The Prisoner 15 The Girl Who Was Death.en.txt

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{3441}{3485}(Six ) 'Where am I?'
{3511}{3569}(Two ) 'In The Village.'
{3570}{3617}(Six ) 'What do you want?'
{3618}{3667}(Two ) 'Information.'
{3668}{3724}(Six ) 'Whose side are you on?'
{3725}{3775}(Two ) 'That would be telling.
{3783}{3840}'We want information...
{3987}{4034}(Six ) 'You won't get it.'
{4120}{4215}By hook or by crook...we will.
{4248}{4288}(Six ) 'Who are you?'
{4289}{4327}'Number Two.'
{4328}{4400}(Six ) 'Who is Number One?'
{4401}{4468}'You are Number Six.'
{4499}{4603}(Six ) 'I am not a number,|I am a free man!'
{4608}{4672}(Number Two laughs )
{4834}{4884}(Applause )
{8500}{8604}- Busy, Potter?|- It's our form of Siberia.
{8606}{8693}- What was the Colonel up to?|- Dr Schnipps, crazy scientist.
{8694}{8775}He's got a rocket to destroy London.
{8776}{8830}- Where?|- I don't know.
{8868}{8933}Excuse me. Ridiculous.
{9068}{9146}- Yes.|- Where do I start?
{9147}{9263}Go to Magnum record shop, booth|seven. The Chief will speak to you.
{9264}{9301}Chin up, Potter.
{9302}{9353}It was so damned unsporting.
{9354}{9437}It wasn't cricket. Keep the change.
{9858}{9912}(Loud rock music)
{10547}{10655}(Chief) 'Mission -|find and destroy Schnipp's rocket,
{10658}{10781}'but I can't help much -|the opposition is one step ahead.'
{10782}{10824}- Thanks(!)|- 'What was that?'
{10826}{10910}- Nothing.|- 'Take over from the Colonel.'
{12924}{12974}(Gasps )
{13752}{13839}- The usual, sir?|- Please, Doris.
{14190}{14230}Thank you.
{15510}{15592}- Same again, sir?|- No. One of those is quite enough.
{15778}{15837}Whisky, vodka, Drambuie.
{16002}{16072}Tia Maria, Cointreau, Grand Marnier.
{16646}{16710}Sir, you'll make yourself sick.
{16979}{17019}(Sniggers )
{18072}{18122}(Hums )
{19508}{19559}What a brave loser!
{19561}{19676}One of the many in this year's heavy|weight title, ladies and gentlemen.
{19678}{19800}Those are the sort of fights|you don't see in the big clubs.
{19827}{19952}And now, for the first time ever|in this country,
{19954}{20063}at 210lbs, the Polish giant,|Killer Karminski!
{20092}{20150}(Applause and boos )
{20197}{20350}Let's hear it for the gallant|opponent, who will go three rounds
{20352}{20472}with the Killer,|a man of mystery, in the front row,
{20475}{20533}Mr X!
{20534}{20584}(Cheers )
{20913}{21018}(Old woman's voice )|Good luck, young man.
{21408}{21457}Killer Karminski!
{21458}{21506}(Cheers and boos )
{21507}{21555}Mr X!
{21556}{21626}(Cheers )
{21627}{21693}I want a good clean fight.
{21694}{21814}No kicking, butting or gouging,|except in moderation.
{21815}{21922}May the best man win.|Back to your corners.
{21999}{22093}Seconds out, round one! (Bell)
{22177}{22309}Take it easy, me face is me fortune.|You might knock it back into shape.
{22503}{22584}- Go to the tunnel of love.|- The what?
{22586}{22640}The tunnel of love.
{22651}{22689}(Grunts )
{22851}{22900}A lady.
{22901}{22953}- Who?|- I don't know.
{22954}{23074}- Who was she?|- Didn't I tell ya? I don't know!
{23135}{23200}The tunnel of love.
{24021}{24136}(Woman's voice ) 'Hello.|Don't turn round, you're covered.
{24137}{24195}'The tunnel of love is fitting
{24196}{24302}'because I'm beginning|to love you in my way.
{24303}{24372}'I've been looking|for a worthy opponent
{24373}{24475}'and you've passed|my first tests brilliantly.
{24476}{24566}'You will be hearing from me again.|Auf Wiedersehen!'
{28618}{28751}What's your game, Sherlock? l'll|spread your nose all over your face.
{28774}{28897}I'll tear off your leg and beat you|over the head with it.
{31008}{31068}I love you madly.
{31070}{31209}'I love the way your hair curls|on the back of your neck.
{31211}{31282}'You'll make a beautiful corpse.'
{31302}{31467}I'm going to do you the honour|of letting you die...superbly.
{31468}{31503}(Revs up )
{32276}{32388}But not yet, darling.|There's more fun to come.
{34625}{34700}(Woman's voice ) 'I'm glad you came.
{34701}{34792}'This is to be our love tryst.
{34846}{34964}'You may not see my face,|but you may know my name.
{35067}{35127}'My Death.
{35432}{35530}'I'm sorry my father|couldn't be here to greet you.
{35531}{35672}'He's busy with his rocket. Besides,|he didn't wish to play gooseberry.
{35701}{35826}'You are a born survivor,|I am a born killer.
{35832}{35969}'We were made for each other, but|I fear this is where it must end.
