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                          Unreal Release Notes

Developed by: Epic MegaGames & Digital Extremes
Published by: GT Interactive

Starting Unreal

To start Unreal:
1. Click on the "Start" button at the bottom of the screen.
2. Move the mouse to the "Programs" choice.
3. Move the mouse to the "Unreal" choice.
3. Click on the "Play Unreal" icon.

For the latest information and updates

Visit the Unreal home page on the web:

On our web page, you'll find:
* The latest updates & patches.
* Up-to-date troubleshooting information.
* Links to Unreal community web sites.
* The master Unreal server list.
* Links to more cool games using the Unreal technology.

Technical Support

Please see the manual accompanying the retail version of
the game for instructions on obtaining technical support.



If Unreal locks up or crashes when you first run it, try starting
Unreal via the "Unreal Safe Mode" icon available in the Start menu
(Start/Programs/Unreal/Unreal Safe Mode). This mode is similar to
Windows 95's Safe Mode. It runs Unreal with sound, DirectDraw,
and 3D hardware support disabled. This way, you can modify the
options in Unreal's "Advanced Options" menu that may be causing
problems, then run Unreal again.


If Unreal stops with an "Unreal has run out of virtual memory"
message, you need to free up more hard disk space on your primary
drive (C:) in order to play. Unreal's large levels and rich
textures take up a lot of virtual memory.  We recommend having
150 megabytes of free hard disk space for running the game, and
300 megabytes or more of free hard disk space for the editor.

Video issues

Some older DirectDraw drivers do not support low resolution 16-
and 32-bit color modes (for example, 320x240, 400x300, and 512x384).
If you are playing Unreal using software rendering, this is
unfortunate because the higher resolution modes like 640x400 and
640x480 run significantly slower than the low resolution modes.
If the only full-screen options shown in Unreal are high-res, you
might try obtaining a newer DirectDraw driver for your video card.

Some video drivers do not properly support DirectDraw full-screen
in 16- or 32-bit color at any resolution. If you are unable to
play Unreal full-screen, you should obtain a newer driver from
your video board manufacturer. If you can't find a working 
DirectDraw driver, you can still play Unreal in a window, though 
the performance and immersiveness are not as good as playing 

On nearly all machines, Unreal runs optimally in 32-bit color
mode (rather than 16-bit color). You can select 32-bit color either
from the main Unreal window. Alternatively, if you set your desktop
resolution to 32-bit color, then Unreal defaults to 32-bit color.

To maintain a consistent frame rate despite a large number of
translucent surfaces and/or explosion effects in software rendering,
you might want to set "SlowVideoBuffering" to "True" in the
"Advanced Options/Display" menu.

Known video issues:

* Unreal does not work on many 3dfx Voodoo Rush based 3d accelerators,
  due to driver conflicts which we haven't been able to resolve.

* On 3dfx under Windows NT, if you switch from the software renderer
  to 3dfx more than once per run of the game, you may receive an
  error message.

Sound issues

The sound playback rate defaults to 22 kHz, which is optimal for
Pentium machines with MMX. If you have an older, non-MMX machine,
you can get better performance (though lower sound quality) by
setting the playback rate to 11 kHz in the "Advanced Options" menu.
If you have a fast, shiny new Pentium II, you might try using
44 kHz for the ultimate in sound quality.

If using an Aureal A3D 3D sound accelerator board such as the
Diamond Monster Sound 3D, you need to go into "Advanced
Options/Audio" and turn on "Use3dHardware" to enable 3D sound
card support. You need to upgrade to the latest version of Aureal's
A3D drivers in order to get acceptable 3D sound performance. Using
Unreal in conjunction with earlier versions of the drivers causes
severe  performance problems (major slowdowns on the order of
30-50% while playing sound).

If your computer is hooked up to a Dolby SurroundSound receiver, you
should go into "Advanced Options" and turn on the "UseSurround" to take
advantage of 360-degree Dolby sound panning, which rocks.

Known sound issues:

* A small number of computer configurations we've tested exhibit
  infrequent lockups when playing in full-screen DirectDraw (software
  rendered) mode using DirectSound for audio output.  On most of these
  machines, going into "Advanced Options/Audio", and turning off
  the "UseDirectSound" option prevented the lockups.  Playing in a
  window also prevented the lockups.

* Because of the way the OS works, many Windows NT machines experience
  significant latency in their sound effects, sometimes up to 1/4th

* If you have an Aureal A3D sound card with Unreal 3D sound enabled,
  you must disable the Aureal's "A3D Splash Screen" in the Aureal
  configuration utility. If this is not disabled, Unreal may be unable
  to go into full-screen mode because of the splash screen interfering.

Network play issues

The minimum speed connection for acceptable Internet play performance
is a 28.8K modem connection to your Internet Service Provider.

When you become disconnected from an Unreal server, you are placed
in a small holding level (which looks like a jail cell). From
there, you can use the menus to reconnect or join a new server.

Known network play issues:

* When a new player enters a network game, clients may experience a
  1/4-second pause while the mesh, skin, and other data is loaded for
  that player. This is by design.

* Unreal Internet play performance is highly dependent on the
  bandwidth of your connection, the latency (ping time), and
  the packet loss.  The game is designed to be playable up to
  300 msec ping times, 5% packet loss, and 28.8K connection speeds.
  Performance degrades heavily under worse latency, packet loss,
  and bandwidth connections.

* When switching between levels in a deathmatch game with a frag
  limit or time limit, or in a coop game at the end of a level,
  players are temporarily moved into the holding level (a small
  level that looks like a jail cell) for 5-10 seconds while the
  server switches levels and informs the clients of the level

* Coop savegames are not supported. Instead, the player who
  starts the coop game can specify the starting level.

Control issues

Known control issues:

* Some PC keyboards can't recognize certain combinations of 3 or more
  simultaneously pressed keys.

                          Advanced Options

In Unreal, go into the "Options" menu then select "Advanced Options"
to bring up the menu of advanced options.  Some of the more useful
options you can customize are:


AmbientFactor: Scaled ambient sound effects relative to
regular sound effects. Can be 0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0.6.

EffectsChannels: Number of simultaneously playing sound effects.
Defaults to 16. Use a lower number to increase performance, at
the expense of sound detail.

LowSoundQuality: Increases performance and reduces memory usage,
by substituting lower-quality versions of sounds.

OutputRate: The sound playback rate.  The higher the number,
the better the sound quality and the slower the performance.
11025Hz is medium quality, 44100 is CD-quality.

Use3dHardware: Enables support for Aureal A3D sound cards.

UseDirectSound: Enables DirectSound support.

UseReverb: Enables and disables echos and reverb.

UseSurround: Enables Dolby SurroundSound(tm) support. Requires that
your computer is hooked up to a Dolby SurroundSound(tm) receiver.
Works with all sound cards.


CaptureMouse: When enabled, causes Unreal to hide the mouse cursor
when you are playing within a window.

CurvedSurfaces: Enables smoothing of monster meshes.

LowDetailTextures: Increases performance and reduces memory usage
by substituting lower quality textures.  Great for low-memory

NoLighting: Turns off all lighting within the game.  Looks ugly,
but increases performance on low-end machines.

StartupFullscreen: Whether to start up with the game running in
a window, or full-screen.

UseDirectDraw: Enables DirectDraw full-screen rendering support.

UseJoystick: Enables joystick support.


GameRenderDevice: The driver for 3D rendering during gameplay.
If you install new 3D hardware, go into Advanced Options and
change this.

Game Types

For each major type of game supported by Unreal (deathmatch play,
coop play, etc), you can set these options that affect gameplay.
Very useful for internet UnrealServer ...
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