycle is designed to introduce a
person to fitness or strength training. Like the introduction micro
cycle, most of the time is spent on the teaching of the movements
and training program.
The Base Meso: It's been said many times that you can't build a
house on a weak foundation. The base meso cycle is usually
designed to build a strong and fundamental base of fitness (a
solid foundation).
An example of the effectiveness of a base-building meso cycle
would be my wife, Traci. When she first came to train with us a
Westside, her back was so weak and sore that she had a hard
time picking up an empty barbell.
Most of her training during the first few months consisted of
building up her abdominal, lower back, glutes, hips and
hamstrings. She performed endless sets of reverse hypers,
glute-ham raises, and abdominal pulldowns. When her base was
built up, heavier training was introduced and within the first year
she'd totaled her fist "Elite" with a 360 squat, 240 bench, and 315
deadlift in the 123 pound class. Not bad for not being able to
pick up a barbell without pain 12 months earlier. Without taking
the time to develop a solid foundation, her gains wouldn't have
been possible.
Other Meso Cycles: The strength and power meso cycle is
designed around building strength, while the competitive meso
cycle is that cycle leading up to the competition or test date (the
day you attempt a new PR). These meso cycles can be designed a
number of different ways and all are intended to bring out the
highest level of competitive strength.
Competitive strength is different than maximal strength because
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it utilizes the elements of the competition to bring out the highest
strength levels. With competitive strength, many times there's a
break from training right before the competition to help the body
restore and prepare for peak performance. There's also the
element of the spectators and a "psyche up" to help bring out
higher strength levels.
Maximal strength is the max level of strength that can be
displayed in the gym. This is why many times we don't
recommend training with a psyche-up in the gym. Psyching up
during training can actually be detrimental to strength
performance because of the increased demand on the central
nervous system.
The Western Method of Periodization
The Western or linear method of periodization is the most
practiced yet most misunderstood form of periodization used by
lifters and coaches today. I was first introduced to the Western
method from the NSCA journal and from the "workouts of the
month" section in Powerlifting USA magazine. This method
consists of a hypertrophy phase, basic strength phase, power
phase, peak phase and a transition phase. Many times other terms
will be used but the parameters are basically the same.
The Hypertrophy Phase: This phase is intended to condition
and build muscle mass. This phase is characterized by a high
volume and low intensity. In this case, the volume refers to the
amount of repetitions being preformed while the intensity refers
to the amount of weight lifted in relation to your one rep max.
The typical load or intensity lifted is in the 50 to 70% range for
three to five sets of 8 to 20 reps. The average rest between sets is
two to three minutes and the average length of the entire phase is
between four to six weeks. These parameters are intended to
build a solid base of support for the upcoming strength phase.
Chart 1: Sample Hypertrophy Meso Cycle
Sets Reps Intensity
3 Minutes
3 Minutes
3 Minutes
3 Minutes
3 Minutes
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