{35972}{36044}'Your reflexes can't save you now.
{36047}{36170}'It will come suddenly,|when your luck runs out...
{36195}{36236}'with my love.
{36237}{36309}'Come, come inside, my darling.
{37007}{37151}'Is your heart pounding? Your hands|shaking? That's love, my darling.
{37155}{37278}'My father was a great man, but the|war ended before he was recognised.
{37280}{37392}'But when London lies in ruins,|he will be a god.
{37733}{37860}'Nice of you to drop in. I can see|you're having a swinging time.
{37861}{37998}'But that's not quite what I had|in mind. Perhaps this will help.
{37999}{38069}'You'll soon get the point.
{38070}{38133}'Incidentally, they're electrified.
{39059}{39125}'Nobody's ever|thought of that before.
{39137}{39247}'You're really the most|entertaining lover I've ever had.
{39248}{39340}'That was ill-mannered|and dangerous.
{39341}{39454}'I might not have been able|to warn you the floor is mined -
{39456}{39558}'small, sensitive, and quite deadly.
{39790}{39934}'Oh, I almost forgot, they will|all explode anyway in 90 seconds.
{40103}{40192}'That's the hot line,|or had you noticed?
{40329}{40450}'On from the butcher's and baker's|into the candlestick maker's,
{40451}{40548}'only he never made candles|like these.
{40549}{40656}'They have a cyanide derivative|mixed with wax.
{40657}{40752}'As the wax burns,|it gives off cyanide.
{40753}{40849}'Every candle|is breathing poison into the air.
{40976}{41106}'I do so believe in double glazing,|don't you? It keeps out the noise.
{41107}{41200}'Of course,|it does keep out the air, too.
{41201}{41321}'A word of advice: if the candles|are blown out, they explode.
{41826}{41914}'And that's only|one of the little ones!
{41973}{42141}'I warned you your luck would run|out. I'm glad it's to be this way.
{42143}{42221}'I hate quick farewells, don't you?
{42760}{42859}'Mice get Just as irrational|when they're about to die.
{43062}{43209}'Here, when a great man was dying,|they sounded the death knell.
{43214}{43292}'I think that was a charming idea.'
{43720}{43839}'All right, darling, you win.|I've Just realised something.
{43840}{43915}'I don't want to kill you -|you're the best.
{43916}{44040}'If I kill you, what would be left?|Life would be a bore.
{44041}{44177}'Why don't you Join us? We could|have a wonderful life together.
{44178}{44256}'You would be|a constant challenge to me.
{44337}{44453}'Join me in the bell tower.|What do you say, darling?
{44454}{44536}'Don't let pride stand in your way.'
{46414}{46469}(Engine splutters )
{46758}{46812}Bye, bye, lover.
{46909}{46959}(Death knell)
{53020}{53070}(Hatch opens )
{53331}{53381}(Hums )
{53424}{53555}# From glen to glen|and o'er the mountain side
{53556}{53666}# The summer's gone|and all the roses...
{53668}{53777}# ..'Tis you, 'tis you|must bide and I must go
{53790}{53918}# But come ye back|when summer's in the meadow... #
{54654}{54721}Everybody's doing it now, you see.
{54796}{54864}You're quite sure you killed him?
{54865}{54925}Father, who taught me?
{54926}{55002}You're a girl after my own heart.
{55003}{55087}If only your mother could see you.
{55223}{55278}Good old Josephine.
{55279}{55351}Tell me again|about her last cavalry charge.
{55352}{55426}Not now, child. We have work to do.
{55621}{55691}Yes, all right. That's very good.
{55895}{56020}In one hour's time,|London will lie entirely in ruins.
{57201}{57320}No more Trafalgar Square -|it will be Napoleon's Square.
{57322}{57413}Nelson's Column|will be Napoleon's Column.
{57415}{57527}Then my little girl here|will take over Bond Street.
{57570}{57664}And you, merry lads, can have...
{57720}{57775}Chelsea Barracks.
{57838}{57961}Ungrateful swine... And then we will|be taking over the entire regions.
{57962}{58038}- The Scottish Marshal here?|- Present.
{58069}{58155}- Are you keen on soccer?|- Aye, sir.
{58156}{58253}- Like Wembley Stadium?|- Aye, I would.
{58254}{58311}It's yours. Welsh Marshal...
{58316}{58412}What a great day|for the Nationalists.
{58413}{58463}Thank you, Jones. Irish?
{58464}{58531}He's gone to the armoury.
{58532}{58612}Blast! What does he do down there?
{60420}{60487}The countdown has now started.
{60651}{60723}Yes, of course. Thank you.
{60724}{60839}As I was saying,|the countdown has already started.
{60843}{60988}In a few minutes, we transfer|to the speedboat for the final phase.
{60989}{61140}O'Rourke will... Where is Marshal|O'Rourke? Find him at once.
{61141}{61215}All of you!
{61482}{61578}Oh... It's Waterloo all over again.
{61602}{61674}(Man ) He must've come through here.
{61792}{61865}- Is O'Rourke anywhere?|- (Irish accent) No.
{61866}{61927}- He must've come through here.|- I haven't seen him.
{61928}{61987}What's going on here?
{62101}{62159}Excuse me a minute.
{62770}{62832}Take your firing positions.
{63269}{63342}This one won't backfire, darling.
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